Run Arabella Run

The Phone Call

The light from outside shined dimly through the grimy windows giving the outside world a more gloomy look then the grey-blue sky already had. She picked up the polished black phone and quickly dialed a number for rescue. As the phone rang her eyes wandered the room; a broken wooden staircase lay behind her with every inch of it covered in an insane amount of dust along with everything else in sight. Cobwebs covered the vacant spaces between the vertical supports for the banister as well as the corners in the room.

The ringing stopped and a small voice answered the phone. “Hello?” Arabella’s heart soared with relief as though a weight had been lifted; rescue would soon come to her aid.

“Help me,” Her voice urgent. “Someone’s after me and he could be here any minute.” Fear slowly crept up her spine raisin the hair on the back of her neck as the eerily familiar soft laugh echoed through the ear piece of the phone.

“I’m already there sweetheart,” His voice rang in Arabella’s ear as her hands started to tremble with fear. “I can see you in your dirt stained dress holding the phone with quivering hands.” He paused, her heart racing a mile a minute. “I’m closer then you think; if I breathed you’d feel a cold breeze of your neck.”

Arabella dropped the phone; the clattering of plastic hitting the wooden floor reverberated through the room. A cool breeze danced along the exposed skin on the back of her neck, instantly Arabella spun around only to see that the front door was hanging open. Her heart beating so fast she was sure she was going to have a heart attack Arabella raced out the door trying to get as far as she could away from him to the only other possible haven that she could see.

It comforted her little when the giant wooden door of the barn opened with a quiet squeak. Her eyes darted around the empty field as a precaution to see if he was coming but found nothing. Slowly she shut the door stepping backwards onto the padding of the old molding hay. Arabella turned around to face the barn’s insides only to let out a terrified scream as she came face to face with the man she was trying to escape.

His oily rat’s nest of straw colored hair cast eerie shadows over his sunken almost black eyes. His clothes were tattered and extremely dirty while his tall lanky frame was covered in porcelain white skin. The thin pale lips on his face held a smirk while his right hand held a shiny silver gun.