I Need You


I took a large step to miss tripping over a root from sticking up in the ground. My beagle, Daisy was dragging me down the trail to Lake Erie. Every Fourth of July weekend, my family and I took a camping trip. It was kind of a tradition, one that I’d love to get out of.

Back in my freshman year of high school, my parents agreed to let my boyfriend, Brian tag along. He did the same sophomore year too. Expect that year; he broke some news to me that changed my life around forever.

I’ll come back for you. Was what he said.

Brian told me that he was going to be moving back to his hometown of Huntington Beach, California. It crushed me to say the least. He wanted to go home and reunite with his old friends and start a band. I couldn’t have stopped him even if I tried. It was his dream and I couldn’t get in the way of that.

Stupid I believed him that he would come back for at first. Now three years later, I was starting to lose all my hope. I figured that he probably forgotten about me. While he was probably out living his rockstar life, I was still in Ohio just getting started on my college career.

“Daisy, slow down,” I said, pulling back on her leash a bit.

I felt like my arm was going to pop out of its socket. Nothing fazed her. Daisy’s nose was on the ground, sniffing at the footprints in the dirt. They were Nike’s from what I could tell. Brian had always worn them when he was around me.

I yanked on Daisy’s collar once more, pulling her back at my side. The damn dog didn’t even know how to sit on command, and my dad forced me to go do something. I didn’t even really know where I was going. Not that I really did care. I knew the path I was on. It led me to the dock that overlooked Lack Erie. It also happened to be where Brian decided to break my heart. That little piece of my childhood was ruined.

The path was longer than I remembered. I began to wonder if I took a wrong turn somewhere. Daisy’s nose was still on the ground, sniffing the footprints. If I happened to get lost, hopefully the owner of the Nike’s could help me back to my campsite.

I jumped over a fallen tree, continuing down the path. I began to see a clearing and Lake Erie. Thank God.

I must’ve not been paying attention, but I tripped. I put my arms out in front of me, protecting my face before hitting the ground. Little pebbles and twigs cut into my hands, causing me to hiss in pain. Somehow Daisy’s leash managed to fall and as I looked around for her, I saw her making a break for it to the clearing.

“Shit,” I cursed, getting on my feet and beginning to run after her.

I know calling after her wasn’t going to do anything. I made it to the clearing, looking around. I saw her tracks in the mud and broke off in a sprint in that direction.

“Daisy! Daisy!” I shouted, almost out of breath.

I finally spotted her on the dock, her tail wagging as a guy patted her on the head.

“Hey! That’s my dog!” I yelled, waving my arm in the air.

I made it to the dock and placed my hands on my knees. My lungs were screaming and my heart was beating as fast as a racehorse. When I finally looked up, my mouth dropped open.

The guy….standing on the dock……was Brian.

I didn’t even fucking care about my dog right now. I blinked about ten times to believe that he was really there. His small signature smirk was displayed on his lips. He was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

“Brian?” I whispered, hot tears beginning to prick in the corner of my eyes.

“Nikki, don’t cry.” Brian said, walking over to me.

I looked into those chocolate brown eyes I loved so much.

“I thought you wouldn’t come back,” I whimpered.

“I promised you that I would.” He replied, pulling me into his newly tattooed arms. “I have a question to ask you.”

I wiped tears away from my cheeks. This was all so surreal.


“I want you to come home to California with me. I need you there with me.” Brian said, looking into my eyes. “I love you. Come home with me.”

I didn’t answer with words. None needed to be said. I pressed my lips onto his is a passionate, fiery kiss. It was slow and just what I needed. Brian had never kissed like this before now. I’d be leaving my family behind, but right now I didn’t care. We would cross that bridge when it comes. I only wanted to be were Brian was and that was in his arms.