Life On The Warped Tour

What Goes on In a Gerard Way's Head?

"Where am I? This looks like the set of Helena but, what am I doing here? We aren't shooting today are we?" He thought to himself

Gerard took a look around to find out what was going on. He saw all the crew sitting in a pew inside the church. He moved to sit down next to Kitten when all the sudden she took a razor out of her purse and slit her own throat with it. She lay there bleeding as everybody was laughing.

"Why are you laughing!? She is dieing! What is wrong with You!?" He screamed

"Oh, calm down Gee she is fine!" Dream Dragon said carelessly.

"No she is not Okay!" Gerard said panicked because Kitten was bleeding really hard.

" Don't worry baby I'm fine," Kitten said getting back up the slit on her throat still there and bleeding.

"Kitten your still bleeding keep your hands on your throat we need to get you to a hospital!" He said becoming more and more panicked.

"Don't worry your pretty little self about me!" Kitten said.

Just then a body fell from the rafters of the church roof hooked around the neck by a rope. The body of Mikey was all that Gerard could see. Gerard started looking around scared to death to see the bodies of his other band-mates. Ray pinned to the wall by daggers, Bob stabbed to death with his own drum sticks, Frank with his wrists slit by a shard of glass that he was holding in his hand. Kitten got up and walked over to Gerard and hugged him.

"Gerard,baby whats wrong?" She asked. "Gerard? Gerard? Gerard? Gerard?"

"No! No! No! No! Stop killing them!" Gerard screamed thrashing around in his bunk.

"Gerard! Wake up!" Kitten screamed.

"Wh--? What happened?" Gerard asked groggy.

"You were having a nightmare! What is the matter? What on Earth did you dream about!?" Kitten asked with big round eyes filled with worry.

"I dreamed you slit your own throat! And the band was all dead! Oh God! I'm going to--Urrgh!" Gerard moaned as the contents of his stomach splattered on the floor along with blood and mucus.

"Gerard I think you have an ulcer!" Kitten said finlay figuring out why he was vomiting blood.

"What the hell is that!" Gerard asked freaking out.

"It's a hole that gets worn in your stomach when the acid gets fired up because of stress!" She explained.

"Oh so what do I do about it?" Gerard asked.

"Go to the doctor they will give you medicine," Kitten said kissing him everywhere she could to calm him down. " And as for me slitting my throat don't freak out about that! I like being me!"
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See Karinne I vent! only I took it out on Gee this time just because I had a bad day!!!!!!! I saw bad things this evening!!!!!!!!!!