Everyone Has Secrets


The house next door had been empty for three years, but not anymore. A new family is moving in and the only thing that the pack and I can do is hope that they have a daughter - or a son, for Leah. We have most likely seen every girl and guy in La Push and lots in Forks but only Sam and Jared have imprinted.

I looked out my window to see a big moving truck next door. Today is the day the new neighbors more in. How awesome is that, note the sarcasm. I got dressed in my usual pants and shoes, no shirt for me, since I am a werewolf. After I ate breakfast I walked straight out the back door and into the woods, striped and phased. I then ran to Emily's to meet with the rest of the pack. We had an early patrol today because there was a vampire in the area. Stupid leeches just had to come here.

As I arrived at Em's, I heard shouting. It was Leah and Paul, which is nothing new. They are always fighting, him being the hot head and perv and her being the only girl in the pack.

"Hey guys....and girls," I said not wanting to have Leah yelling at me, she is so emotional.


"Whats up?"

"Hey, Jake."

I sat down on the couch and Embry threw me a soda as Sam gave instructions on where to run today.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the neighbors arrived today," I said, when it was almost time to leave.

"How could you forget?? One of our imprints could be there!" Seth exclaimed.

"Sorry," I said back. "Hey, Sam, since the vampire was last seen on Cullen territory and it's only one can we take shifts today instead of everyone going at once?"

"I suppose. Leah, Quil, and I will go first," He said, making me grin at Paul, Embry, and Seth.

This means we get to meet my neighbors sooner rather than later. Sam and them left out the back door while Paul, Embry, Seth, and I went out the front, phased and raced to my house. I won, so Paul wasn't the happiest guy around, but he'll get over it. We walked around to the front of my house and saw the neighbors unloading boxes from the truck, so we walked over to help.

"Hey, do you guys need any help?" Seth said to a women looking to be in her late 30s or early 40s.

"Yes, thank you, you can pick up any thing and take into the living room if you don't mind. I'm Denise and that is my daughter, Amyelia," She said pointing to a pile of boxes with legs.
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