Three Wishes

Two Wishes.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that whenever Pete Wentz throws a party, something is either very right or very wrong. Lucky for him, most of the attendees are more worried about how cool they look wearing sunglasses inside or the amount of alcohol going down their throats to bother with Pete Wentz’s issues. So when Mikey’s iPhone rang from the text invite, he knew yet again that something was indeed wrong.

Especially since the invite even came. It had been approximately two years since he had been involved in Pete’s inner circle. The ones that went to his house parties. The last one he had been to ended less than perfect. Mikey had known it wasn’t a bring-your-own-fiancée theme but he didn’t think it was a big deal. After being ignored for an hour and a half, a drunken Gabe was made messenger for their dismissal. Mikey had thought it was immature and impulsive, but it was Pete we were talking about.

Now with Alicia out of town, the question that Mikey had kept asking himself all day and much of the night was why? Why was he even entertaining the idea of going to Pete’s house that night? He was destined to regret it. He knew that.

But the idea was too tempting. He was embarrassed by his curiosity. He had to find out what was wrong with Pete.

So he was there that night. And so was everyone else. All the chaos and the clashing of glasses that Mikey had remembered. He had gotten there pretty late almost strategically. He knew everyone would be a little gone and wouldn’t question his presence. He finally found the heart of it all in the house. He made his way through; a couple groups of people all grabbing at his arms and giving him big drunken hugs saying how much they missed seeing him there. Finally, he made it to the couch and Pete looked up from his cell phone at him. His face broke out in an earnest smile.

“You made it,” he said simply over the roar of the crowd. “Come; sit.”

Mikey gave a slight smile and took a seat next to him, but not too close.
“Something to drink?” Pete asked, but Mikey shook his head, silently. A couple people stood around Pete and they smiled for a moment at Mikey before continuing their conversations. Mikey sat back and watched Pete work his magic on the group. The Gemini Mind working social wonders with the close friends.

Then Mikey’s ears picked up a change in volume. The room’s boiling chatter began to simmer into a steady steam of whispers. He looked up to the rest of the room. They all parted slightly when an oncoming force began to make its way through the crowd. The people around the couch began to stop and look around to see what was going on.

The fair haired, heavily tattooed man made the occasional greeting with people around him. He gave a couple hugs and everyone watched on, whispering to the person next to them. Mikey felt himself intake a sharp breath as he felt the trouble about to brew.

Mikey leaned over to Pete, “its Craig. You want me to handle it?”

Pete was already staring at the crasher, but Mikey saw his eyes get blacker and his lip quiver. “No, it’s fine. I got it.”

Pete stood up and put his drink down on the coffee table. Everyone watched as he went over, tapping Craig on the shoulder. The man turned around and there was a question in his eyes. Like he knew he wasn’t welcome and was waiting for his party crashing punishment to be let out. Pete’s face broke out in a wide smile. “Hey, man!” he said and hugged him.

The room let out a sigh and the volume picked back up. People went back to their corners and their conversations, but Mikey watched on.

Pete pulled away and Mikey read his lips as they addressed the man. “You wanna go outside a minute?” His lips said. His face looking innocent.

Craig nodded and smiled. Obviously relieved that he was welcome. He followed Pete towards the door to the driveway.

Mikey knew better though and he got up to follow them. He worked his way through the crowd and went out the door. Stopping just short of the driveway, he hid himself and tried to watch them.

“What are you doing here, man?” Pete’s voice didn’t sound happy anymore. It sounded worn out and tired.

“What do you mean? I came with Matt.” Craig laughed.

Pete didn’t think it was funny. “It is when everyone in the room is fully aware of you and Ash. Do you think I just left you off the list cause I forgot? I mean have some courtesy.”

Craig rolled his eyes. “Come on, man. You’re getting divorced. Face it. It’s over.”

“Craig, that’s not the point. We are still married. It’s just not in good taste,” Pete was losing his calm edge.

“I get it. Tough times for you two, okay? Don’t worry. I want what’s best for Ashlee and Bronx and I think that that is just a little stability.”

Pete’s fists tightened. “Don’t bring my son into this.”

Craig laughed. “I’m just saying, bro.”

“Well, you should stop saying. Really.” Pete was trying to put it to rest.

“Fine. Whatever. I’ll go. But …she told me about how you felt about …him. I just think you should know that I’m never gonna put her second. Especially not for some estranged past lover like you did.” Craig’s eyes and voice were fierce. He gave Pete a long, disgusted look before turning back towards the line of cars.

There was a moment when Mikey thought Pete would just let it slide. Let him walk away. But it didn’t end up happening like that. Pete grabbed Craig’s shoulder with one hand and knocked him down with the other.

