

I honestly never thought I would love acting as much as I did. I was in my freshman year at my high school when I first started acting. At first I wasn't even sure I wanted to try out, but a friend of mine had wrote the musical. He was a very creative, smart, intelligent, and successful person growing up. He was in his sophomore year when he wrote the musical. In his junior year he asked Mrs. Sincavage, the music and computer music tech teacher, if she would help with the music. Teaching the chorus members the notes and timing. She agreed. Mr. Ryan was offered the opportunity to be the director as he has done many past shows before when he was growing up. He jumped at the offer. Mrs. Dahlin helped with costumes, make-up, and anything else we needed such as props.

Eventually Jessica convinced me to try out. I did and after that I couldn't wait to see if I got in. Every day I would check outside Mrs. Sincavage's room to see the post. After about three weeks the cast was up. I was in. I intentionally auditioned for just a chorus part. But I got an acting part along with it. I wasn't even sure if I was ready for acting. The cast practiced everyday except Friday's at 3 until 5. The chorus sounded amazing. And the cast was great.

Towards the ending of rehearsals I just wanted it to be over. I wanted the time and sleep I was losing because of it. I never thought I would ever miss it. But then some people dropped out and a friend of mine, from the next town over was recruited. He was a main character. He made it so much more fun and finally the opening night performance came. All during school I wasn't nervous. Five minutes before the show was when my nerves hit. Matt, the script writer/genius, had us take a drug. LSE, not to be confused with LSD. LSE stands for loud, slow, and energetic. It's not actually a drug, it's not even a pill. It's a fake, invisible drug. It was supposed to get us excited and pumped up. I didn't think it'd actually work but it did.

After you take the LSE, you have to do foot fires. Like they do in foot ball practice. While doing that you would repeat whatever the middle person said. Matt was in the middle and said things like "Opening Night, Nonagon, I'm excited, you're excited, we're excited, it's going to be great, I love Drama." He would repeat them and then we'd all put our hands in. Very quietly we'd repeat Drama, getting a bit louder each time.

Our first scene was the chorus singing "Love and Hate." It sounded amazing. The whole performance was amazing. I'd tell you about every scene but it'd take too long. I will tell you about my scene. Act II scene 5. I was Mama Smith, Madison's mom. She's getting ready for her first date and I had to be inquisitive. And there's was quite some pressure on me that night, because Jeremy, Jessica, Jeremy's girlfriend, mom, Monica, Stacey, Jess's friend, and Payton, my niece/Jess's daughter, was there. Front row. And the most important person who had been supportive, understanding, and there for me ever since 6th grade. My best friend. Austin. I love Austin, I always will. We don't ever call each other by each other's names. We call each other "best friend." He means so much to me. And he knows it.

After the performance we met our "fans." The audience. Payton ran up to me handing me flowers and I picked her up. Jessica followed along with Stacey handing me fake flowers from my hubby who is actually her husband. I just call him hubby. He got me fake flowers because he wants me to have them forever. Jeremy and his girlfriend, whom I love already, Hillary, also got me flowers. I engulfed them in hugs. I had always wanted to make my brother and sister proud and at that moment, I knew I had.

Austin came over and I jumped into his arms hugging him. I didn't even know he was there before then. He kissed me on the cheek telling me I did great. I talked to my "fans" for a bit then got dressed back into my regular clothes and left. The night was so successful. And the second performance the next night couldn't even compare to the first night. By the first performance I knew I hadn't just made new friends, but I made a new family. And I was going to miss them like crazy.