Status: Complete!!

My Undead Life With Damon Salvatore

Chapter 10

Kaylee's POV:
I had just finished wiping down the counter after my experimental spaghetti somehow managed to get out of hand. There was a knock at the door that made me jump half way out of my shoes. I stopped breathing for a second and went to look out the side window. I saw the car hat was in the drive way and happily skipped to the door.
"Hey darling!" I squealed and hugged her quickly.
She sighed. "I've missed you and your happiness."
I invited her in, and grabbed one of her suit cases as well. We jogged to the top of the stairs where I led her then to the quaint little guest room.
"Well, here it is." I smiled at her, setting her bag on the green comforter. She was standing beside me, both of us staring at the bed. She quickly turned around and wrapped me in another hug.
Her body shook as a sob erupted through her. I was feeling slightly awkward. "What's wrong?" I asked her, trying to sound calm and sweet.
"Everything is so wrong. No one is happy. The vampire army is going to attack. No one is going to live!" She pulled back to wipe the tears from her eyes. I couldn't help but just stand their star struck. I could not live with Damon dying! I would be a zombie for the rest of my life. I would die alone, with birds, tons of birds. I wouldn't be able to have cats due to my allergies to them. Oh the horror!
"Alright." I took a breath. I was not going to fall to pieces right at that moment. "Here is what we are going to do." I took ahold of he shoulders which were high above me. "You going to go down stairs and get some blood. I'll make hot chocolate. Don't bother unpacking, we are going straight back." I was commanding my army.
"Kaylee, we can't just go back!" she was freaking out on me. I understood where she was coming from, but we needed a plan. I was not going to let anyone die. Except maybe Juliana. That would possibly okay.
"Shut up and do it!" I yelled at her. I dashed off to my room. I threw open the closet doors and started shoving things in the suit cases. I zipped it up and dragged the overstuffed suitcase to the front door. I grabbed something to eat.
"SARA! Let's go!" she was next to me, hold both her bag and mine. "I'm driving." she reluctantly handed me the keys. I went to the car to start it while she was putting everything that we had and put them in the back. It was crazy that within a matter of minutes we already had a change in plans.
We were driving on the highway, I was speeding, and Sara was fiddling with her thumbs, trying not to freak out to badly. We were driving in the opposite direction of home, and I knew exactly where we were. I had a plan.
A few months before, I was in Latterton, the biggest city in our state, and I happened upon some people that could help us. I knew they would have a way of helping us get out of the mess we’ve made for ourselves. They knew everything there was to know about vampires. They knew the best way to get rid of them, and what their weaknesses were. I knew that Alaric did to, but I was almost positive that having a group of people just like him would work better than nothing.
Sara’s phone started ringing. She looked at me with a panicked look on her face. “It’s Damon. What do I do?” She nervously inquired.
I was quick to reply. “Well answer it.” I exclaimed. “But I want to talk to him in a minute.” She looked down at her phone and pressed the answer button.
“Yes, we’re here.”…. “I know that.”… “I’m sure.”… “Here, tell your girlfriend.” She threw the phone at me as if it were a hot surface and she jerked back from it.
I picked it up from my lap and focused on driving and talking at the same time. Multitasking wasn’t one of my better talents. “Hello.” I was cheerful and happy, and it was all fake, I knew he knew that as well.
“Kaylee, I know you’re not okay. But here’s the plan.” I could tell he was annoyed with something. “You and Sara are going to stay there. I know that she probably told you that we were all going to die, but that’s not true.” Liar. “You just need to stay where you are. I’ll call you when everything is fine.”
I took a breath. “But what if you do die, how are you going to get ahold of me?” I was freaking out again, and I needed to stay level headed, but it was hard to do.
“If you haven’t heard from me by seven tomorrow night, then you can call us dead, alright?” I sighed. “And if we do die, I don’t want anyone singing amazing grace at my funeral. It’s to cliché.” I rolled my eyes, and tears came with them.
“Sara and I have our own plans though.” I informed him, trying to steady my voice, and wiping the tears from my face. I slowed down to make a turn and almost lost my train of thought.
“Kaylee, don’t you dare do anything stupid.” He growled from the other line.
“Shut up and listen!” I yelled. There was no reply. “I have a plan, it will work. I’m not telling you what it is, but we aren’t at the house anymore. Far away from it actually.” I was looking around outside, there wasn’t another car in sight. “Everything will be fine, I promise.” I took a breath, I could feel the anger from him, even with him being hundreds of miles away.
“If you get killed, it’s not my fault.” And he hung up. What a charmer. I handed the phone back to Sara, who I knew had heard everything.
“You should listen to him. We shouldn’t have left.” She was nervous again. Now, so was I, but I wasn’t going back. No, there would be no way in hell that I would go back.
