Rocky's New Relationship


"I cant stand you anymore",said Rocky to her boyfriend andy. "well I just dont want to look after you all the time", said Andy. You know what, you dont have to anymore cause we are done.

( one month later...)

After her break up with Andy, Rocky was still heart brocken. She couldn't stand him anymore but still wanted him around. "I need a new boyfriend", said Rocky. After school on that rainy spring day, Rocky headed to the mall. Rocky was hoping to find someone"special" there but after just 10 minutes she was denied by half of the guys in the mall. "Hey Rocky",said Jenny. Jenny is Rocky's best friend. They did everything together. Maybe Jenny could help me" thought Rocky. "Hey Jenny was up"? "Oh nothing, just shopping for a new stud belt and fishnet gloves",said Jenny. "Oh cool, do you mind if I hang with you im having a pretty bad da today"? OF COARSE!!, we've been friends since we've been in third grade. Rocky and Jenny were at the mall from 2:45 till 10:00pm chatting, shopping, eating, looking at boys, and just fooling around."Hey look at that one over there" , said Jenny. Rocky turned her head and saw this tall-but not that tall- guy who is really hot, is wearing skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, cons, black and red stripped gloves, and a G.I.R. hat. Rocky couldnt stop starring at this gut, it was if she was in a trance. Jenyy tried to snap her out of it but failed to do so. After about 5 minutes, Jenny splashed water at Rocky." What the fuck"!?!. "ou were staring at the guy for like 20 minutes". "I - I was?!? " umm,yeah". "oops"... Then Rocky and Jenny started laughing, which obviousily got the other guys attention. Being the kind of person that she is, Rocky took one last glimpse at the guy, but failed to realize that he was starring at her too."oh my god, he was starring at me that whole time!!,why didnt you say something Jen??. "Hey I didnt know...was he really starring at you"?? "Yeah, when I turned my head our eyes connected". "Oh, damn, said Jen".After that little akwardness, they decided to leave. "Do you wanna come over, said jen"? "Sure", said Rocky. But as they were about to leave, that same guy from the court called out to Rocky, "yo wait up". Rocky & Jenny turned together and froze in place. " Hey, was up, I'm Dylan". "Uhhh, h-hi", said Rocky. Rocky was so nervous, she started to get light headed."I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out som e time"?, said Dylan. "yeah,sure,ok" said Rocky. "cool,heres my cell number. Call me whenever you'd like". "ok", said Rocky. The guy from the court left with his friends, meanwhile Rocky and Jenny were trying to breathe from what just happened. "Oh my god, did that just happened". " I don't know, why dont you check your hand",said Jen. Doing so, Rocky checked her hand, only to find a neatly, folded up piece of paper. Rocky gently opened up the paper, still shaking from what happened and there right on the center of the paper was the name"Dylan" and below it..... a cell number.
