Status: Complete!!

My Undead Life With Damon Salvatore

Chapter 16

When I came home, I ripped the note off of my mom’s door and threw myself onto my bed. I fell asleep quickly.
It felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes when my phone went off, but when I looked at the clock, it read 1 P.M.
I cleared my throat before answering with a very chipper "Hello!" I heard the laugh on the other end of the phone right away.
"I take it you just woke up?" Damon questioned with an obvious smirk in his voice.
I yawned in response. “I hate how you know me so well." I smiled to myself, knowing that I didn't really hate it, quite the opposite really. "It was a late night." before I fell asleep, I had glanced at the clock and it told me that it was two in the morning before I fell asleep, I didn't feel so bad about sleeping so long.
"That's what Sara told us. I called to tell you to that Sara is making us all go shopping." I heard him make an irritated sigh.
"Why can't she go on her own? Or at the very least just take Stefan with her." I groaned. I stood up from my bed and realized that I still had my clothes on from the night before.
"I told them that this was the only time I'm going with. Get dressed; I'll be there in an hour to come get you." He hung up. I sat my phone on my dresser and went to my closet to look for something to wear.
I showered and went back to my closet and I picked out a dark denim knee length skirt with a black tank top and green shrug. I glanced outside and saw the familiar black car park outside. I slipped on my black ballet flats, grabbed my purse and dashed outside.
I opened the door and sat down, pulling the seat belt across me. "Hey." I smiled.
"Hi." he sighed back, driving faster than the speed limit down the road.
"So, what are we doing today, shopping wise?" I leaned my head back, staring at the cars ceiling. I dreaded what she was making us do.
"Wedding crap as far as I can tell. She has been on the phone with Stefan since 9o'clock this morning. It's supposed to be a big thing. Unfortunately for us. And she wants to have it happen by the end of the summer, which means a lot of work for us; mainly you." he shot a gorgeous smirk my way, which I returned by sticking out my tongue at him.
We drove the 45 minutes to the city closest to us. Damon pulled into the parking space next to Stefan and we got out and walked inside of the mall.
Right away Sara pulled me to walk quickly with her to one of the dress shops that were there. I hadn't even gotten a chance to ask her exactly what we were doing.
I looked behind me before we walked in and didn't see the brothers behind me. Sara tugged on my arm for me to rush inside.
The florescent lights blinded my eyes momentarily before they adjusted to the light pink walls and vibrant colored dresses that clung to the walls on display. We walked up to the cash register and waited for someone to see us.
A tall brunet woman who looked like she could be in her early twenties walked up to us, giving us dirty looks. "May I help you?" she scowled.
"Yes, you may." Sara replied with a bratty tone in her voice and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I have an appointment under Sara Brennan." I saw the girl type in some letter on the computer and looked up at us with a much happier smile on her face.
"Yes. Right this way." she walked around the counter and led us towards the dresses. They weren't wedding gowns, they were bridesmaid. I sighed heavily and plopped down into one of the tan leather chairs next to the dressing room. I loved dresses, but I hated trying them on.
"Come on Kaylee, get up. It'll be fun!" Exclaimed the excited bride to-be. She pulled me up to look at the gowns. "Oh! This one’s cute!" she pulled off a dark blue knee length one and handed it to the girl. "And this one is nice to." she draped another blue one across the girls arms. This continued for 5 more dresses. The lady, whose name tag said Elena, put the dresses in a dressing room and came back out.
"You can go try them on now, Sara." she smiled sweetly.
Sara giggled a little. "Oh, this isn't for me. It for my best friend. I'm getting married, and she is my maid of honor; being a dear trying all of these on." she winked at me. I turned around and walked to the small dressing room, pulling the first one off of its hanger. I slipped it on and looked at myself quickly before walking out to them.
This was a short knee length dark blue poka-dotted dress, with a black waist band. It was fluffed out at the bottom, looking very 1950's retro. I spun in front of Sara.
"Hmm," she thought "I don't know. It's cute, but try on the others." I went back and decided to put the dresses into piles. This one went into the 'maybe' pile. I went to the next one and pulled it over my head. It was a short one, going above my knees. It was in layers, over the shoulder with a jewel on the base of the shoulder of the one strap.
"Put it in the 'yes' pile." Sara told me. I set it in the pile. It went this way with the others. Finally I had three in the yes, and I ended up putting all of the others in the no. I tried them on again. I had the last one on, a deep blue knee length dress, with a flower on the waist band. When I went out, I heard other voices. I peeked around the corner and saw Damon and Stefan talking with Sara.
