Induced Euphoria.


She could see through the front bay window that the house was empty. The lights were off and only the sound of Bella's barking echoed against the walls. Laney lifted the welcome mat and grabbed the spare key. Once inside the house, she let the blue duffle bag fall onto the wood flooring with a loud thud and jumped onto the couch. 

Photos of his family, his friends, and his fiancée danced across the furniture. Candles, that Laney knew Valary had put up, scented the house a warm vanilla, just like her parents home. 
"Laney?" A famine voice called from the front door. 
"Yeah Val, it's me." A blond haired girl moved around the couch and sat down next to Laney, she pulled her fiancées sister in her arms and smiled. 
"How are you?" Val asked and ran her hand through her hair. 
"I've been worse," She laughed and stood to her feet. 
"Let me show you to the guest room," Val grinned. 

Valary had been friends with Matt and Jimmy since grade school and she had experienced everything Matt went through with Laney first hand. Val knew that Laney was still struggling, she saw it every day in her eyes.

Val had left Laney alone as she began to set up her room. The sun was shining against the light blue paint that splashed like the ocean against the walls. Birds were chirping and the reflection of the sun beamed off of the visible sea. She folded her clothes and let them slip into drawers, she lined up her shoes, and set up her hair products in the connected bathroom. 

"Hey Matt!" A masculine voice boom into her bedroom, startling her. "Oh shit," The voice laughed as he saw Laney's back smack against the wall. "Sorry, I just thought Matt was home." 
Laney turned, catching her breath, and saw non other than Zacky Baker. "Oh," She smiled. "It's okay," She pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and stood. 
"How are you Laney?" He asked and leaned against the door frame. 
"I'm good, how are you Zack?" 
"Good," Laney brushed passed him as she left the bathroom, he followed her into the living room and watched as she flipped on the television. "One Tree Hill?" He asked as she began watching it, not even caring that he was in the same room as her. Laney needed to ignore him, she couldn't let her self feel the way she was, it was unhealthy. 

"Yes, One Tree Hill." Laney spoke and kept her eyes glued on the television: 
"So are you going to look at me or?" He sat down next to her.
"No." It was word vomit, she barely realized she said it before the shocked look flashed across his face. 
"What?" He laughed, "Why?" 
"Because," She paused. "I like you."
Zacky scooted closer to Laney's thin frame on the couch, a sly smirk was spread across his perfect face. "And that's a bad thing?" Another cocky laugh left his plump lips. 
"It's unhealthy for me. I can't be obsessing-" 
"Obsessing?" He interjected, his eyebrows raised. 
"Shut it," Laney shook her head and continued. "I have an addictive personality," She hissed. "And if I can easily get this addicted to you, the I can sure as hell fall back in my old habits." 
"Old habits?" He asked, his eyes were soft. Those eyes filled with excessive pride seem to fade and a gentle smile was plastered on his face. 
"I used to be a drug addict. A fucking everything addict." 

Laney watched Zackys face, it contorted in confusion, when suddenly it looked as if a light went off. 
"Laney fucking Sanders," He whispered and glanced up at her face. "Now I know who you are," Everyone knew who Laney was. She was that whore; that druggie; that bum. Rumors passed through school like venom in veins, most of them were true. "You dated that low life Alex something,"  

The day Alex Scott met Laney Sanders was the day she died. He was always intriguing to her. The way his black shaggy hair fell into his baby blue eyes and his brooding aurora hooked Laney the way Zack Baker did. Alex Scott was trouble and everyone knew. He wore ripped jeans, listened to heavy metal, and had dark circles underneath his innocent eyes. Those dark circles weren't from lack of sleep but from excessive use of drugs, Laney soon found out. But that didn't stop her obsession, it only furthered it and the first day Laney had hung out with him, he handed her a joint. 

With an innocent mind, soft eyes, and a naive smile, she took it only to impress her obsession. It was a high unlike anything she had ever felt. It wasn't Iike the exaggerated effects of movies or television, it was better. She was calm, cool, and collected like she had never been before. Her vision slightly blurred and her head spinned. The clouds in the sky formed into different figures and her laughter filled the back yard of Alex's run down house. She felt like another person had inhabited her body, person less nerdy and more confident. That day was the start of her demise. 

It start with weed, everyday after school, Laney would get on the back of Alex's motorcycle, against her brothers wishes, and would go get high. One day, after school, with several friends, Alex pulled out a small plastic bag of colored pills. 
"What is that?" Laney asked as Alex placed on one his tongue. Alex didn't say anything, he rarely ever did, and just handed her an aqua tablet. A small seashell was imprinted on it and it only intrigued Laney more. That was the night Laney lost her virginity, higher than a kite. The introduction to new drugs went on and on through out the years.  

"Alex Scott," Laney reminded Zacky. He noticed her cringe at the name. 
"Bad memories?" He asked. 
"I'm sure you heard them all at school." 
Zacky just laughed, "I didn't pay attention to the shit people spread. I hated them all anyway," He shook his head and turned toward Laney. "I only heard you were hooked on heroin from Matt and that's it." 
"That's it," she laughed. "I think you should go." 
"Why?" Zacky asked quickly. 
"Just go."