Life On The Warped Tour

Skittles and Coffee! The diary of Dragon

Dear What the hell ever you are!,

Okay Ray and I are Officially a couple. A couple of horny gay guys! But nobody wants to here about that. So Kitten's friends work for the band now so they have been spending a lot of time with each other. Kitten has also become extremely close to Gerard but thats cool as long as she is still a virgin I don't care too much. Tohru has as everyone knows gotten really close to Bob. Ninja is going with Frank and Emmy has for some odd reason not been seen too much by anyone except Brian who sees her all the time. Haru keeps flirting with Mikey and well yeah everyone has a boyfriend. Okay so anyway, Oh! Look the girls are getting hyper lets go snoop shall we? They are chowing down on skittles and drinking coffee.

"Hi Dragon!" Kitten says eyes bugging out of her head.

"Dragon whats up dude?" Frank asks just as hyper

"Want some sugar??" Karinne and Isa ask me eyes nearly popping out of their skulls.

"Sure." I say, I always had a soft spot for sugar.

They hand me a bag of skittles and a cup of warm coffee. I slam down the coffee and scarf down the skittles and instantly feel the sugar rush. I feel like running around the bus until a hole is worn into the floor like on the old cartoons.

"Anybody want to go swimming?" Bob comes in to ask.

"How? there are no pools around here," Gerard asks.

"No but there is a pond right outside that we can wash up in at least we will be somewhat clean. We will smell better anyway." He says

"Kay," we all say. And go to grab our swimsuits.

We take a running leap into the pond, my sisters and I, we are all to used to swimming in big ponds like this. Back in Ireland we used to do it all the time before Mom and Dad died.
The rest of the band and crew all timidly step in and yelp at the cold water.

"Just take a dive and it won't be so cold!" Kitten tells Gerard.

"Only If you do it too!" Gerard says smiling at her wickedly.

They both go under and come back up with Kitten clinging to Gerard's pale skin covered frame. Ninja does nearly the same thing to Frank only he is the one clinging to her because he still finds the water freezing. Ray swims up to me and grabs me from behind. I jump out of the water startled because I didn't see him. He chuckles and wraps his muscled arms around my middle. Bob brings in the shampoo and soap so we can wash and Kitten Brings some razors for the girls so they can shave their legs. We wash quickly because no matter how used to the water you get you can still catch hypothermia from being too cold for too long. We all get back on to the bus feeling a little better and smelling a lot better. Mikey walks up to Haru and says,

"I've been meaning to do this for a wile now." And kisses her full on the mouth.

"Wow! That was....... really nice" she says in a voice that sound really cheesy.

Well thats all I got for now because now Ray is coming over and I have an appointment with the Torosarus. If you catch my drift.
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Hey Konichiwa! Tori here once again my pervy thoughts on this page from an Osakan mind love to all my homies!!!!!!!!!