Let's Set Ourselves Free

Happy As The Sun

A small nervous breath escaped from my lips as I placed the guitar on my lap, I got settled down on the stool that was placed in front of microphone stand, and I adjusted the microphone around a little and cleared my throat not trying to get anyone’s attention just yet but did anyways. There I sat there staring into almost a sea of people, who waited for me or were waiting for their coffees to be severed. My eyes scanned the crowd finally landing on some familiar ones; a smile appeared on my face as it did hers.

“Okay, so… I’m Brendon Urie, and I will be entertaining you for the half hour.” I started, my voice sounding calm compared to what I was feeling. I lightly moved my fingers over the strings of my guitar as my other hand found the right taps.

The first song was a little off due to the fact that I was nervous, but as I continued to play the nerves faded and a boost of energy entered my body. My eyes stayed on Juliet’s as she sat a few tables towards the back, a smile on her lips as she watched. It was more of me performing for her than anyone else in the coffee shop.

My half hour went by pretty quickly ending with the coffee shop clapping and somewhat cheering. I got off the stool with guitar in hand getting compliments as I reached the table that held my guitar case, I happily said my ‘thanks’ as I passed adding a smile to show I appreciated it. I carefully placed my guitar in the case and closed it up; I pulled it off table and turned nearly knocking over my girlfriend in the process.

“Whoa, are you okay?” I asked as my arm wrapped around her waist bringing her back to her feet.

Juliet smiled widely as she hugged my neck and placed a few kisses on my cheek, “You did awesome, I swear you get better and better each time I see you.” She stated completely ignoring my concerned question.

“Aw, Thank you Jul.” I said softly, pressing my lips to hers and kissing her slowly and softly.

This is only one of the jobs I had offered to me, when I wasn’t singing the half hour or sometimes an hour small gig; I was serving coffee to those who needed it. And luckily with the gigs that coffee shop had let me do; paying me a little extra as well I had luckily got the some privileges to play for other people that were within the entertainment business. Juliet was there for me strongly supporting me and bringing me up whenever I felt like I couldn’t do it.

Juliet on the other hand, nervous as hell thinking that she wouldn’t get a job, had end up getting a really cool job at some vintage record store. She was always meeting some interesting people, she was pretty much in love with her job, seeing that there was no dress code and the pay was good.

“You’re welcome.” Juliet mumbled against my lips, I felt a wider smile among her lips.

I pulled away, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulled her along as I lead her out of the coffee shop and into the evening air that was just a bit chilly. I shook a little as chills ran along my arms and back, I brought Juliet closer to me for some warmth, noticing this she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.

“Should we make dinner or pick it up?” I asked heading in the direction of our apartment. Everything in the area was in walking distance, well depending on what you considered walking distance. But that’s how we usually got around now, walking to our jobs and back and it also depend on where we wanted to go if it was anything far we would take my car obviously.

“I say we eat in today, is that alright?” I heard her answer; I felt her eyes on me as I stared forward. I fought the urge wondering how long I go without looking at her; it wasn’t that long because I was now looking into some gorgeous brown hues. I brushed the tip of my nose against hers, earning a giggle.

We walked in a comfortable silence, my lips finding their way to her head or temple placing light kisses. I found myself trying to show her any kind of affection through the day, or whenever I was with her. I suppose I was still making up for the time I had disappeared from her. I felt awful still and even with the reassurance she would give me didn’t really settle the pain in the pit of my stomach.

We reached our apartment building that had a classic beach look to it, the beach being only a 10 minute drive away it still fit in the scenery. I dropped my arm from Juliet’s shoulders watching her dig through her bag for the keys to front door. She got it up open and I followed her in, she headed for the stairs and started to climb them to the second floor with me on her tail. She got our door open and walked into our studio apartment. It was small, yes but I was comfortable and it felt like home.

A small yawn escaped from my lips as I started to relax, I put my guitar in the corner and took off my shoes closing the door behind me. I looked over to Juliet who disappeared behind the black sheet that excluded our ‘master bedroom’ from the tiny living room. I walked over small kitchen and placed a hand on the counter.

“Spaghetti?” I called out, hearing my stomach growl from just saying the word.

“Oh yes please!” Juliet replied, I could the smile on her lips.

I started to get everything ready; I got a pot and put some water into it before placing it on the stove to boil. I gathered everything else and set it on the counter, I turned around leaning against the counter with my arms crossed over my chest, hearing a faint ‘Oh crap,’ slip from Juliet.

