Life On The Warped Tour

I'm gonna kill all your friends

Well Its Friday and for some odd reason I am unnaturally alone! Kit and Ninja are having some girl party with facials and nail thingies. So here I am, I wonder what they are doing. Probably having a pillow fight in their under where, I better check that out! I run to Ninjas room, Kitten is staying in my room so duh! of course they are in here. I here laughter and, Frank is lurking out by the door.

"What are they doing?" I whisper.

"They are talking about us, shush!" He says putting his finger to his lips.

"So are you serious about Gerard?" I here Ninja asking Kit.

"Of course! I love him!" Kit says, my heart skips. "What about you and Frankie?" She asks Ninja.

"Well yeah I really love him allot," Ninja responds, I see Frank punch the air in victory. Oh shit the air made the door move!

"Who's out there?" I here Kit get up and move toward the door. She opens it and in we fall. I look up at her expecting her to be mad at me but she is laughing at us! Ninja is to! Kit crouches down to help me up as Ninja is getting Frank up too. "Can we help you?" Kit asks.

"Umm, We were just wondering what you girls were up to," I say casually.

"Oh well you know girly stuff manicures and pedicures and facials," Ninja says.

"Ninja is going to trim my hair a bit too, " Kit says smiling.

"How short?" I ask. I like Kits hair that length.

"Oh just enough to get rid of the split ends," She says.

"Oh well, uhh, we should go," I say awkwardly.

"Oh no you don't" Kit says pulling me back in.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't you want a trim?" She asks.

"Hell no!" I say outraged that she wanted me to part with my hair.

"Okay okay! Gosh!" She says sounding like Napoleon Dynamite

We leave the girls to their girly stuff. I head back to my room, I am still tired from lazer tag today, I still say I beat Kit!. I drift into a sound sleep.

How did I get in the hallway? Oh well. I walk down the hall looking for Kit and Ninja to see if they were pillow fighting yet, ( I think I need to not hang around Dragon so much!) Hey I hear them laughing and footsteps running down the hall. mabey they are playing tag! I wanna play! I wanna play all night long! (Dirty!) I see them coming up followed by......... Hey thats me!! What am I doing already here? Hey this sounds familiar.

"Hey wait a minute!" I hear my voice coming out of the other me. The girls walk over to him and ask what was wrong. "I need to catch my breath," He says. The girls stand and wait for him to straighten up again. He stands upright and grabs the girls hands. " I love you guys you know that?" Then he turns his head to me and says "I'm gonna kill all your friends," throwing them down the stairs.

"Noooo! Kit! Ninja! No no no no no" I scream.

"Gerard, Gerard, Gerard!" Somebody is screaming at me. Its Frank.

"Huh?" I ask waking up.

"Gee Ninja and Kit fell down the stairs!" Frank said turning and running out again. What! Its like the last time! It came true! I get up and run down the stairs to find Kit on the floor and Ninja in Frank's arms.

"I'll get you in a...... Oh never mind Gee, can you get Kit?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure," I say walking down and picking up Kitten. "What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know we were playing tag running down the hall and all the sudden it felt like hands, Your hands grabbing mine and throwing me down the stairs, Ninja tried to catch me but she lost her balance and fell too," She said looking at me with confusion in her eyes. I take her up and put her in my bed and ask where it hurts.

"My left ankle," She says.

I pick up her leg and take a look, "Does it hurt when I do this?" I ask tapping her ankle.

"No," She says.

"How about this?" I ask wrapping my fingers around her ankle.

"Owww!!" She cries tears are starting to form in her blue eyes.

"Sorry, I think it's just a sprain but you'll have to stay off your feet for a couple days," I say.

"Awww man don't you guys have a concert tomorrow?" She wines.

"Yeah so?" I say smiling at her.

"I wanna go!" She wines more.

"I'll think of something for you and Ninja," I say. "Speaking of which I'm gonna go check on her I'll be back in a minute," I say. She nods. I make my way to Ninja's room. "How is she?" I ask Frank.

"She has a sprained arm I think," He says "How is Kit?"

"She has a sprained ankle," I say "At least its nothing serious," I say, he nods agreeing with me.

"I'm gonna take care of Ninja, why don't you take care of Kitten? Then we can get a little closer to them," Frank suggests.

"Sounds good to me!" I say smiling. I walk back to Kit.

"How is Nin?" Is the first thing she asks when I walk in.

"She has a sprained arm but she'll be okay, How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Fine," She says smiling. I walk over to sit on the bed with her. I lean in and kiss her, hard.

"What was that for?" She says giggling.

"For being mine."
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1 KARINNE IT'S MONDAY AND STILL NO UPDATE!!!!!! am getting board re-reading the whole story!!!
2 I am tired so yeah sorry if its short!
4 I am again holding this story hostage untill Karinne updates! and I get comments!