Snuggle me baby

Snuggle me baby

The sun peek through the crack in the dark curtain that morning at 9am. But the body sleeping in the bed didn't seem to notice. He kept his eyes shut and lay there peacefully, a small smile plastered on his face. The events of the night before had been beautiful. He had spent the night round his best friends.

They had watched movies, ate popcorn and spoke about things other people would never be able to dream up. The night had ended with Gerard gasping at the time.

"Frank, it's 3am! We should get some sleep." He spoke calmly.

"Okay, Gee...You're right." Frank nodded. He so badly wanted to take him to bed with him.

He wasn't going to deny it to himself. He liked Gerard more than a best friend, he had had a crush on him for as long as he could remember and he knew Gerard returned the feelings. But to keep stuff nice and smooth between the band they decided not to play on those feelings in front of the others, just incase they got weirded out by it.

"I'll take the couch. You can have my bed." Gerard smiled sleepily.

"What? Gee, you have a double bed...Why don't we just share?"

Gerard sighed and bit his bottom lip thoughtfully. "I don't think we should. Mikey is coming round tomorrow afternoon and I know we'd never be up in time if we shared a bed..."

Frank giggled at the naughty thought that flashed through his mind. "Okay. Then I'll take the couch and you have the bed."

"No. I'll have the couch."

"But it's your bed."

"You are the guest here so I insist you have the bed."

After much debating Frank had given up and got into the cold bed, and he fell asleep imagining himself in Gerard's arms.

~ ~ ~

"Morning Frankie." Gerard said softly, entering the bedroom in his batman pyjama's.

Frank groaned and shifted slightly, he didn't open his eyes.

"Frankie, wake up." Gerard said, a little louder this time.

"I don't wanna get up..." Frank yawned. "What's the time?"

"Just after 9."

"Ugh..." Frank opened one eye lazily and stared at his best friend, a small smile played on his lips as he lifted the duvet to reveal his almost naked body. The only thing covering him was his silk dark boxers. "Care to join me, gorgeous?"

"I don't think I should." Gerard took in the beautiful sight.

"Come on, I know you want too..." The words echoed in the air around them.

"I really shouldn't." But Gerard was walking closer.

"I am losing patience...Don't make me grab you." Frank propped himself up on his elbow.

"And I am losing willpower. Come on, get up."

Before he could protest any more Frank had grabbed his friend by the forearm and dragged him into the warm bed with him. Frank scuttled closer and put Gerard's arms round himself.

"Mmm you smell so so good." Frank smiled, putting his own arms around Gerard's body.

Gerard let his muscles relax and decided not to get out of his arms just yet, he wanted to enjoy being there for a while. He got comfy and pulled Frank in a little tighter, who put his head on Gerard's rising and falling chest.

"I love this so much, Gee. Me and you...This bed." Frank's eyes fluttered closed as Gerard stroked his friends hair.

"Me too, Frankie...Me too."

"I just wish I could lie here forever, in your arms...Nothing else mattering in the world." Frank yawned.

"Yeah..." Gerard's voice got softer and softer before realising Frank was fast asleep again.

Gerard chuckled to himself and closed his own eyes, ready to fall asleep right there also.