Status: Active- Updates maybe 1-2 times a week.

Along The Way

Los Angeles Bound

As the two of them left the restaurant, they were bombarded with paparazzi wanting to catch pictures of the pregnant couple together. Bam gave Bailee his sunglasses and did a good job of blocking her body with his own; he just wanted to ensure that she wouldn't get trampled.

On the way back to the house, Bam got a phone call from Johnny. It started with him telling the two of them congrats, which Bailee thanked him for. Johnny went on to ask Bam if it were possible for him to come to L.A. fir a few weeks to record parts of their third movie. Bam told him he would give him a call back that night as he pulled into the drive way.

"What do you think?" He asked once they got into the house.

"I think you should go."

"Well I'd want you to come too."

"I don't know, Bam." She made a concerned face. "How long?"

"Only two or three weeks."

"Two weeks Bam?" She ran a hand through her hair and looked over at him.

"Come on baby, please? I'll rent a house or some shit that way we're not living out of a hotel. You can hang out on set, or do whatever you want. Two weeks, three at most."

Bailee picked up one of the cats and held it to her chest, thinking. "Okay."

Bam's face lit up as he smiled. "Thank you! I promise that you'll have a great time." He kissed her.

"I better call my parents and my doctor." She said and sat the cat back down on the counter. "When do we leave?"

"I'll book a flight for tomorrow. Thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me." She smiled. "As long as your happy."

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. Go make your calls and pack." He said with another kiss.

"Aye-aye, captain." She smiled at him.

She called her mom and told her that she would be leaving to L.A. for a few weeks, but Bam would take good care of her. Her mom was concerned for the health of her and the baby with traveling and being around so much paparazzi. Bailee reassured her that she would take yoga and Pilates to relax and stay active while she was gone. She called work to tell her boss as well, which it wasn't a big deal considering they just had their big spring show and would have a few weeks off. Lastly, she called her doctor. Dr. Savage approved of the trip and recommended a doctor for her to see while she was gone for a check up and in case of any emergencies. After all her calls she started to pack.

The camera crew was currently at the house with them, and Bailee tried her hardest to just live her life normal with Bam, and make believe that the cameras were not there. She didn't want the cameras to get in the way of her having a good relationship with Bam. She figured she might as well get used to it, especially considering they would probably follow them to L.A. too.

Bam walked into the closet, pulling out a suitcase. "Everything all set?"

"Yeah, I'm going to have to buy new clothes soon." She mumbled as she went through all of the pretty clothes she currently had to squeeze in to.

"Because of your belly?"

"Yessum, shouldn't be that difficult, no worries."

"Well, when we get there and unpack our shit we can go shopping and get whatever you need."

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed him. "You know I adore you, right?"

"I had an idea." He smiled and held her hips. "You are perfect, Bailee. I am so lucky."

Bailee kissed his nose. "I think I'm the lucky one. We'd better grab our cameras too."

"You're right, I'll grab the one downstairs."

The two of them spent the rest of the day packing. Dunn was leaving on the same flight as them, so he also packed and said goodbye to his girlfriend, Angie. Both of their parents came over for a home cooked meal from Bailee and to say their goodbyes. April volunteered to take care of the cats and dog while they were gone.

Bright and early the next morning, the three of them woke up and headed out to the airport. They all had a lot of bags since they would be gone for so long.

"Babe, I rented us a beach house for a month so we also have to get groceries as some point. Dunn is going to stay with us, if that's okay."

"Yeah of course." She smiled and patted Dunn's knee. "No problem."

"We'll be close enough to drive everywhere we shoot too."

"Are we taking taxis everywhere?" Bailee asked.

"No, we have the Jackass vans, but I'll probably rent something."

At the airport, Bam insisted that they take a picture for the babies' video. Dunn asked one of the women behind the counter for a piece of paper and a marker which she kindly gave to him. On the sign, Dunn wrote "4 MONTHS PREGNANT AND L.A. BOUND" in all caps then "April 3rd" on the bottom of the sheet of paper.

Bam handed Dunn the camera and Dunn handed Bam the sign. Bailee took her usual stance, pulling up her shirt to show her tummy. They were standing in front of the big windows that show the planes taking off and landing in the background. Bam stood next to Bailee with the sign and then they took one of the two of them kissing. Lastly, since their flight started boarding, they asked the same woman behind the desk if she would mind taking a picture for them, which she obliged to. Bailee pulled her shirt back down, holding the sign Dunn made in front of her belly. Dunn and Bam stood on either side of her, kissing her cheeks.

By the time it was night in PA, they had gotten to L.A. with a few layovers, which made it still afternoon in L.A. Johnny picked them up from the air port and Bam handed over the directions to the house he rented.

"Congrats again you guys." Johnny smiled.

"Thank you." Bailee smiled back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Extremely excited and nervous."

"As long as you've got one of us guys with you, you'll be fine."

After a 20-minute drive from the airport, they were driving down the coastline right near the crystal clear water.

"Bam, this is so beautiful." Bailee said in awe.

Bam smiled and watched her look on at the beautiful coast.

"This is it." Johnny said as he pulled into a sandy driveway.

They had pulled up to a beautiful, three story beach house. The outside was painted clean white with pale blue shutters around each window on the front side of the house. Dunn, Johnny, and Bam carried all of their bags inside. The walls were all creamy tan, blues and greens with sea-themed decor. It was the complete opposite of what Bam's house looked like, but she wasn't complaining. This would be home for a while.

"Baby, I gotta go meet up with the guys for a bit. When I come back we'll go to the store."

"Sounds good." She kissed him goodbye.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Be good while I'm gone."

"Always am." She winked.