Life On The Warped Tour

Take your medicine Gee! and them we watch FOAMY

Dear Zestubou Billy,

We got went back to the van and Gee went to his bunk and was starting to doze.

"Gee," I whisper as I shake him awake.

"Huh...wha--?" He says slowly wakiing up.

"You need to take your medicine."


I give him 2 white pills.

"I can't, I'm clean and sober...I can't do this.." He protests

"Gee, do you want your arm to heal or not, so for me and Kit, please take you meds," I tell him.

He looked at my iPod.

"What are you watching?" He asks me.

"Foamy- Neuroticly Yours," I tell him.

"You want to watch?"

"Sure," He replies.

We watched Amityville Toaster.

" Look what I got! Its a toaster from that haunted house in Amityville. Amityville!

"You bought a haunted toaser?!"

"Watch this is cool."

"You put white bread in and...PRESTO!!"

"Wheat toast?! How did you end up with wheat toast?"

"Nobody knows, whats cooler is you put in wheat bred you get pumpernickel, and when you put in pumpernickel you get a blueberry muffin!!"


Gerard watched as Foamy put in the bread and then the muffins came ouit.

"Freaky.." He comments

The Amityville toaster endend with this funny little poem:

The Amityville Toaster. Makes breakfast spooky...spooky haunted toaster. Spooky creepy toast! Yum, Yum, Yum, human hand!"

"That was freaky and stupid." Gerard says.

"I know, but thats' what makes it so much fun!" I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a cold today and i didn't come to school. so sorry if its short.

This message has been brought to you by the foamian cult campaingn to keep annoying Motherfuckers in the house...Stay inside!!