Status: Inactive. Waaaaay too busy with life, sorry loves

Madness in Death

Dream of demons while you sleep

"Brendon! Stay away from my sister, you bastard!" the witch screamed as I ran away from her. I look behind to see her fly towards me, her face burned and her boney burned fingers tyring to get me.

"Mary, stop!" Elizabeth screamed, struggling against the barb wire, shredding her skin every time she moved. I was in Hell, and I was going to get out with Elizabeth.

As I reach Elizabeth, I then find myself in pitch black place.

"Elizabeth! Where are you?" I scream out, worrying where she is.

I spin around, not knowing where she is, nor seeing any light. My heart beats faster as I sumble in the darkness, not knowing where I am going or where I am.

A cracked door with light shining through is placed in front of me and I run towards it, not wanting to be in the bitter darkness anymore. This mysterious door is the only way out of this nightmare.

"Elizabeth, don't do it. My brother is in love with you." I hear my brother's voice say as I get closer to the door. A confused look is placed on my face.

"It's okay, Brian. He doesn't have to know." a voice that was unfamiliar said as I look through the crack. The voice didn't belong to the girl it came from, nor did the clothes she wears belongs to the girl wearing them.

"No, that can't be Elizabeth." I thought to myself as she corners my twin in his chair. Tears start to form in my eyes as I barge open the door. Elizabeth doesn't get off of Brian like I thought she would though. It was like I was invisible.

I close my eyes, stopping myself from seeing the image and repeating to myself, denying that it was Elizabeth wearing those harlet clothes, trying to seduce my brother.

"She tried to do it, Brendon." My brother's voice said. I open my eyes to find myself at the cliff where Elizabeth and I would sit when we were younger. I look next to me to see my brother, but he looks sickly and ill with white in his black hair.

"Who did?" I asked him, confused.

All of a sudden, I found myself falling towards the cold water and turned to see Mary and Elizabeth standing at the top of the cliff.

Sitting up, I breath heavily as my heart beats rapidly. I turn on the light on the night stand next to me, and get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

"It was just a nightmare." I said, relieved while turning on the water.

Ever since my brother died and Mary was executed, I've been having these horrible nightmares and they simply won't go away no matter what. Even if I think happy thoughts before bed, I end up dreaming of a nightmare.

Splashing some water on my face, I look at myself in the mirror while holding myself up against the sink. I look tired and pale like the snow. I have no recollection of the nightmare, but whatever it was it scared the living shit out of me.I look away from myself to see my brother through the mirror.

"Brian?" I ask as I turn around, but see nothing.

"Get a hold of yourself, Brendon. You're just seeing things." I say to myself as I turn towards the sink again and splash more water on my face.

Turning off the water, I walk back into my bedroom and return to my bed. I leave the light on, hopefully it'll scare away the nightmares.

"Elizabeth..." My brother says before I fall asleep.
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Sorry for the absolutely horrible first chapter. To be honest, I really didn't think this chapter through and winged it, so tell me how horrible it is. Thanks for reading and subscribe if you like it. Sorry if you don't. (Title credit: Down and Out by The Academy Is...)