Status: Check out the remake 'Young & Reckless'

Pregnant at 16. I Don't Think This Was in The Bible


I opened my eyes and I was welcomed with darkness. Just then I saw a bright light over the other side. I remembered I was at the park with Hayden. I slightly moved my head and found that my head was laying on Hayden’s chest.

“Hey, I was wondering when you’d wake up.” Hayden smiled down at me.

I quickly got off of Hayden’s chest and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and asked, “What time is it?”

He looked at his wrist watch and said, “Almost 6 AM.”

“Shit!” I cursed and stood up. “ I was supposed to be home by 10.”

“Well its kind of late now.” He said looking at his watch again.

I sighed and stood up.

“No its okay. We still have, an hour to get to school.” He said standing up with me.

“Hayden, school starts at 6:30. I would have to get ready in 15 minutes and then the drive takes about twenty minutes to get me home and to get to school. So no, its not okay.” I put my hand on my forehead and shook my head.

“It’s going to be okay your just going to miss one day of school,” Hayden assured me.

I took Hayden by the shoulders and shook him, “No Hayden, you don’t understand. I’ve never missed a single day of school since preschool!” Hayden let me shake him with a bored look on his face.

Hayden put his hands on my shoulders and mine fell from his, “Summerlynn, honey, I think the hormones got to your head. Take a deep breath.” I took a deep breath like he said. “Good. Now lets go get something to eat.”

He walked ahead of me with my hand in his hand and I groaned. Hayden lead me to his car, “Now do you want to go home and get yelled at, by who ever is in charge. Or do you want to go to Denny’s and spend the rest of the day with me.” He pointed to himself with his thumb and smiled.

I shook my head back and forth and Hayden’s face fell from his bright smile, “I’d rather go home and get the whatever’s coming for me. But you wont let that happen. You’d probably say something like, ‘Summer your pregnant you need some food in your stomach to feed your child,” I used my fake man voice.

Honestly I couldn’t go home. I couldn’t see Autumn and I know that when I do I’m going to burst into uncontrollable tears. I couldn’t let her see me so down when she herself was trying to keep in the loss and the hurt.

Hayden chuckled, “Actually if you wanted to go home I would have taken you. But you make a good point Summer, lets get something to eat for me, you, and your baby.” Hayden flashed that radiant fabulous smile at me and I gave him a fake one back.

The car was silent throughout the whole ride but the soft music in the background kept me from randomly breaking out in tears. The fact that someone I love dearly, just lost someone closer than her own mother, hit me straight in the face.

I couldn’t handle it any longer, I cried silently, from the inside.


Hayden and I were having a good time. Right now we were laughing about some couple across from us who was making out and ice cold water fell straight on the males crotch. Then loudly the woman said, “Honey you need to learn how to control your erections!”

We were laughing so hard that I didn’t notice that my father and his secretary Nancy passed us and sat at the small table on the right of us.

I suddenly stopped laughing, “What’s wrong?” Hayden asked with some laughs still in his system.

My laughing had completely stopped, I looked at my father and his secretary with hate. A few seconds later, when I was about to look away, I saw my father plant a passionate kiss on Nancy.

I gasped, I turned to Hayden with a confused look on his face, “We have to go, like now.” I put down my fork and started to get up.

“Um okay?” Hayden asked, still looking confused.

I stood up and a glass of water fell on my lap, “Shit!” I said. My fathers and Nancy’s head quickly turned my way.

Only one disgusting word was going through my head, shit. I quickly as possible walked out the door. I walked back and forth in one quick pace as I waited for Hayden to pay the bill.

Hayden finally came out of Denny’s, he made his way to me, about to speak but I hurried and walked to the car. I got in and Hayden followed me.

“Okay before we go anywhere, just tell me. What the fuck is going on Summer?” He asked.

I took a deep breath. “I just saw my dad in there. With his secretary, kissing. It wasn’t one of those friendly kisses, it was a passionate lovers kiss.” I started to worry, not for my life falling apart, that’s already happened, but for my mother.

When and if my mother finds out she would be crushed. I don’t know what she would do with out my father. He’s all that she has. Even though I’m not in their lives anymore, I care deeply about them. Even though my father doesn’t, and my mother acts like she doesn’t, I do. A child can never hate their parents, and a parent can never hate their child.

Hayden closed his eyes, “I know what it feels like Summer, its going to be okay.” He rested his hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand.

“No!” I screamed and his hand immediately went away from my shoulder, “Its not going to be okay. I don’t want to hear anymore lies. Its never going to be okay. My father hates me, has disowned me from his life and my mothers, I have no where to go and nothing to do after I have this child, and no to mention-” I choked on the next words. I couldn’t mention Autumn without going ballistic.

I calmed down a little and said, “I want to go home. I need to see my mom.”


Hayden and I were in front of my house. I stared at the white shutters and peach walls from across the street.

“Summer, are you sure you want to do this? We can always go back and-” I stopped Hayden right there.

“No, I have to do this. And if my father comes in, then I’ll face whatever’s coming for me.” I sighed while I still looked at my house.

Hayden put his hands off the wheel and gave me a big hug. A single tear went down my face, “Thanks Hayden you’re a great friend.” I smiled to him.

“Yeah a friend. And I’ll be a friend to stick around till the end.” He gave me a smile and unlocked the car doors.

I opened the door and walked up to my home. I softly knocked and waited for my mom to come answer the door.

“Hello- Summerlynn what are you doing here?” My mom asked shocked. She stepped aside to let me in.

I walked inside and walked to the couch to sit down. Mom sat across from me on the chair with her legs folded.

“Mom, I need you to believe me with all your heart and soul.” I looked at her straight in the eye.

“What’s wrong Honey? Of course I believe you, you’re my child.” She looked back at me.

“Dads cheating on you. I know it sounds crazy. But I was at Denny’s with a friend and I saw him and Nancy kissing. I didn’t know what to do. I ran out. Mom, do you believe me?” I asked her when she held her head down and started to cry.

“I suspected it, but I never thought it would be with Nancy. I’ve known it since you told us that you were pregnant. I denied it, I’m such an idiot. What would people at church think?” She asked letting out a sob after her sentence.

I sighed, at lease she believed me. “Mom it doesn’t matter what people would think at church. What are you going to do?” I asked her.

“I’ll tell you exactly what I’m going to do,” Just as mother was about to tell me, dad rushed in the house.

“Honey how was your day?” He asked in a cheery voice. Mom and I looked at each other with wide eyes, “What are you doing here, Summerlynn?” Dad asked and he said my name with disgust.

“I came here to tell mom that your cheating on her with your secretary Nancy.” I stood up and folded my arms.

“What kind of lies are you telling now Summer? You’ve already have two sins carrying on you right now. And I bet you have twenty more somewhere else. What you saw at Denny’s was what you call friendship. I simply hugged Nancy.” He said with rage coming out of every word.

I shook my head, he was not denying this, “You’re saying I’ve sinned. Look at how many sins you’ve just committed. You know your cheating on mom with Nancy. At Denny’s it was obvious that you kissed Nancy, at lease for thirty seconds.” I said.

I looked over at mom who was sobbing and kneeling with her eyes closed. I’m not sure but I think she was praying.

“I cant look at you right now, go to your room.” He pointed up stairs. He shook his head, “No get out this house.” He pointed to the door with his red face. “I hope God forgives you in some way.” He shook his head.

I walked out the door and looked across the street at Hayden. His face changed once he saw tears coming down my face. From the inside of the house I could hear screaming.

“Get up bitch!” I could hear my father yell and mom.

I could hear their screams and yelling’s. I couldn’t take this anymore. I ran…