Life On The Warped Tour

mental breakdown

Gee wakes up and heads to the bathroom and pukes.]

[Enter Me]

God, this is starting to sound like a play scirpt!

"Gee?" I ask him.

"Are you Ok?"

"NO!" He snaps.

He throws up for like the 3rd time and starts to cry.

He is sobbing and his frail body is shaking.

I hold him until he calms down.

but he doesnt....

Gee is sobbing uncontrollaby

Frankie walks in. He runs over


he cries harder.

"Gee, whats wrong?"

he buries himslef in my hoodie. He is still sobbing uncontrollaby.

When he DOES calm down he is asleep in my arms.

Poor guy...

Frankie and myslf lift him off of hte floor and carry him to his bunk...

What's wrong Gee...

I wish he would tell me, he looks so torn inside...
♠ ♠ ♠
*is wathing marilyn manson* Gotta go sorry if its short!

GOD that was depressing!

love ot all my peeps!