Life On The Warped Tour

And the bloodstains on the carpet

I am laying here with pervy thoughts going through my mind.

Fuck. I think I'm going.....Wooooaaaahhhhh, stop right there Gee!!

I walk into an unknown room.

It's freezing. I sit on the floor and a black kitten comes over.


I see it. It's too fucking cute. How can I not resist to pet it. I reach out my hand and....SNAP! The kitten digs its little teeth into my hand. I get it off the whole room is dark. I feel a sharp pain in my hand, then look at my jeans. Blood. My blood. It bit pretty hard for a little kitty. I stand up and make my way out of the room, ya know the one with the evil black kitty. Don't get me wrong I love cats. But they always fucking bite me. What the fuck have I done to them!? All I want is for a nice kitty to let me pet them witout getting my hand ripped off. God, what do I have to do to earn that damn cat's respect?

I walk into the room where Kit is.

She notices me holding my hand.

"Gee, what happened? have you been cutting yourself?"

"N...No!" I gasp.

She taks my bleeding hand and examines it.

"What happened?"

", one fucking cat!" I gasp. This cut is really starting to hurt.

She looks for a bandage and wraps it around my hand.

It's still bleeding. She wipes it off and puts a new bandage around my hand.

"Kit, I my hand feels numb."

She takes anthor look at it.

God, Gee, why in the fuck does this happen to me?!

"Gee, hunny, I don't know why its numb."

I feel tears starting to form and my vision swims.

I kneel like L from the ever so awesome DEATH NOTE I look at the ground.
No Gee, no, no,, this cannot be happening, this cannot be happening! The whole room is so fucking blurry. Why the hell won't it stop?

Ninja walks in.

"Gee?" She kneels down beside me. "What's up?"

"C-C-Can...y-y-you g-get...B-B-Brian?" I ask as hot wet tears are falling down my face.

"Sure Gee," She says.

Brian walks in.

"Gerard, what's wrong?"

"This bit me.." I choke out.

"What cat?"

"This black furball of evil I ran into!"

Brian looks at me as if I was going insane.

He looks at my cut.

There is wierd yellow stuff coming out and dried blood is forming around it. I gag a few times when I look at it. Brian cleaned up my hand. I look at my open wound, bile is rising up my throat. I try to keep it down but as soon as Brian puts a new bandage back on I puke.

Kit turns my head away from the cut.

"It's that bad huh?"

I nod weakly.

She lifts me up by my armpits and helps me walk to my room. She lays down beside me and waits until I am asleep. She then falls asleep beside me and strokes my hair.

"Gee hun, you need a hair cut." She laughs.

"Shut up..." I snap.

I drift off to sleep with my beautiful Kitty Cat.

Ninja, Kit, You two are fucking amazing. I don't know what I would do without you two....

I open my eyes. Oh god, morning already!? I look at my hand. The bandage is still in place.I sit up and Kit smiles at me, she's already up and moving.

"Morning hum,"

"Hey Kit," I say groggily.

"Cut still hurt?"

I nod like a 3 year old.

Frank and eveyone else walks in.

"Hi Gee," They all say.

"How's your hand?" Frank asks.

"Its OK, stupid cat!" I mumble.

We all have french toast and syrup for breakfast and we all get ready for today.

Let's see whats up first. Oh, we're going lazer tagging.

Kit you are soo dead! And Ninja, what ever you do, DO NOT wear your glow in the dark skeleton hoodie, unless you're bent on losing!
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh and I based the part where Gee is talking ahbout how he loves cats, but they just fucking hate him is in Azumanga Daioh. Do a damn google search (FOAMY!) Sakaki loves cats, they hate her...