Mikey ran from his hiding place. Pete looked down at a cursing and struggling Craig and took a step towards him. Seething and shaking.

Mikey grabbed Pete’s arm and pulled him back quickly.

Pete looked back at him. His eyes looking like he just got caught by his parents. “I-I…” he stuttered for an excuse. His whole aura calming down from the touch.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry,” Mikey said back, letting go of his arm.

Pete’s face went blank and he swallowed slowly. “Take me somewhere.”

Mikey was confused. “Where?”

Pete shook his head, looking around. “Anywhere but here. I got to get out.”

Mikey blinked back. “Okay.” He pulled out his keys and began walking to his car. Pete followed behind.

They started driving through the night. The silence enveloping them.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” Mikey said after awhile.

“I was being stupid. I shouldn’t have hit him,” Pete sighed.

Mikey didn’t know what to say about that. He wasn’t sure what Pete was trying to defend with the act of violence.

Mikey pulled into his driveway and turned the car off. “Come on,” he said.

Pete began up the stairs and Mikey chased after him, watching his every move. His face had that empty look that Mikey hated. He was fading fast. His guilty conscience was overtaking him again.

Mikey opened the door for him and Pete sat down on the couch. Mikey stood for a second, trying to let it sink it. “Um, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” He said simply and went to his room.

He closed the door and looked in the mirror. What are you doing? he asked himself but he had no response. He splashed some water on his face and smoothed his hair back with the excess. Fuckin A. You are such an idiot. He said to himself.

He couldn’t have been gone more than three minutes. When he came back into the living room, Pete was gone.

Mikey looked around before hearing tinkering in the kitchen he went in there and saw Pete, sitting on the island, pouring himself a water glass full of the vodka Alicia kept under the sink.

When the clear liquid reached just short of the brim, Pete stopped and grabbed the glass. Draining a good half of it before turning to Mikey.

“Do you want some?” he asked coldly, wiping his upper lip.

Mikey shook his head. “I don’t drink anymore.”

“Yeah, neither do I,” Pete grinned before finishing the glass and refilling it.

Mikey pursed his lips, not knowing if he should stop him. Alicia will wonder what happened when she can’t find the bottle. What to do, what to do? His mind sinking down to fall back decision. “I’ll be right back.”

Mikey went back to his bedroom and sat down on his bed. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number.

“Hello?” said a voice on the other end.

“Gerard,” Mikey reacted, “He’s here, again.”

He heard a long sigh on the other side of the line.

“May I ask why?”

Mikey scratched nervously at his arm. “I was at his house for a party and he got into some trouble. So I took him home.” His voice was full of shame.

“Mikey,” Gerard sighed. “Why did you go over there? “

The younger brother rolled his eyes, “I had to okay. That’s not the point.”

“Well you wouldn’t have had to take him home if you didn’t go. Maybe he would have learned to deal with his own problems for once.”

“Gerard!” Mikey yelled. “Are you gonna help me or not?”

He heard his brother thinking hard, “You just… need to get him out. Out of your presence. Okay?”

“I can’t exactly do that. He’s half in the bag.”

Gerard’s voice got sassy, “God damn it, Mikey. Just call Gabe to come pick him up or something. I don’t know. Just promise me you will get rid of him.”

Mikey was silent for a moment. “Okay. I promise.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Gerard said before hanging up.

Mikey sat there in the darkness for a minute. He had to do it. He just had to call someone up and ask them to pick Pete up.

He got up and went back into the kitchen. Pete was on the floor now. Slumped against the cabinet. Mikey had only been gone for five minutes. How could he…

“Mikey,” Pete whispered out. His eyes still closed and his body awkwardly pressed against the wood. His fist on the floor unclenched and an orange bottle rolled out onto the floor. Empty.

Mikey panicked. He got down to the ground picking it up. He read the label. Sleep pills. “Pete,” he yelled at him. “How many of these did you take?”

Pete blinked up at him. Not getting it.

Mikey shook his arm. “How many, Pete?”

Pete’s mouth slurred out, “Don’t worry. Not enough.”

Mikey pursed his lips and sat back on the opposite side of the cabinets. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Cause you are the only one that ever thought I was worth putting up with,” Pete smiled but his eyes fluttered closed.

Mikey pursed his lips and at the moment, it felt like a harsh insult. Although, he knew it was completely factual.

“I just need to sleep. Just put me to sleep, Mikey,” Pete shook his head, almost begging.

Mikey got up and grabbed Pete, throwing him over his shoulder. He went back into his bedroom and laid him down on the bed. He pulled the sheets over him. He thought about maybe kissing his forehead, but he decided that was probably a horrible idea. And he had reached his bad idea quota for today.

