Induced Euphoria.


“Trust me Andrew,” Laney smiled upon the seventeen year old boy that sat before her. “It’s gets better, so much better. My family,” She sighed and ran a hand through her thick, healthy brunette curls. “My family trusts me now. I’m not stealing, I’m not lying, I’m not using. If I can do it, you can too.” Laney jotted down her number on a piece of scratch paper and slipped it into the boys’ hands forcefully. He shoved it nonchalantly into his front pocket and nodded. “Call me if you feel like using, I’ll talk you out of it.” With that, the skinny pale boy sulked out of her office.

It had been five years, five years on the dot, since Laney had stopped drinking and using. Rehab was one of the best decisions her mother had ever made for her and she couldn’t be any more thankful. Without it, she knew, she would be either on the streets or dead. So to celebrate her fifth year of being clean, her parents and older brother were taking her out to eat.

“Laney!” Matt engulfed her into a bear hug and kissed her acne free forehead. “Congratulations.” He whispered and squeezed her just a little tighter. “I’m so proud of you, we’re all proud of you.” Even in the dim lights of the restaurant she could see that brilliant smile of her twenty three year old brother. It always made her happy, it always gave her hope. “Come on, mom and dad are at the table already.”

The dinner was like old times. Laughter, smiles, and cracking jokes, the Sanders were a family again. “What can I get you to drink?” The waitress asked politely, her gaze was met by Laney’s. Matt shot a quick glance at her, and she could tell the whole family was a little anxious as they waited.

“How about a lemonade,” Laney grinned as she felt her brothers heavy hand pat her back. Her mother let out a long sigh and her father wrapped his arm around her mother’s waist comfortingly.
“So Lane,” Matt spoke as he eyed a trey of beers being carried by. “Stop by my practice tomorrow. Jim really misses you.”

Laney hadn’t seen Jimmy since the stair case five years ago and she missed him dearly. Sure he was Matt’s best friend, but he was also hers. She remembered when he would sneak into her room at night, when Matt had fallen asleep, and they would talk till sunrise. She remembered when he would see her at school talking to a dealer and he would try to prevent her from buying. It was no good. “I’ll come, what time?” She smiled and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. Her shining, alive, hazel eyes.

Avenged Sevenfold was a huge local band when Laney was using but now they were even bigger. They were signed; they toured, and even had two full lengths out. Laney only knew Jimmy though, the others she had never met before but she knew she used to see them around her high school.

After dinner, Laney went home. Her tired arms turned the knob to start a bath and heat the cold water. Clear liquid sloshed back and forth as she stepped in, goose bumps etching across her olive skin. She lay her head against the cold plastic wall and let the hot water warm her. Suddenly she realized how far she had come; from a sixteen year old junkie alcoholic to a completely sober teenage drug counselor. She went from being the living dead to actually living. She was experiencing life in the best ways like helping others, traveling, and earning a living on her own.
“Laney!” She heard a loud roar as she pulled into the parking lot of the studio. That voice, she knew all too well.
“Jimmy!” She called from her open window, parked, unbuckled her seat belt and bolted for that skinny boy that stood only feet away from her.
“I missed you so much,” He whispered in her ear as they hugged. It was a tender moment, a moment she wished she hadn’t missed out on for five years of her life.
“I missed you so much too,” She nearly cried and snuggled closer into his chest.
“Look at you, you’re so fucking beautiful. You’re clean and sober and living fucking life.” He chuckled and brushed some hair from her eyes.
“Thanks,” Laney mumbled shyly, “Come on, you have to get to practice.”
“You’re right,” He paused and pushed Laney away. He examined her from head to toe in complete awe. His jaw slacked as he personally witnessed the healthy, voluptuous women that stood before him. “Ok, now let’s go.” He laughed and took her hand, leading her up a stair case into a rather large practice studio.

“Look who’s here!” Jimmy busted through the door way, causing a short boy with blotchy bleach blond hair to drop his bass.
“Lane?” Matt popped his head around the corner and beamed, “Hey sis.”
“Guys,” Jimmy announced. “This is Laney Sanders, Matt’s little sister.”
“Hi guys,” She waved awkwardly and stepped behind Jimmy’s lanky frame.
“Laney, this is Johnny Gera.” He pointed toward the bleach blond haired boy. He flashed a crooked smile and waved. “This here is Brian Haner, he’s a douche.” Jimmy laughed, earning him a punch in the gut.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Laney,” Brian smiled politely and shook her hand.
“And last but not least, this is Zacky.”

At the sight of him, Laney melted. His green orbs blazed in the sunlight that poured from the windows and his lip rings shined brightly. His tattoos poked through a Night of the Living Dead shirt and the smile her flashed her only made her heart flutter. “Zacky Baker, at your service,” He saluted her and moved to shake her hand. Quickly, she wiped the sweat from her palms and let her hand rest in the grasp. A soft tingling sensation drizzled up her arm as the warmth from their skin heated her cheeks. She knew from then on Zacky Baker was going to be her new drug and she was going to need a fix sooner or later.
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There you go!