She turned around and exclaimed "Yes! That's it!" Damon was smirking at, like usual. I turned around and put the dress back on the hanger and got changed again. I brought it back out, draping the dress across my arm.
"I'll take that from you." Elena had her hand out for it. I put it in her hand. Sara walked up to her and started discussing the price. She handed her the credit card and we left the store, dress in hand.
It was three when we exited the store. Damon leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, "Well that looked like fun." I smiled up at him.
"Oh yes, exactly what I want to be doing on any afternoon." I whispered back sarcastically.
"I can hear you!" Sara called back at me. I laughed in reply.
"Where to next?" I asked her. I knew that it had more to do with this wedding thing.
"You and I are going to the bridal shop and they are getting suits." I was wondering if we were doing that. Damn, not that I didn't want to go with her, I was glad I didn't have to try them on.
We went outside of the mall and I saw Sara's mom drive up. I hopped into the backseat and Sara went around to the passenger side. We drove the few blocks in silence. When we went in, her mom mentioned the appointment once again. We were led by a girl to the back. Sara described what kind of dress she was searching for. I stayed in the waiting area and, well, waited. After a few minutes Jane, Sara's mom, came back and sat on the seat to my left. We sat for a moment in an awkward silence.
Suddenly she turned to look at me. "Were you serious last night? About them being in love?" she looked genuinely concerned.
I nodded. "Yes. I wouldn't have said it if it weren't true."
"I've only met him once or twice. And those were for proms. I guess I never looked at the way they saw each other." she folded her hands and looked at the ground.
I didn't know what to do. She started crying, I put my hand on her back to comfort her. "She's my little girl. She just grew up so quickly." she sobbed.
"It'll be alright. Here she comes." I informed her. She sat up, wiped off her eyes and smiled. Sara came out in a long white dress. We did this for four more dresses.
When she left for the final time to try one last dress on, I heard my phone ring Sleepstars' I Was Wrong. I instantly knew that it was Damon.
"Hello?" I answered after a second.
"Hey, are you guys almost done? This is so boring." I rolled my eyes, but I knew what he meant. Although I loved her to death, I was still pretty bored.
"I think so, why?" I was getting a strange look from Mrs. Brennan.
I turned my back to her and stared at the door, waiting for Sara to come out. "We were going to come and pick you two up. Unless her mom is set on driving."
"No, I don't think so. That sounds fine. A half hour sounds good." we said our goodbyes and hung up.
Sara came back out in the final dress, crying. I looked up, and she did look amazing. "This is the one." she told us. I nodded.
"Well, I think we have it." Mrs. Brennan told us while she was standing up.
Sara went back to change, while her mom went to the front desk to pay. We still had 20 minutes before Stefan and Damon would show up. Sara came out, and I was lying across the couch that was placed in the lobby. I sat up to make room.
She came and sat down next to me. She sighed for a second. "This was fun. Thank you so much for coming with me on such short notice." She leaned over and wrapped me in a hug.
"No problem. It was pretty fun. Remember, I'm here whenever you need me. No matter what." I pulled away from her.
"That’s why you're my maid of honor. You're the best." she smiled warmly at me. I knew she meant what she said, and it felt nice to know that. I looked at her and wondered if anyone else realized that she hadn't changed in the past two years.
"I know." I flipped my hair over my shoulder in a fake preppy way. We both laughed at it.
She hit my leg in a playful way. "So when are you and Damon going to get married?" she asked. I had asked myself that question a lot lately.
"Whenever or if ever he asks. I don't know if that's really his thing. Could you honestly see Damon married? Or me, for that matter?" Yes. I could.
She laughed slightly. "I know it's a stretch to the imagination, but still. It's like you two were made for each other. Hey, if you need any help with the parents, you can always ask me." I nodded. "Thanks again. You don't know how much that means to me. I owe you." her face turned serious and stern.
Before I could say anything else, Sara's mom walked up, bag in hand. I glanced up at the clock on the cream colored wall. Ugh, 5o'clock. On the bright side, Damon would be there-
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Damon walk in, talking to Stefan. All boredom I had quickly vanished.
"Hey." I said to them, Sara and her mom were in a conversation about something or another.
"Kaylee. Sara. Mrs. Brennan; nice to see you again." Stefan nodded to each of us as he said our names.
"You to Stefan. It's been a while." Sara's mother hugged him. It was kind of strange, not something that I had expected.
"Well, sorry to break up this little party, but Kaylee and I have to go." Damon said, grabbing my hand.
