Life On The Warped Tour

The Passion of the Toro

Okay, Dear uhhh whatever you are.
I am sitting on a tour bus watching my little sister get cuddled by Gerard Way, Peachy, Why don't I get hugged by anyone!? But on the other hand Tohru isn't getting cuddled by anyone 'Yay!' and the view is really cool like a whole butt load of fire flies.

^Time Laps^
Okay we've been in New York for almost six hours and so far all anyone can do is oggle the band (Not that I'm not doing the same Ray is dead sexy!) but come on! What the heck!? We live on the other side of the country and we don't even go out sightseeing??? Kitten is walking over maybe now we will go out and see the city.

" Dragon we are all going to go see the city are you coming?" She asks.

"You bet your sweet little whiskers I am!" I say getting up "Oh and don't think I didn't see you and Gerard last night." I add slyly.
Kitten starts to blush she obviously thought nobody saw her huggling the man. Then the fireworks start.

"That is none of your business Dragon!!" She answered angrily, Mom always said she had gotten the same temper as me but she didn't know where it came from. I sit and smile at her as she turns redder.

"Just you stay out of it!!" Kitten says getting madder by the minute.

"Alright," I say just to pacify her and get her to smile again I hate it when she is mad she gets unbearable.
Just then Ray walks out of the changing room He doesn't have a shirt on! Oh my god he has a six pack ! Heh heh, he is well built!"

"Hey Dragon It's Your turn in the room!" He calls to me.

"Kay!" I call back hopping up to get changed out of my pajamas . Gerard is making his way over to Kittin again. I stop to look at what they are doing. Just talking fine. I go and change I put on a pair of black ass jeans and a blood red t-shirt that says "Dance Helena Dance!" and walk out. There at it again! Kittin is getting a nice shoulder rub from Gerard and Now Tohru is reaping the the rewards of being on tour with My Chem. She is sitting on Bob's lap as he tickles her on the tummy and she giggles. What the fuck even Ninja is with a member!? She is sitting with Frank who has his arm around her shoulders and she has her legs proped up on his lap! The only ones left are me Haru and OH MAN NARI TOO! She is nowhere to be found and Mikey is listening to the bunk room door where he says Nari and Brian just went into when I went to get changed. I go and listen too. Nothing but the sound of ......... Heavy breathing! Oh Man What is going on in there!? Just then I feel arms around my waist. I look around expecting to see Kittin or Tohru but o my joy and delight it was Ray! He looks at me with big eyes and says

"Come on leave them alone," and then drags me back to the couch by my hand and sits down and pulls me onto his lap. And Now I don't give a crap about what the others are doing.
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hey Konichiwa!!! Baka Sans! no for real hows it! this is Hatori or to my posse Tori the Sake Sucker! I wrote this chapter so all the pervy stuff in here came from my pervy Osaken Mind! We here at the loony bin love our readers and work really hard to make sure the men get hard and the women get really turned on!
hugs and kisses to men and women alike