Life On The Warped Tour

One Awesome Surprise!

"Damn it! We left Indiana two days ago! and we are heading for a secret location that nobody will bother to tell me about!"

"Gee are you okay?" Kit asks walking over with my meds for the day.

"No! I'm getting pissed!" I say grumpily.

"Well take your meds and meet me in the back room okay?" she says smiling.

I take my meds and feel the relief they give me from the pain in my head and the stinging of my arm. I heave myself off the couch and into the hall that leads to the very back of the bus. I see Frank in the bunk room with arms around his shoulders. I thought he was making out with my Kitty Cat! I took a quick look inside to find out it was Ninja he was making out with. Damn! Okay so anyway on to the back room! I open the creaking door, there isn't anyone here! What the fuck this is bullshit! It's just one of Kit's damn tricks! I thump myself down on the couch and try to vent my anger at being tricked. When the door closes and behind it is my wonderful Kitty cat! She looks at me with love. God I had no idea how much I needed to be looked at like that! She sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. I can feel myself getting a problem right between my legs. I wrap my arms around her and hold her closer to me.

"Wanna stay with me tonight?" I ask. She has been staying in my bunk off and on since the first time.

"Sure," She says simply and kisses me.

She is being very passionate with her kiss. I don't know what is going on, but what ever. I break our kiss. She looks at me and asks why.

"What is up?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

" Where are we going?" I ask.

"You mean where are we. We go there just as you got back here." She said looking scared.

"Where are we then!" I ask.

"Paramour Manor," She says tears filling her eyes.

"What!?" I shreek.

"Frank said we needed to find out why you keep having these awful dreams and that Paramour Manor is where they started," She says with nothing but concern in her voice. I can't stay mad at her. " I'll be with you the whole time!" She says trying to reassure me.

"Fine but you are staying in the same room as me!" I say making it sound final

"Okay," She says kissing me again.
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Yeah I know I wrote out all the characters but kit but hey i had to! This chapter was written by the one and only........... The amazing........ The fantastic..........The totally Sexy............Elli!!!!!!!!!!