One Shot For Megan.kj.Macdonald

Chapter 1

Jordan's view.
The Stanley Cup Final is tonight, most of us playing for our second cup some our first. Megs and I were sitting in my car in the parking lot just thinking about the game that could shut the mouths of everyone who says we are only a 1 or 2 man team. "Hey Jord?" "Yeah Megs?" "Well I don't think I can do this. I mean, Crosby and Malkin are out. We have lost almost every game without them and I will be honest I'm scared. Most of you guys have already been through this before and this is my first time being in the playoffs and most of the guys are out for blood in the finals." Then tears started falling from her eyes. "Megs, we've won without them because we wanted to prove something. You don't think I'm scared, I'm terrified. I may have done this before but that makes it worse. Everyone thinks we have an advantage winning just 2 years ago, but knowing you won 2 years ago makes it so much harder. Now let's go get ready for the game and if anything happens on the ice you know that I will protect you and so will everyone else on the team you know that." We got out of the car and we hugged, she dried her tears and we walked into the rink. Tonight we were playing the Philadelphia Flyers. I knew that tonight I was going to have to watch Megs back. Philly always goes for the huge hits that injure other players. When we were getting ready to hit the ice, I could see Megs starting to calm down. That made things seem a little easier for me knowing I wouldn't have to worry about her being nervous causing her to become distracted. Starting line was Talbot,Me, and Megs. Mad me happy to know that she would be on my line. First period was tough, Rupp fought Hartnell and won. The score is 1-1 going into the second, Max scored our goal. Megs hasn't been hurt or anything. She calmed done a lot and isn't scared anymore, but I still have to watch her back. Half way through the second period Megs had a breakaway, but Carter back-checked hard and slashed her when she was about to shoot. She slid into the goal and didn't get up. I skated over to her as fast as I could. "Megs, are you okay?" By then all the other guys that were on the ice were going after Carter and other Flyers players. "My wrist is killing me. It's broken no doubt." She wasn't crying surprisingly. "Hang on the trainer is coming." She went to the locker room and didn't come back. End of the second 3-1, we we're winning. We headed into the locker room and first thought was Megs. She was sitting there with her hand wrapped and a bag of ice held to it. Coach asked her how she was doing and she wanted to go back out but the doctors weren't sure. At the start of the third Megs didn't come out. 5 minutes left in the third Philly tied it up at 3. Time was winding down we needed a miracle cause we couldn't get anything past Bobrovsky. Just then Megs came back on the bench. She didn't go out but she came over to talk to me. "Jord, you gotta go out there and make something happen." Then she kissed me. I can't believe she would do that on the bench. "Okay" Was all I could say to her. I hope over the boreds and with less then a minute left I had a breawaway. I went down on Bobrovsky, faked and went high glove side. I looked back to see the refs hand pointed at the goal, then I was tackled by my teamates. It felt great to lift the cup in the air for a second time, but it felt even better knowing Megs inspired me to score that goal. After the game Megs and I were back to sitting in my car in the parking lot. Thinking about the game that just proved we aren't a 1 or 2 man team. "Hey Megs?" "Yeah Jord?" "I'm sorry I didn't protect you out there. I mean he broke your wrist and I couldn't do anything to stop him." "Jord look it's okay" "No it's not, your hurt and it's my fault!" I think I was tlaking to much because she shut me up by kissing me. While we were kissing "Tonight I Love You" by The Latency came on. We pulled into a parking lot where we could see the stars. We stayed there for awhile and thought about the acomplishment we had just surpassed without Geno and Sid. "Megs?" "Yeah Jord?" "I love you." "I love you too Jord."