
What Was I Thinking

Hey Brad, you finally asked me out. After all this flirting and waiting. We didn't even last a week, Pathetic. You were pathetic. You kept canceling plans, keeping secrets, and worst lying. You weren't at work you were with some chick. You kept ignoring me. Ugh you never had to be with me. Just be straight up with me. You're an ass! I cried for about 15 minutes and then was like, what the hell? I stopped caring. If you weren't gonna care, I wasn't gonna care. After we broke up you got another girlfriend not even a week later. Dumb ass. You're still with her but I wonder.... Does she know you made out with Amber and are flirting with her? Hmmm you're lucky I don't talk to you anymore, You're lucky I don't wanna be the one to tell your girlfriend. She deserves better. She deserves the truth. But I'll hand it to you, she's pretty. Seems nice too. Oh well, what was I thinking? Hey Guess what. I have better now. I have all I need and there's no guy included except daddy. (Amber's dad.)
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Okay so long story short, I'm done with brad, and I have a new family. Ambers family is now my family, and once everythings settled they're gonna work on getting me out of my house and away from my mother. We're gonna go up north and I'm definitely going with them even if we have to wait until im 16. So yeahh life is looking to be good in about a year haha.