He went back into his living room, shutting off all the lights, and laid down on the couch. Falling into a deep, pensive sleep.


Mikey felt his face hit the floor. He looked up and saw he was in the middle of his living room. He looked back and saw his brother holding up the couch, behind him. He rushed to stand up.

“Hey,” Mikey smoothed down his hair and clothes. “What are you doing here?”

Even through the morning haze in his eyes, he could see Gerard was fuming. He dropped the couch with a loud thud.

“You promised me, Mikey. You promised me you would get rid of him.”

Mikey’s eyes blurred as he suddenly remembered everything about last night.

“So my question to you is,” Gerard stepped closer to him. “Why is he still in your bed? I come all the way out here to talk things over with you. Tell you I’m proud for having some fucking self respect and ridding yourself of that leech and then I find him sleeping in your bed?”

Mikey sighed, “Just calm down a second.”

“Just give me an explanation. I think you owe me that much.” Gerard stomped over to the walk out and sat down on the wicker couch outside.

Mikey followed him out there and shut the door behind him, trying to be quiet. “After I got off the phone with you, he swallowed a bunch of sleeping meds. He was fading fast already so I let him sleep it off here. Nothing else happened. I promise that.” He sat down opposite from him.

Gerard pulled the pack of cigarettes from his jacket and lit one. He blew a puff of smoke out quickly before starting. “I don’t care what you did. I wouldn’t care if you guys hooked up or not. I just don’t want him here.”

Mikey sighed. “why not? I mean-“

“You know why, Mikey.” Gerard interrupted and erupted. “You know the effect he has on you. You know he’s like your own addiction. You know want to help him and you want to be his muse, but you get so caught up in his shit. It’s not healthy. You were doing so good before this. Before the divorce and him coming over. He is playing you. He just wants someone to document another downfall with. That’s all he wants and you are giving it to him.”

Mikey sat silent. His arms crossed over his chest. Not completely sure what to think.

Gerard sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it like that.”

“No, it’s whatever. It’s not like I don’t know that.” Mikey combed his messy hair back.

“I’m just saying,” his brother voiced before another drag, “every time you give him an inch, he takes a mile. I know you too good to get let him over take you like that.”

The sound of the door squeaking open made both of the brothers stop and look up.

Pete stood there looking immensely hung over and a little shocked by Gerard’s presence. Of course he knew that Mikey’s brother wasn’t his biggest fan. He couldn’t have not known.

“Hey, Gerard. How are you?” he said politely.

“I’m okay. But I got to get out of here,” Gerard put out his cigarette on the glass table and got up. “I’ll call you later, Mikey. Nice seeing you, Pete.” He made his way over to the door.

“You too,” Pete said almost to himself and watched Gerard leave. When he was out of sight, Pete sat down next to Mikey on the wicker couch.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he said to his hands as they rubbed against each other.

“It’s okay,” Mikey said tightly. Feeling dirty after Gerard’s speech.

“I wanna make it up to you. Let me take you out for dinner,” Pete said.

Mikey bit his lip. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Pete looked up at him, “Why not?”

Mikey was speechless.

“Is it cause of Gerard?” Pete said, his fists clenching. “Cause he doesn’t like me. Is that why he came over?”

“It’s not that,” Mikey tried to say.

“Then what is it? Gerard just thinks I am out to play with you, right? That I can’t just be your friend. That I’m using you.”

Mikey pursed his lips, “Well, let’s face it. We can’t be just friends, Pete. You know that. We have tried that one before.”

Pete blinked. “So that’s it. You just wanna forget about me.”

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Of course I don’t. Okay? I just have been trying to put my mental health at a high priority these days. And you have quite a way of messing with that. I’m just trying to look out for myself.”

“I know I am not perfect but I just miss you, Mikey. Is that allowed? Can a friend miss a friend without it being some big deal that you have to call in your brother for?”

Mikey’s jaw clenched, “he was worried about me. He doesn’t wanna see me lose it again.”

“I don’t know why you even listen to him.” Pete ignored Mikey, “he doesn’t know me. He never gave me a chance. To him I was just some lime light loving wannabe rockstar that was out to cause drama everywhere I went.”

“I’d say it’s a pretty accurate description,” Mikey said coldly. Finally getting fed up with Pete’s attitude.

Pete looked at him. His eyes begging the question, ‘who have you become?’ “Whatever. Call me when you stop being such an asshole.” The dark haired boy started making his way out.

“Pete, wait.” Mikey got up to stop him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Dinner tonight. You owe me.”

Pete stopped and his face slowly broke out in a smile. “Okay then. I’ll text you the details when I have them.”

Mikey's brain fizzed and wished that he could quit this or it could quit him.