“I will not go back.” I was quickly working into an intense anger. “He thinks that I’m going to go off and do something stupid. He thinks that I can’t do anything right, that I’ll just end up getting in trouble, and I won’t know how to get out of it. I won’t be hurt, everything will be fine.” I was shouting. “I can’t believe him! He thinks that he’s the only one that can do anything! I’m just supposed to sit back and watch him die, oh no, I will not do that. I will not be the helpless teenage girlfriend that can only get into trouble and her boyfriend gets her out. That’s not going to be me.” My hands were shaking on the steering wheel, and my vision was being blurred by my anger. I blinked once or twice and I could once again see straight.
The rest of the four hour car ride was silent. Neither one of us had spoken after my episode, it was too awkward. The part of the town that I had us in was definitely… scary to say the least. All of the buildings were condemned, and the very few that weren’t probably should have been. I pulled up to the building that I knew would contain the people that I needed.
"Show time." I whispered I Sara as we both stepped out of the car. I walked to the door and opened it, a small bell dinging.
"Hello?" I called out. The furniture inside of the pale blue office was decrepit and outdated. A persons head popped up from the other side of the worn down desk.
"I remember you!" Said the man in a high pitched voice. "You were here because you were trying to figure out whether or not it was holy to marry a vampire." He pushed up his glasses and stared at me. It was true. I was worried that it would be bad if I did, that if for some reason I died and couldn't be saved, that I hopefully wouldn't end up going to hell or something. It was something that I had never wondered about, and these were the only people I could find that could tell me. This was all providing that I was ever going to marry Damon. Which I doubted, he didn't seem like the marrying type.
I scratched the back of my head. I could feel the cod glare I was receiving from Sara. "Yeah, that was me." I stepped forward to the man, Richard. "I am in need of help. I was hoping you could assist me in that department." I smiled shyly.
He smiled, revealing crooked teeth. "I'm sure. What with?" He reminded me of a small troll. He was short and round and his features resembled what I thought one would look like.
"Have you heard of the Vanatorii de Vampiri ?" Even with my horrible pronunciation he knew what I was talking about, and his face grew wide with shock and he simply nodded. "They are after my family and friends. I need help, your people are the only ones I could think of. I understand if you can't." I gave him my most pleading look.
He cleared his throat. "No. We will help, you are the first person to ever be kind to any of us. We will gather and help you defeat them." I was relieved. They were vampire hunters, the best in the business, or so they claimed.
"Thank you!" I leaped over the counter and hugged him. "This means the world to me."
"We will be there as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow morning." I nodded. Sara thanked him, as did I, and we left; continuing back to the house. All the way back, I was rejoicing in my head about how I proved him wrong. We weren’t hurt, no one has died, and the day was going pretty well.
It was starting to get dark outside; it was nearly ten in the evening. I could see Sara starting to nod off, even as a vampire she couldn’t stay up that late. I loved her to death, but sometimes she could be kind of lame.
I was lost in my own thoughts, when I was suddenly drug out of them by red and blue flashing lights coming from ahead of me. We were close to the turn off of the safe house, and there was a distinct smell of smoke coming into the car. Sara was awake and alert as we slowed to a stop, and rolled down the window, when an officer walked up to it and spoke.
“Sorry for the delay, ladies. But there was a fire that started spreading fairly quickly. It should only be a minute.” I smiled and he walked to the car behind us. I looked at Sara who was staring at me with a stunned face and wide eyes.
“They knew. They knew you left. We are so screwed, Kaylee. SO SCREWED!” She exclaimed to me and started crying. I patted her on the back and tried to calm her down, it was working thankfully. I rolled up the window so it wouldn’t smell so much like smoke, and I was fairly certain that people were able to hear her sobs from outside of the vehicle.
I sighed and looked ahead, the car in front of me started moving, and so I went with it. “It’s going to be fine. Everything is going to be alright. We will get through this alive, and before the summer ends.” I smiled, thinking about the future. “We will go back to school and have a wonderful senior year, you’ll be valedictorian, and I’ll sit there and watch you make a kickass speech about how great your school years were.” She smiled at the thought, my persuasive words were making her happy! I was a genius! “We’ll throw our caps in the air, and we’ll go off to college. Our lives will be perfect!” She started laughing hysterically.
She then started crying. “I love you, Kaylee. You always know how to make me feel better.” She was wiping the tears from her eyes when her phone buzzed. She grabbed it and handed it to me.
I answered it without a second thought. “They burnt the house. Tell me you weren’t there.” He was slightly irritated. Of course he did, he always was.
“No, but we just drove by it. Everything is fine. We’ll be there in a few hours. Okay?” he didn’t answer, instead, he sighed. “At least we aren’t dead.” I hung up on him.
