Everyone Has Secrets

Barbie Girl

I woke up to my phone blaring Barbie Girl right by my ear. I turned off the alarm and forced myself out of my bed; I stood in the middle of my room trying to wake up I enough to figure out what I wanted to do. I decided to go and see it Riley was awake yet. I knocked on the door and when I didn't get a reply I slowly opened the door, I was surprised to see that she wasn't there. I closed the door and went to Tyler's room. When I opened the door I saw Riley laying with Tyler, who had his arm around her. Instead of waking them like I had planed I decided to let the lovers sleep so I went to take a shower.

I turned on my music, stripped and stepped into the shower. I was singing along to the music when memories from yesterday hit me, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I got out of the shower, walked to my room and got dressed with that smile still on my face. I had just finished putting on my make-up when Riley walked in.

"Sleep well?" I asked with a smirk.

She turned to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Yes," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"You can wear whatever you want," I told her gesturing to the closet.

"Thanks," Riley replied and disappeared into my closet. "So how are we getting to school?"

"Well," I turned to face her as she pulled a blue shirt over her head, "I was thinking Tyler could give you a ride and I could get one with the other guys".

I turned back to the mirror and fixed my hair, "Are you cool with that?" I asked.

"Like you even have to ask," She laughed and started doing her make-up and hair.

When we were finished went downstairs for breakfast and found Tyler eating coco puffs at the table.

"And I was half expecting that we'd find you making pancakes," I remarked as I found bowls for Riley and I .

"How cliché of you," He replied with a mouth full of cereal.

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically.

I was walking towards the table and Riley was at the pantry when I saw Tyler look at Riley and get a smirk on his face. He then stood up and walked over to her as quietly as possible, he then wrapped his arms around her, picker her up a little and kissed her on her cheek.

"Good morning," I barely heard it but I knew it was what he said.

They turned around, riley holding a cereal box and Tyler holding Riley. I averted my eyes and pretended I hadn't just been watching them. They sat down, Tyler were he had been, and Riley in between us.

"Tyler?" I asked and he tore his eyes away from Riley to look at me, "Could you give Riley a ride to school?"

"Of course," He didn't even have to think about.

It was crazy, they had just met the night before, weren't even dating yet and I already wanted what they had. Thinking about that reminded me of Jacob and he was once again the cause of my smile.
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I know, I know, its super short but I could not wait any longer to post sorry guys