Status: How far would you go for revenge?

Lone Wolf


She had a brilliant white smile, but he could see the smile was fake even from where he stood. It's a wonder why nobody else couldn't see it. She greeted everyone who came inside to what was known as the Alpha house. Marcus would make his move the second she was alone, of course who'd leave the princess alone? He knew her well enough to know she'd try anything to get a minute alone, ten seconds was all he needed. The Alpha stood next to his daughter and on her other side stood the next Alpha who would take over the pack tonight, that's what this little get together was about. Marcus glared at the former alpha, he was the whole reason Marcus stood on the outside of the perimeter of the packs property. Todd Caldwell banned Marcus from the pack, and he knew why too. He was too powerful, he would make an excellent Alpha, but Daniel West was more trustworthy. Daniel would betray his new pack in a heartbeat, anyone with brains could see that, but brains was one thing Todd lost somewhere while hunting.

When the last of the pack arrived the doors were closed and Marcus transformed into his wolf form and stealthily ran onto the grounds of the Voltrex pack and got a closer look at the house, if anyone was to come out for fresh air, the back door would be the first escape route.

"Don't look so bored Elyria." Daniel West said placing his hand on her lower back, she stiffened.

"Please do not touch me. I have at least three more hours until I am to be your mate I'd like to enjoy what little freedom I have." she said, his eyes narrowed but he did as she asked and removed his hand and nodded.

"Yes of course. I'll go get you a drink."

"Yes, thank you." Elyria said with a nod, as he walked away she glanced around the room for an escape. Her eyes landed to the back doors which led to the garden. The garden her mother and grandmother spent at least ten years building and growing, it was beautiful in the spring, but with winter approaching everything was dieing off. How she missed her mother.

So close to some comfort a hand landed on her arm. "Daughter where are you off to alone in such a hurry?" Todd Caldwell asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I just wanted some fresh air before things really got started, it's only be a few father." she said with begging eyes; Todd sighed and closed his eyes.

"I guess I can trust you to be safe, I better see you coming back through these doors in just a few then." Todd said releasing his daughter and turning his back to talk to his guest. With a sigh Elyria slid the glass door open which led onto a deck and she kicked off her heels next to the door and slid it close before she walked towards the stairs and down she went her feet hitting the cold crisp dieing grass. The air was chilly sending goose bumps down her spine and up her arms. She breathed in the cool autumn air and sighed as she breathed it out, her green eyes scanned her surroundings as she felt another presences somewhere.

"I know you're out there." she said to whoever was sneaking around.

"I suppose you do." came the reply of a very deep and husky voice which sent chills down her spine worse then the chilly air. Stepping out of darkness was a tall and very handsome male, lycan for sure. His scent seemed familiar.

"Why are you not inside with the rest?" Elyria asked taking a step back some.

"Because one look at me and you're father would seek the whole entire pack after me, now come to me princess." he said stepping closer; she gasped and before she had a chance to run strong arms snaked around her waist and chest pulling her up against the hard wall of what this man was. Just as she went to scream a hand pressed against her mouth. "Scream and I'll snap you're neck in a heart beat, and you do not need this." he said before ripping the necklace she wore around her neck, the one Daniel gave her to wear. She gasped and her eyes widened before she was spun around and he bent over some to dip his shoulder into her stomach and he picked her up his arm snaked around her thighs to hold her in place and he took off running towards a random direction away from the Alpha house. This was not the type of freedom she was seeking! But this male was much faster then any other lycan she's met, faster than Daniel the future Alpha. What did this male want with her?

Meanwhile back at the alpha house Todd looked up at the glass doors once more to see if his daughter has returned and growled when he still saw no site of her.

"Here hold this." he said to a random wolf as he handed his drink to him and he stalked towards the door, his daughter had enough fresh air for now. He slid open the door to see her heels next to the door like she always did with any pair she wore and slid the door shut behind him. "Elyria?" he called out as he made way towards the stairs, when he got no response he stepped down them and growled when he spotted her necklace laying down in the grass, he picked it up and sniffed it catching three different scents, his daughters, Daniel's, and the last person he wanted to smell. "Marcus." he growled clutching the necklace and marching up the stairs and hurried over to the glass doors to slide the one open.

"Elyria's been taken!" he yelled out making the whole pack turn towards him and gasp. "And our kidnapper happens to be Marcus Slivers, find him now!" Todd growled. The pack took action immediately
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