Status: Active- Updates maybe 1-2 times a week.

Along The Way


When the boys called it a day, Dunn took the boy's Range Rover home and Bam drove him and Bailee to the store in the other one. Bailee was silent for a majority of the ride, listening to Bam talk about their plans for another skit tomorrow. They wanted to film some things in India for a few weeks soon too, but that would be a trip without Bailee. Although Bailee said she would stay, she was still upset with Bam and frustrated overall. Everyone makes mistake, she surely knew that, but that didn't mean she didn't have a right to be angry with him. She was having his kids after all, she had made the decision to have them, or even tell him she was pregnant to begin with. She could have kept that from him, she could have chosen to not have them at all. But she chose to. Bam needed to realize that he had two little ones on the way, and they would be there before they knew it.

"What store did you go to earlier?" Bam asked, noticing the bags in the back.

"Um, not sure. Somewhere farther down the strip." She answered as Bam parallel parked.

Bam led her inside of a baby clothing store. Bailee looked around at clothes for her little girl.

"Bam, this stuff is so expensive." She murmured, looking at a price tag. "I can't afford this."

"It's fine." He looked at a couple of dresses. "We can sign up for a registry."

Bailee looked at Bam with a surprised look on her face. "I'm shocked you even know what that is."

"Well, Missy made me do all that shit when we were getting married."

Bailee nodded slightly and looked through stuff. "So a registry for baby gifts?"

"Yeah, for our friends here."

"So we probably shouldn't order everything here since most of our family is in Pennsylvania."

"Yeah." Bam nodded. "So just clothes?"

"Sounds good." She murmured.

"Can I help you?" The manager walked over. "Oh! Bailee Reynolds, hello." She shook her hand. "Welcome, it's so nice to meet you. Congrats!"

"Thank you." She smiled awkwardly at the fact the woman knew who she was. "Um, we'd like to sign up for a registry."

"Sure, of course. I'll get you two set up." The manager returned with one of the scanners and handed it to Bailee. "All you have to do is scan the bar codes on things you want." I would recommend scanning all girl stuff and then boy stuff so its easier to separate by sex."

"And if someone buys one thing its taken off the list so that we wont get doubles?"

"Yes, no need to worry." She smiled. "Start scanning and then we'll take care of the rest."

"Thank you." Bailee nodded.

"What about this?" Bam asked and held up a little yellow sundress for a new born.

"Bam, that is adorable." Bailee smiled and scanned the tag. "Our babies are going to be the best dressed."

They shopped until dark and separated their registry so that boy and girl items were separate.

"Dinner out or in?" Bam asked, yawning.

"I can cook tonight." She said, following Bam to the Range Rover quickly so as not to get caught by the paparazzi.

When they got back to the house, Bailee asked Dunn if he would be eating with them and he told her yes. Bailee cooked steak, potatoes, and made a fresh salad. Bam walked into the kitchen with a bottle of beer and then what looked like a glass of wine.

"Ban, I can't drink." She said, leaning against the counter.

"It's sparkling grape juice." He smiled. "Bought it yesterday."

"Thank you." She smiled and took the glass.

"Would you mind getting the steaks off of the grill?" She asked, handing him a clean plate and fork.

"Sure." He nodded, setting his beer on the table.

Bailee and Dunn put everything else on the table while he genuinely apologized for his actions the night before.

"Bailee!" Bam yelled, the sliding glass door wide open.

"Bam, you better not have dropped those steaks!" Bailee yelled, setting down a stack of plates and walking outside.

Bam was sitting down in the sand with something in his arms.

"What Bam?" She asked and kneeled down next to him, Dunn in the doorway.

"What happened?" Dunn asked.

Bam opened his arms, revealing a tiny kitten. The kitten was a stripped gray color with dark gray rings down its tail and a white belly.

"Bam, where did you find him?" Bailee cooed at the little helpless kitten.

"I heard screaming from the water so I went down there and this little thing was walking through the sand crying."

"Bam, he's precious."

"She, actually." He said, holding up the little kitten.

"Can we keep her?"

Bam gave her an unsure look and then nodded. "She's going to need a bath."

"Oh, Bam! Thank you!" She said and brought the kitten to her chest. "Dunn, take the steaks off please!"

Bailee went inside and upstairs, grabbing her shampoo and a towel. While the boys sat at the kitchen table and ate, Bailee set the kitten in the clean side of the kitchen sink, turning warm water to bathe her body of sand and salt.

"What are you going to name her?" Bam asked, bringing food over to her.

"I don't know." She shrugged and began to wash the sand off of the kitten. "Poor little girl." She frowned as the kitten cried in protest.

"We have to go get stuff for her." Bam said, half feeding himself and half feeding Bailee.

"Well, we can go now." She smiled.

"I can clean all of this up." Dunn volunteered.

"Thank you, Ryan." She smiled.

"Go, go." He said and finished eating.

Bailee slid on her sneakers and grabbed her purse, Bam grabbing a few things he needed on his way to the door. The drive to the nearest pet store was relatively quick and the kitten had given up her protesting and was half asleep in Bailee's arms.

"Have any names?"

"Mercy." She smiled.

Inside the pet store, they bought all of the essentials and a few toys that they would need for the time being. Bailee grabbed a bag of food and then picked out a purple collar for the little one.

"I was never allowed to have cats when I was little because my mom and sister are allergic. That's why we have like five dogs."

"Mischief and Trouble are your cats now too."

"I know that, but they're home and we're here. It'd be nice to have some company while you're working."

"I know." Bam sighed and ran a hand down the kitten's head.