Life On The Warped Tour

Three guesses for two bachelors

It's really bright and I here singing, Oh no I'm Dead! Waite thats Kit's voice. What is she singing it sounds familiar but I can't quite......wait here she comes I can hear it better, She's singing Helena! but it's different, She is singing it like it was a choir song and in a higher voice, It's really pretty! I sit up and look at her. She turns around and looks surprised and embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" I ask "Why did you stop singing?"

"Well I was just a little surprised I didn't think anyone heard me," She says blushing "I don't sing all that great," She says totally killing me.

"Why are you so down on yourself? Your singing was great! Different yeah, but amazing!" I say trying to figure out why she said what she did.

"Thanks Gee, It's such a lie but thanks anyway," She says telling me the subject was closed even though I would have argued with her all day. " Guess what! We are going to the mall, wanna come with us?" She asks changing the subject with expert ease.

"Sure," I say getting up and grabbing her around the middle trying to pull her on the bed with me but, no go she stands there like a rock.

"No way! I just got a shower and my hair finely fixed the way I want it no messing it up now!" She says. " Now go get a shower you smell like and old shoe!" She adds shooing me into the bathroom.

I get a shower, It kinda makes you feel like a human after taking a hot shower. I sope up from head to toe and rinse off the bubbles. I hear the door open and close. I see head of black hair and a black outfit walking around the bathroom. I open the door a small crack to see Kit looking around for something. She pulls out a small black case from the medicine cabinet. She takes out a small bottle of white liquid and a needle. I feel my eyes get huge. She gets some of the liquid into the needle and takes it out of the white bottle. My eyes have got to be the same size as dinner plates (A/N yes dinner not supper plates). She lifts her sleeve up to expose her pale skinned arm and shoves the needle right into the crook of her arm!

"What the hell Kit!!!???" I yell

"Um it's insulin for diabetics" She says looking at me eyes wandering lower and lower , then her eyes too become as round as dinner plates.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh nothing," She says and walks out of the bathroom.

I get my cloths on and get out of the bathroom. Kit is waiting for me.

"Are you sick or something?" I ask scared for her.

"Well sorta I have Diabetes, Dragon and Tohru do as well," She says

"Oh, whats that?" He asks

"It's where your body doesn't make enough insulin so you just have to take some in the form of a pill or shot," She answers

"Why don't you take the pill?" I ask

"Well I would but I ran out so I need to go to the drug store today," She says grabbing my hands "Come on! Everybody is waiting on us!"

We all go to the mall. Ninja drags us to a manga store to pick up some Naruto stuff and then to Spencer's so we can get some cool cloths and stuff. Frank takes us to the candy store God does he eat anything besides skittles? I wanted to go to Hot Topic and see what movies they had there lets see Foamy, Death Note, Blood Plus, Wow! They have some pretty cool stuff here! I buy a Foamy DVD and the new Used CD. Kit takes us to a place only the brave men go, Victoria's Secret , She takes me to the Panties section and looks for a new pair, she asks what I think on a pair of skimpy black ones that say spank me on the butt end, I blush bright pink as she starts to laugh, she buys them and asks me to carry her bag. I didn't want to at first but her puppy-dog eyes made me change my mind. They all go off to ride the carousel. I don't like that sort of thing so wile they are doing that I run to Kay jewelers to look at rings. I see the one I want to buy, I ask the clerk to get me a size five in that, She pulls it out of the counter and luckily for me its a size five I pay the two hundred eighty dollars and stuff it into my Hot Topic bag, Three guesses on who I bought it for, They all come back giggling as I cover my tracks and make it look like I stepped out of the Barn's and Nobel. Frank gives me a look that says 'Did you get it?' I nod and he says,

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick,"

"Okay Frankie," Ninja says "We are going to be at the McVans game shop down there when your done,"

We walk off and look at games wile Frank is taking care of his 'business' We had been talking about it last night. We were both buying rings today, Three guesses why. He caught up to us as we were exiting the store Ninja had bought a new Naruto game and Kit had gotten a Kingdom Hearts II. We wandered around the mall the rest of the day.

^later that night^
I look at the ring I bought It's gold with two small diamonds on the left and right sides and one larger one in the middle with pink and black stones in the corners. Frank showed me the one he got it was one large diamond in the center and then the wedding ring would join that to give three diamonds in a row. The wedding ring I planned to give was small and also joined but just adding diamond specks to the outer rim, Three guesses on who we were going to ask to marry us tomorrow,
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Hey yall guess what!!!!! We don't have writer's block anymore its writers Pyramid he he you can stab people with a pyramid better than a dumb block!!!!!! RINNI THIS IS NOT REPEAT NOTT THE END WE STILL HAVE TO TELL WHAT HAPPENS TO GEE THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT TODAY REPEAT THIS IS NOT THE END!!!!!!!!!