Status: Active(:

Tangled in Vines

Chapter one.

It was always hot in Tempe, Arizona. Some complained about the constant dry heat, some rejoiced it. The warm air always hitting your skin like a ton of bricks was a norm for the people of Arizona, The sun always shining making your skin start to tan. But of course it was warm outside, it was almost the end of March. Everyone was outside enjoying the beautiful day, including John.

John O’ Callaghan took a last drag of his Marlboro 100 cigarette and stomped on it after band practice with the sole of his black vans that were tied tight to his feet. Band practice was something him and the guys did 4 times a week at around noon, they had kept this routine up ever since they could remember. They always still felt the need to practice, there band had taken off and was starting to get successful and in the eyes of the Maine boys, they could only get better.

He pulled out his ray bans from his pocket and slipped them on casually as he walked back in the garage where his band mates were all conversing. “Were all going to Starbucks right now, do you wanna go?” Kennedy asked adjusting the gray beanie that was fitted around his head. Normally they would all go home and take a shower to wipe of of the sweat first, but due to Pat's constant goofbal ways and Garrett whining, they didn't get much done.

John just nodded and smiled before following all the guys into Jared’s truck. “Shotgun!” He yelled quickly and jogged in front of everybody to the passenger’s side door. As soon as he had buckled his seatbelt properly he immediately reached for Jared’s iPod and began scrolling through songs before settling on an old Third eye Blind song. As he tapped along with the beat on his lap, escaping the loud laughter of his friends he looked out the window and thought.

He thought about his life. How he had dropped out of ASU after his first semester as a freshman to follow his dreams. Everything was surreal now and he would never quite get used to it even though they had been at it for years now.

“You okay Cornelius?” Garrett tapped his shoulder as the guys were all getting out of Jared’s truck and walking up the sidewalk to the local Starbucks coffee shop. John groaned inwardly about the usage of his middle names in such casual terms. The only other person who had even mentioned his middle name was his mother when she got pissed, or Garrett to make John mad.

“Yeah, I’m good.” He straightened out his skinny jeans. “Just zoned out for a bit that’s all.” He finished as he walked up the line to order his drink.

John paid the cashier and grabbed his drink and waited for Garrett to grab his as they headed into a corner back table in the large coffee shop.

All the boys shot questioning looks at Kennedy when he started laughing and smiling as he replied to the text.

“Alright, who’s the bitch your taking to?” Garrett asked, smirking at Kennedy slightly amused.

Kennedy gasped a little and mocked fake hurt “Okay one, she’s not a bitch. And two, her name is Carson.” He looked around at everyone’s faces. “Oh and she’s just a friend.”

Jared scoffed. “Good cover, bro. Way to add that little extension to your sentence.” He laughed but was instantly groaning in paid as Kennedy kicked him in the shin from under the table, making all of the boys except for Jared howl in laughter.

“So is she hot?” John pried, trying to get some answers. He had to admit, lately all of the boys except for him were doing great with the ladies. Hell, even Pat had a “little friend” that he was Kennedy gush over his new friend and what a great personality that she had, John couldn’t help but to vie for that special someone; whether they were Mrs. Right or Mrs. Right Now.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this story will be told in alternating views (John & Collette)
But in the 3rd person. Does that make sense?
Anyway, comment please? :D