Sara stood up. "I'll grab your dress for you." the three of us walked outside to the truck. Sara unlocked it and grabbed the dress bag. She slammed the door and handed the bag to me.
"If I were you two, I would make this performance one of your best." I winked at Sara, she knew what I meant. I waved goodbye to her and Damon walked me to his car with his hand on the small of my back. Taking my bag from me, he opened my door for me, then went around and put it in the back of the car.
He sat in the driver’s seat for a minute, silent. I had my hands in my lap doing nothing but staring out into space. I turned my head to look at him and saw him staring at me. I blushed bright red, embarrassed. Secretly I wondered if I had anything on my face.
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't see him lean over to kiss me until I felt his lips on mine. I instantly moved against him, moving my hands on his chest; I could feel his hands on my back. I was out of breath.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that today." He told me while he brushed away the hair from my face.
"I can imagine. I've missed you." I kissed his cheek.
"Then it's a good thing that we have the house all to ourselves then." After that, we went on the road back to his house.
We pulled up at his house around six. We got out of the car and walked up the stairs. "So, here's the plan. I'm going to make you dinner." I smiled; he had never done that for me before. Damon moved around in the kitchen and I took a seat at the counter. I watched him cook whatever food he had, making side comments every once in a while.
He set the table and gestured for me to sit. I obliged and sat down at the grand oak table. "You know, you really didn't have to do this." I smiled at him as he set the food down.
"I know that. But I wanted to, it adds to my charm." he sat down directly across from me. I ate in silence. Neither one of us spoke; just enjoyed each other’s company. We caught each other’s sideways glances. Smiling, I related us back to children.
After we had finished eating, and I insisted on helping clean up, we were sitting in his living room on the couch.
"So what did you do today?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Stefan insisted that we get fitted for suits. Although I do admit that I look pretty good in mine." I rolled my eyes.
"Do they have a date yet?" Sara hadn't mentioned it to me, but sometimes Damon and Stefan talked. I'm pretty sure they don't like each other, but I never know.
"I have no idea. End of summer, that's all I know." unfortunately, that was all I knew to. Lame.
"That doesn't seem like Sara. She's generally really organized. It must be the excitement of things." I faked my enthusiasm, feeling very sarcastic. I felt my back pocket vibrate. I sighed and grabbed it, looking at the caller ID.
"Speak of the devil." I answered it, already knowing that it had to do with the wedding. I know about it for one day and it's already consuming my life. "Hey."
"Hey! So, I have a question for you." Sara's voice came from the other end.
"Question away." I told her.
"Purple or green?"
"Purple. Now I have a question for you." I shot back at her. I didn't wait for her to answer. "What day is this wedding?"
"Er... Umm… the fifteenth of August. I guess. That sounds like a good day." she was timid about it. I didn't know why.
"Alright. Love you. Bye." I hung up on her.
"So, the fifteenth. That's random." Damon said.
"Yeah." I sighed. I wished now more than ever to be getting married, it wasn't fair. Stefan and Sara hadn't known each other as long as Damon and I had, well she did… but they weren't dating. I was being selfish, and I knew that, but I hadn't been in so long. I knew that no matter what, as long as I had Damon with me, that I would be fine. Sure, being married would be really fabulous, but I could live with just together… I think. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I had been crying until Damon swooped me up in his arms.
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm totally fine." I didn't meant break down crying. It just happened.
"Yes, because everyone cries when they're fine." he looked at me and kissed my forehead.
"Oh blah." was all I could come up with to say. To reduce the awkwardness in the room, I pressed a kiss on his lips. He still had his hands wrapped around my back, when I pulled away; he pulled me back to him.
He picked me up bridal-style and carried me up the stairs, down the hall, and into his room. I felt the cushion of the bed on my back.

The next morning I woke up to feel Damon moving. The bright light of the sun shined through his windows, temporarily blinding me until my eyes adjusted. When they did, I saw Damon with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
"I'm not legal to drink until I'm 21." I sat up in his bed and smiled, taking the glass.
"Then we won't tell anyone." he smiled genuinely and took a drink, I did the same.
I nearly spit out my drink when I saw what was on my left hand. I didn't know how I couldn't have felt it before. I felt the glass be taken out of my hand. Damon was at the side of my bed in a second, down on one knee, he took my left hand. I felt myself blushing to beat the band.
"Kaylee Hansin, will you marry me?" words didn't even enter my mind. I felt the warm tears roll down my cheeks. I nodded violently. "Yes." I managed to whisper. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. He lifted me up out of the bed and spun me around the room. I laughed out loud and kissed him again. He sat me back down on the bed, pulling away.