Life On The Warped Tour

The Kitten Files

Dear Dinosaur from the Past of doom

Gerard got sick earlier today he had a high temp. as well so I just go to see whether he needs something. I walk into the back room and find Gee crawling on the ground toward the bathroom. I go over to help him up. It's just me here right now everyone else went to get some food from the store before we head out again. I pick him up and put his arm over my shoulder he is burning up! I take him to the bathroom and set him near the toilet just in case and then I pull his hair back into one of my hair bands to keep it out of his way. He looks at me and says,

"Thanks Kit."

"No pobs baby!" I say smiling down at him as he turns away to vomit into the toilet once again.

I get some cold water and a towel and put it on his forehead like Ninja did. He smiles at the feel of the coolness on his warm clammy face and vomits once again starting to shudder. I start thinking of what I can do to make him calm down. I know I can't give him a needle he would flip! He more than likely wouldn't take a sip of wine settle himself so I go to the fridge and get the Pepto out and tell him to take a mouth full.

"I can't," He says not wanting the medication.

" You need to! It will help you stop throwing up!" I say desperately.

He eventually agrees and takes a swig of the thick pink liquid.

"Why do you guys care so much about us?" He asks me looking up into my eyes to see if I tell the truth.

"Well we really like your music and since we like the music we like the people that make it," I say trying to put the explanation into words.

"Why do you like the music so much I mean to spend nearly one hundred dollars on tickets for you all together," He continues to plead for an answer with his eyes.

"Well I don't know about the others why they enjoy it so much but for me its comforting like a baby blanket or a doll you sleep with at night. I just makes me feel safe. You get it?" I answer.

"No," He says bluntly.

"Well I started listening to you when our parents died Tohru got me into you guys and when I heard your songs I don't know I just felt better like it was telling me It's okay to be messed up because there are five dudes out there almost as messed up as I am," I say.

"Oh," he says quietly "So you like it because it makes you feel not so alone right?" He asks.

"Yeah! that's it!" I say happy that he did understand.

I pick him up and drag him back to his bunk and lay him down and cover him up the he tells me.

"Come here," I lean closer.

"Closer," he says I lean closer.

"Closer," I lean in until I'm almost a centimeter away from his face.

I feel a hand on the back of my head I close my eyes and all the sudden I feel lips pressing against mine.

"Kitten! Were ba-What are you doing!?"

I hear Dragons voice but I don't really pay attention all I can do is give in to Gerard's kiss and hope Dragon doesn't kill him for it.

"Oh my God Kit!!" Ninja says eyes popping out of her head.

"Sis! Already !? I mean I know you said you would get a kiss but geez we've only been on tour with them for like two days!" Tohru says.

"Woo Go Kit! Go!!" Haru and Nari yell.

I do as they tell me I kiss Gerard long and deep thin and tight that's all I will allow for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feeling it? Thats called pervy feelings dear readers and Yeah Karinne I liked it too much to pass it up! I will get pervier as the story goes on in fact your going to think Tohru is a real slut but the real life Tohru is nothing of the sort just so we get this better the way early
love to all my readers O_o