Status: Complete!!

My Undead Life With Damon Salvatore

Chapter 28

"Okay Damon, I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed him on the cheek and dashed away with my friends. Two days before my wedding, I could hardly believe it. I could hardly believe that I was getting married in general. And to the love of my life who happened to be a sexy vampire on top of that! I was ecstatic; nothing could bring me off of the mental high I was currently on.
Sara and I drove down the road at warp speed. We had to drive for six hours in order to make it to the location of the wedding. After much deliberation, Damon and I, mainly me, decided that we would have it in a beautiful garden east of where we lived. We had managed to find a hotel nearby where everyone could stay, and we ended up booking the entire place.
"So tell me," Sara started. "How excited you are!" she squealed.
I threw my head back and laughed. "I'm thrilled to freaking death!" I brought myself down to a more seriously level after a moment. "You know, I think that if it weren't for me throwing a mental fit and crying about it, I don't think that Damon would have ever gotten married." I felt the guilt in the pit of my stomach. What if I had drug him into this? It would be my fault for the rest of eternity that he would be tied down to someone.
Sara must have noticed the concerned look I had on my face. "Aera, you're over thinking this, I can tell. You need to just accept the fact that Damon loves you, and he's willing to do anything to be with you. That's that."
I nodded and smile. "Yeah. You're right." I was being ridiculous. I needed to stop over thinking everything, and just concentrate on life as it was.
"It's so weird to think that you're not going to be a human for very longer!" squealed Sara after a moment’s pause.
I nodded violently. "I know! My last days without bloodlust." I lightly joked. Sara glared at me for a second, and then continued to stare at the road.
"I have some news." she declared. We arrived at our hotel room an hour before, and we were setting everything up. We were put into a suite just to fit all of our stuff.
"Yeah?" I looked up at her while I was searching in my bag for my shoes.
Sara sat down on the edge of my designated bed a watched me for a moment. "Stefan and I are moving." I stopped looking for my shoes and looked up at her. "To Michigan." she continued. She obviously knew what I was going to ask next. "Next week."
I felt my heart break. I didn't think I could live without her. I refused to cry though. I still had this evening and Friday with her. I would hardly see her Saturday, only at the ceremony, and parts of the reception.
"But don't worry." she smiled comfortingly. "We can visit. You and Damon can come and see us!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
I blinked back the tears quickly. "Well yeah." I faked my excitement.
Jessica and Mickayla and Mackenzie arrived later that evening for the bridal party. We went downtown to a local club. Sara used her 'persuasive ways' to get us in. Of course we danced out butts off. Halfway through the evening I was approached by a random stranger. He tapped me on the shoulder and smiled.
"Do you want to dance?" he shouted over the obnoxiously loud music. He was cute, blonde tousled hair and a killer smile.
I nodded. "Sure." I yelled back. He took my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor. I am the first one to admit that grinding is awkward. Especially if that person is grinding on me, I almost die with laughter. It's not even dancing. So needless to say, when that was what he called dancing, I tried not to giggle.
"Do you want to get out of here?" he bent down to ask me.
"I can't abandon my friends." I shook my head. Even if it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't have gone. There was something odd about him.
"I'm sure they won’t mind." he flashed me a charming smile.
"I can't leave my own party."
"Is it your birthday?" he asked, puzzled.
I shook my head once again. "No, it's my bachelorette party. I'm getting married Saturday." I started to back off of the dance floor.
His eyes widened in realization. "Oh. Well see ya."
I left back to my friends, who had watched the whole thing from start to finish. They burst into girlish giggles immediately.
We arrived back at our hotel an hour later. I was still dressed in the yellow cocktail dress from when Ella lived with us. I threw myself onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I could barely keep my eyes open long enough to see that Sara was looming over me.
I awoke to a loud banging coming from the opposite side of the room.
"What are you doing?" I asked Sara while I propped myself up on my arm. I could see her small figure zipping across the room.
"I'm just getting everything ready for tomorrow." she smiled behind her towards me. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you for the massage later today. Okay?" she asked.
I nodded. I felt my eyes shut once more.
It was finally the 12th of November. The day I had been waiting for, for, well, ever.
Sara paced the room back and forth in anxiety. The hair and makeup people had not yet arrived.
"Should I call then again?" she spoke to herself.
I shook my head. "You've called five times already. If all else fails, you can do my hair." as I finished saying this, a knock came to our door. By the time I stood up to answer it, Sara was already there greeting the young woman.
“So sorry I’m late.” She said, snapping her gum. “Alright. Who’s first?” she looked between the two of us, her heavily lined eyes felt like they were staring into my soul.
