Life On The Warped Tour

Bert from the Used and a Pussy Kat too!

Dear Blood soaked pages,

"We are heading to Ft. Wane Indiana for a show there with the Used," Gerard says to me "I can't Waite to see Bert again and the rest of the guys from the Used!" His eyes sparkling.

"Didn't you go out with Bert?" I ask frightened that I was going to loose my Gee.

"Well, yeah but we aren't anymore I love you Kitten Anderson!" Gerard says hugging me and making the fear go away.

"Okay okay just take your medicine for that arm already!" I say struggling to get out of the headlock I had somehow found myself in.

He takes his medicine for me willingly because he knows I'll get Bob to force him if he doesn't do as I say. We enter Indiana and find the coliseum that we are supposed to play at. There is an enormous tour bus parked in the back already. Gerard prances out the door I follow him to see where he is going. I find him talking to a man in ratty pants with a scraggly beard and hair with an,Eew, a pink thong protruding from under his pants. I walk up to him acting like the sight of the man he is talking to doesn't scare the shit! out of me and grab his hand. Dragon, Ninja, Haru, Tohru, and Emmy Wow! I forgot Emmy was even here! walk up to stand beside me.

"Hey Gee hun who are these kids?" Bert asks confused.

"We aren't kids all of us here are twenty and older!" Ninja yells

"Bert this is my girlfriend Alecia Kitten Anderson," Gerard says.

"This is my lover Sai Ninja Nihawa" Frank says grabbing Ninja's hand and pulling her into a deep kiss.

" This is my girl Alanna Tohru Anderson," Bob says arm around Tohru's small waist

"This is my future wife Crystle Haru Breese," Mikey says, offering Haru a diamond ring! "If she'll have me," He adds

"Of course Mikey!" Haru says tears filling her large white eyes.

"Well that lost the train of thought but Go Mikey!" Gerard yells.

"Anywho, This is my lovely Emmy love," Brian says holding her tight.

"And This is Alex Dragon Anderson! The only man for me!" Ray exclaims.

"Okay okay I get it Gee, Your taken!" Bert says hands in the air in defeat.

^Time Laps eight o'clock P.M.^

"Mew mew" I hear from the door.

I open it and I see a small black kitten on the step. I pick it up and it starts to purr. Gerard comes over to see what I have in my arms.

"Look Gee! A baby kitten!" I squeal.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Gerard says melting at the kitten's big green stare.

"Can we keep him?" I ask

"Yeah why not but what are we going to call him?" Gerard asks.

"Well look at that little triangle spot on his chest it makes him look like he is wearing Jack Skellington's pinstriped suit so why not call him Jack?" I say.

"Frank will like that." Gee comments "Okay Jack it is." He says tickling Jack's belly.
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okay well yeah spontaneous and not thought out at all! but hey I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! Right now I am just glad to be semi conscious seeing as I took some sleep aids like a half hour ago and they just started to kick in and make me sweepy so nighty night