The rest of the ride was fast paced, considering it drove twice the speed that was noted, and I was high on adrenaline. I was excited to get back, but at the same time, I was kind of scared. I knew that I was going to get the riot act read to me by Damon, Stefan, and anyone else who was around for me to arrive.
I pulled into the drive way at about 4:30 in the morning. I was surprised I had managed to stay awake that long. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I had done it, and I was planning on going back to my house after I announced that I was safe.
Sara got out, and I found my keys to my own car, that was buried in a random pocket of my bag. I decided I wouldn’t even bother going into the house, instead, I got in my car and drove away. I was glad that no one tried to come and find me, it would have been bad if they did.
My mom wasn’t home when I unlocked the door, and I remembered that she was staying with a friend for the time being. The house was dark when I entered. I didn’t even bother turning the lights on, or changing my clothes, instead I managed to get to my own bed and crawl under the blankets and fell asleep quickly.
I didn’t wake up until six o’clock the next evening. There were several phone messages left for me, and I was still in the same clothes. I changed into something more comfortable, and set out to check my messages. All were from Sara, she was freaking out about me, and how Damon was highly upset with me, and blah blah blah. I wasn’t in the mood. I heard a knock at my front door and raced downstairs to answer it.
I opened it to reveal groups of men, from the people I saw yesterday, all standing on my porch, all holding large things that looked deadly. I wanted to hug them all. I knew that Damon was watching all of the burley men on my porch, they were all well-built and highly attractive.
“Thank you all so much for coming back to help me! Let me get my keys and I’ll take you up to the house.” They all nodded at me in a creepy simultaneous fashion as I dashed upstairs, slipping on my Ugg’s and went to my car. They were all in their strange vans, and I motioned them to follow me.
I knocked on the door, everyone behind me. Sara answered. “I’m coming in.” I announced. She moved aside and let us all pass.
“Damon Salvatore get your ass down here!” I yelled. Sara started laughing. I glared at her, I hated when she did these things to me.
“You have him whipped. He heard you from the forest. He’ll be right here.” She burst out laughing again. Oh great, he heard me from the woods, it was nice to know I had a loud voice.
“You called?” He was leaning against the door frame when I turned around. He stared at me, then at the people behind me. “Is this the help that you sought after yesterday?” He smirked.
“Why do you always treat me like I can’t do anything right?” I hollered at him. “Damn it, I can! What was your plan? Team up with your ex-girlfriend and attempt to kill them? Oh yeah, that sounds like it’ll go over well.” I rolled my eyes. He was shocked at my outburst. “I thought that I would actually attempt to help with this; try and get something done.”
He walked up to me, we were face to face. “Fine. What’s your big idea then, if you’re such a genius?” I took a breath.
“They have the plan, not me.” I stepped aside for the leader, Derrick, to start talking. They shook hands for a moment.
“Let’s talk in the other room.” He motioned for Damon to go first, and everyone followed, except for Sara and I. We stayed awkwardly in the living room, waiting.
Hours went by, nothing happened. We were on the couch watching television when it happened.
There was a loud crash from the kitchen, something along the lines of shattering glass. Sara threw me on her back and raced me upstairs.
“What the hell is going on?” I shouted in the best whisper I could. I was freaking out, there was once again the loud noises, yelling, things were being broken. I knew the sounds all too well.
“They left a few hours ago, Damon told me to watch you. The people were coming today. They are all down there right now. Damon, everyone. They are kicking ass to. We all would have been dead now if it wasn’t for your brilliant thinking.” It went quiet quickly. I looked at her and she looked at me. “They are outside. I can hear yelling.”
“This is all my fault. They are going to die.” I cried my eyes out. She put her finger to my lips to shut me up.
“Damon has one of them cornered. He’s making him talk. They’ve been watching you for months now, they don’t think its right that Damon is keeping you around without you being killed. Damon just cut his head off, at least that’s what it sounds like.” I didn’t want to know how she knew what that sounded like. “The rest have run off.” She took a breath. “Never mind. They’re dead now.” I nodded. “Derrick is leaving.” I heard the car doors open and shut, the sound of an engine being started and the course sound of their wheels on the dirt road.
“So quickly? I owe them big time.” I said. Sara took my hand and we went down stairs.
“Damon, kiss your girlfriend.” She pushed me into him. He was slightly covered in a mixture of trees and blood. It was disgusting, but his face didn’t have anything on it, and he lent down to kiss me.
He was still slightly upset with me, that much was clear. “Really? You’re still mad?” I huffed. I just saved their asses.
“It’s not you. It’s me. I’m mad because I couldn’t do what you did. Thanks.” He kissed my forehead. There was something off about him; he never admitted things like that to everyone. It was probably just because he had just massacred a group of vampires.
He went upstairs to change, and I went home to shower. I was splotched with blood from him. I was glad that everything was done with though, I could go back to having a normal summer vacation with the love of my life, and my best friends. Everything would be fine.