I shyly raised my hand. “That would be me.” I smiled sheepishly. She briskly walked over to me, and pushed me down in the chair.
“Alright, let’s see what we have to work with here.” She pulled my hair this way and that; I winced in pain a few times. “You’re the bride, right?” she snapped her gum again.
I almost nodded, but thought better of it. “Yup.” I popped the ‘p’ at the end of the word. She roughly grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it back.
“This must be a pretty exciting day for you.” She pulled once again. “I wish you two the best of luck.” She pushed my head down. “Now stay still.”
An hour later and she was finally finished. She swept it up in curls, and put in a small tiara. She worked on Sara while I waited for the make-up woman.
Two hours later, I was slipping on the dress over my head, while Sara helped and the other girls stood and watched from behind the long train. My mother walked in, just as I was finished being laced into it. I stared at myself in the full length mirror, just staring at my person. A year ago, I would never have pictured myself here, with the man that I once despised, getting ready to marry him. I didn’t expect to have such a wonderful and gifted life. My mom stood behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.
“You look so beautiful, Aera.” She sniffled, wiping away the tears. She laid her head on my shoulder for a moment, just looking at the two of us in the mirror. I heard the door open and shut behind us as the girls quickly slipped out of the room. She pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. “I am so proud of you. Don’t ever forget that.”
I was thankful that I had worn waterproof mascara, just for this reason. I started crying my eyes out. I desperately tried to stop myself, and was embraced by my mom. “I love you.” she said, backing away. She wiped away her tears, while I did the same with mine. “Let’s do this.” She wrapped her arm through mine and we exited the room together.
Sara was waiting for me in her beautiful purple dress, along with the other girls. We walked down the hallway together, Jessica holding up the train for me while we left. “Damon already left, so you don’t have to worry about him.”
We entered the car, and sped off. I twiddled my fingers in my lap while I waited for Sara to get us to our destination. “Do you have the vows?” I said quickly.
“Yup. They are in my purse, right here.” She said. “Check if you want to.” She handed me the purse. There they were, in a neat fold. I sighed in relief. “And you thought I would forget.” She scoffed.
We got out of the car quickly, and got inside of the small building that was for basically storage. Damon was already waiting at the archway where the ceremony was being performed. My mother got in her seat when we arrived. I was walking down the aisle by myself. The music started, and Sara left with Stefan down the aisle. Then went Jessica and Eric, the boy who had helped Damon out the first day of school. Next went Mickayla and Alaric, who I wasn’t aware was that close of a friend of Damon’s. And finally Mackenzie went with another boy that Damon had compelled to be in the wedding. Luckily he was in his graduating class, so it didn’t seem too suspicious to anyone else. When they reached the end, my music started. Ode to Joy, my personal favorite classical song, stared and I emerged from the side, where I was waiting.
I walked down the flower petal-clad aisle, baby steps at a time. I smiled to everyone around me while they all stood and stared. They were my closest friends and family, and some that weren’t even that close. Damon wanted a big wedding, so we invited everyone we knew. I saw my mother to my left, crying. I continued to walk, the purple carnations in my hand. I finally made it to my husband, and handed Sara my bouquet. The man who performed the ceremony, one of my mother’s friends, droned on for a while. Finally we got to the vows. We chose to write our own.
“Damon, you first.” the grey haired man said.
Damon pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Aera, the first time I saw you, I knew that you were different. You stood out from the crowd, I knew I had to get to know you.” He looked into my eyes. “I never knew that I would get to know you this well. You’ve changed the way I see things, the way I feel about life all together.” I smiled at him. “Never in a hundred years did I think that someone could do that to a person. I’ve fallen in love with you from the first day we met, and I’m thankful every day for you.” he folded up the piece of paper and put it back in his pocket.
The man turned to me. “Now you, Aera.”
Sara handed me my paper. I cleared my throat quickly, and wiped my eyes. “Damon. When we first met, I can’t say that we were on the best of terms. You were sharp, and sarcastic. That hasn’t really changed, but that’s what I love about you.” I glanced up to see him staring at me. “I love the way you make me feel, like I’m the only girl in the world. I never knew I could love someone so much until I met you, and I’m so grateful that I did. I don’t know what life would be like without you.” I handed Sara the paper back. We exchanged rings, Damon put on the diamond band, and I put his gold ring back on him.
“You may now, kiss the bride.” Damon swooped me into his arms, and bent me down into a kiss. He pulled both of us back up, and everyone cheered. We raced down the aisle, and into the car.
“Mrs. Salvatore.” He smirked at me while we were sitting in the car. “I like it. I think you should keep it that way.” He smiled.
“I plan on it.” I grabbed his face gently and kissed him on the lips one last time.