Life On The Warped Tour

Chuck E Cheese's!!

'Gee," I ask him. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Penis butter and jelly!" He screams.

"How about Chuck E Cheese's?" I ask him.

"OH YES!!" He squeals. God, he sounds like he is drunk! But he is completely sober, I think....

We arrive at Chuck E Cheese's

"Look! Slide! And, and Mousie!" Gerard shouts.

Wow, that's the last time I go on a plane with Gee.

The DJ starts playing an all to famillier tune.

"Stand, up fucking tall,
Don't let them see your back.
Take, my fucking hand,
and never be afriad again....."

We all get up on the tables and dance. Gee starts to calm down, but is still a little out if it.

We order a large cheese pizza and Gerard is eyeing it like a complete pile of shit.

"What's wrong Gee?" Kitten asks him. "Aren't you hungry?"

The drug is wearing off and Gee looks like he is about to vomit.

"Gee," I ask him. "Are you ok?"

He turns his head to look at me. His face is pale. God, that sedecive must have made him feel sick.

Meanwhile Frank is ripping out a slice of pizza and is ready to eat it.

"My tummy hurts," He complains.

"Oi, Gee, are you going to eat anything or not?" Frank asks him, as he was waving his hand in Gee's face.

Gerard walks off and heads for the men's restroom. Frank follows.

I turn to Kitten.

"Do you think he's sick again?" I ask her.

"Nah, it's probably just the sedacive." She reassures me.

Gerard comes out five minutes later. He wipes his mouth shakily. I guess he really was sick.

Suddenly Gee screams loudly.

"Holy shit! Where the hell did you come from!?"

"I guess he found the mouse guy." I snicker to Kitten.

Suddenly everything comes back to him.

"Hey, where are we?"


"And how did we get there?"

"We flew."

"And did anything happen?"

" said some really wierd stuff."


"I hate Manwich, We're flying!"


"And many other things...."


Kitten walks over.

"It's ok babe," She says as she kisses him.

Gee amd all of us go back to the hotel and Gerard is huddled up with Frankie (how cute)

He is shivering.

Gee is clinging on to Frankie.

He pushes away from Frankie, and he throws up.

Poor guy.....

I walk over. He is still puking.

"Gee?" I put a hand on his shoulder.

He starts making a hacking sound and something hits the floor. I look over his shoulder.

"What the fu--?"

"What the fuck?! A wad of mucus and blood!?" I gasp.

Gerard starts gasping for air, he is crying too. I've never seen him cry before, so this must be bad.

Frank runs over.

"Whats that?" He points at the ground.

"A wad of blood and mucus." I tell him.

Gerard is still crying and gasping for air. Brian walks over.


No response.

"Gee?" he says louder.


Gerard turns to Brian.

Brian looks at him. His face looks like the white tile in the hospital bathroom, his eyes are red and puffy, and he is sweating profusely, he definately has a fever. I think this is a reaction to the sedacive. Not good at all....

We (meaning Brian, me and Frankie) carry Gee to the couch and give him the trash can. He starts hacking again. More blood and mucus spatter in the trash can. He closes his eyes an goes to sleep and is twitching like Pill-z from Neuroticly Yours.

I run a hand down his face.

Why is this happening to Gee....why...?

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sorrry crissy, I couldn't resist! And thanks for all the comments!!
Evee, your gonna shoot me when you read what i editied! -Lis4L-