Status: Keep or Kill? I'm rarely in a corny mood so not sure about updates....

Just Another Love Story


Saffron walked out of English, digging in her pocket to retrieve her worn and doodle covered timetable to check what she had next. Calculus. Her heart seemed to flutter a little, that boy was in her Calculus, hmmm she'd never caught his name. Well at least now she had a good reason to strike up a conversation!
Grinning, she practically skipped to Calculus.

Saffron arrived in Calculus and saw he was already there, there was an empty desk next to him and because of the everchanging substitute teachers (original teacher had had a mental breakdown quite early on in the year) Saffron wouldn't get any trouble if she decided to sit in it.
She dumped her stuff on the desk and shot him a quick smile as he turned to see who had placed themselves beside him, he smiled back, his eyes seeming to sparkle.
"I never caught your name," she said, still smiling. It wouldn't go away.
"Indigo," he replied, running a hand through his hair.
"Suits you!" She said with a giggle.
"I like to think so," He smirked.
Then the bell rang and the rest of the class poured in noisily, dumping their stuff on various desks, grumbling when they couldn't get a seat next to their "BFFL's" etc.
Throughout the whole class Saffron couldn't seem to take her eyes off him. He was endearing, captiviating, like a work of art.
About halfway through he leant over and whispered in her ear,
"are you just going to sit there and stare or actually talk to me?"
It sent tingles down her spine.
Not wishing to get in trouble for talking she dug into her bag for her doodle book, ripped a page out of the back of it and wrote, "okay then" in neat cursive on the top. She folded it up and passed it over to him. He smiled as he read it and replied with, "so, do you come here often?" His handwriting was a messy scrawl, like that of some creative genius. You could tell he was more of an artist than a writer.
Saffron giggled, he was smooth and flirtatious, she may as well do the same!
"Only if you do!" Was her reply.
He gave a giggle as he read it, a giggle that made Saff's stomach whirl.
Suddenly she noticed he was frowning as he wrote, he looked slightly nervous as he passed the note over, she wondered what was on it...
"So I know I haven't known you all that long, but.... there's a good looking movie coming out on friday.... it's an action comedy..... do you maybe wanna go see it with me? I'll buy the tickets if you go halves on the food.... or i'll pay for it all if you want..."
She gave a grin as she read it and scribbled her reply as fast as possible.
"Halves sounds good :)"
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finish when i get home <3
my dad's being all grr at me :(