
I Was So Sure

I used to be so sure I was done with guys. I was finally happy being single. I was smiling and I was laughing. The gleam in my eyes was back. But then one day I decided to go to the scrubs court. (Basketball court) I was chilling with my Jakie Poo, I gave him that nickname jokingly, and some guy just rides his BMX and stops when his phone rings. He looks at me and the first thought in my mind was that he was gorgeous. He was asking someone where they were and seeing as Justin, Stetin, and Nick were here earlier on their bikes I assumed he was talking to them. He rode off toward the park. Once he was gone I continued talking to Jakie. But moments later he was back with the other three. Justin still liked me so we were talking and occasionally the guy would too. I found out his name was Brad. Brad sat next to me and I started listening to his i-pod with him. He asked what kind of music I liked and I replied with screamo. smiling, he said, "Damn, you're my kind of girl." I smiled like crazy. We hung out the rest of the day. He has gorgeous green eyes and a super sweet smile. We started hanging out more and more. And I fell for him. Hopelessly head over heels. But then things started to get weird. He started flirting mad much and then would stop talking. Then would start flirting. This continued for days. It's still going on. And I'm confused. I should've stayed away. I was so sure..