I looked over to Juliet who was looking down to the black sheet that was no longer hanging. I shook my head with a smile and walked over to her, standing in front the sheet with my arms still crossed. “You didn’t have to break down our wall,” I smirked. “Do you know how much I pay to build it again?”

“Oh no, what’s the damage going to be?” She said mirroring my smirk.

“Well… considering this what is your?” I asked, “4th time,” We said in union Juliet wrinkled up her nose at the number and most likely her clumsiness, “Knocking it down, I do not know I mean again I have to rebuild it up… I…” I started and rubbed my neck thinking over this dilemma.

“Maybe I can help build it?” She offered.

“No, no, you’ll just knock it down again.” I said and picked up the sheet and looked up at the ceiling.

“I can always make up for causing so much trouble.” She said poking at my chest.

“How?” I returned my eyes to her, my smirk fading into a just a smile.
“I’ll give you more kisses, hugs and intense cuddling.”

“Intense huh, how intense would it be?”

“As intense as it gets.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning against me somewhat.

“Deal!” I tried not to yell but came out as a yell anyways.

“No need to yell.” She said releasing me as she grabbing one end of the sheet. She carefully climbed onto the bed, putting a hand on my shoulder to keep her balance.

“Sorry, it just slipped.” I chuckled and watching her pin the sheet to the ceiling, she just shook her head with the small smile walking to the foot of the bed and getting the sheet from me and doing the same to that end.

I walked back to the kitchen and poured some of the pasta into the now boiling water. I started to make sauce; adding stuff that I always did knowing how much Juliet enjoyed the spaghetti I made, which was probably the only thing edible that I could cook up. It wasn’t that much longer that I was putting spaghetti on the plates and mixing the sauce with it. I grabbed the plates and forks, heading for the tiny living room that only took two steps to reach.

I sat next to Juliet who was comfortably cuddled up in a blanket, she grabbed her plate adjust herself and placed her legs on my lap. I held onto my plate my eyes looking over the T.V. screen, showing one of those crime shows.

“She did it,” Juliet announced pointing at the T.V. with her fork.

I looked at her oddly and back to the T.V. “How do you know that, it’s not even half over.”

“Because for one she’s a guest star so she either is the killer or is the victim,” She said and nodded once.

As we eat we watched the show only to find out that the guest star was indeed the killer, I looked at Juliet who was showing off a proud smile. I laughed lightly and got up, letting her legs fall off my lap and grabbed the dirty dishes. I took those two steps to the kitchen and placed them in the sink, thinking I would get to them later. I then walked over to our ‘master bedroom’ and to the ‘walk in’ closet grabbing some sweats and a shirt. I swear the closet was too small that we still had some clothes in suitcases under the bed.

We never complained, as much as it felt a little too small we couldn’t bring ourselves to say anything bad out loud. I placed myself in bed and got under the covers, I let out a big yawn feeling drained. I kept myself up until Juliet walked out of the bathroom which the size of a closet, yet again no complaints. The light in the apartment was turned off, sending everything to go dark expect for some the light from the moon that slipped through the window.

The bed shifted to the left a little and more warmth was brought to my body as I felt Juliet cuddle up behind me. Her arm draped over my waist her thumb moving ever so slowly over my stomach, sending my eyes to finally close. I heard her whisper a ‘good night’ that tickled the skin on my neck, I replied with some tired mumbles and turned around, wrapping my arms around her body and brought her closer.

Even after being here in California, near Venice a little over a month everything was still perfect, nothing really changed. We didn’t fight or nag at each other for little things, if we were upset it seemed to always fade when the other was close to and comforting. It only seemed to get a little tense when we got calls from her father who was worried for her safety; Juliet knew how to handle it, he finally and fully trusted me to take care of his daughter.

As for my parents, it was more complicated. Even with the news I give them about my small gigs they didn’t really seem to support me, even Juliet’s father was proud. It hurt to know that my parents weren’t behind me, and it only me that more stubborn to not call them anymore. Of course with sweet Juliet, she would encourage and soon regret it when my face had hardened or fall from being happy to just sad. But I didn’t blame her, or get mad.

This was a new start and whatever happened from the past wasn’t going to haunt us. I guess I was just scared what of the future had in store for us, but it didn’t matter I had my Juliet and that’s all that really matters.
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oh my god, you have no idea how many times i have written this over and over, i had a few other ones but i figured i would go with this one.
i'm sort of freaked out that its not that good as i want it, but to tell that truth im happy with this start.
it is in brendon's p.o.v. and i wanted to know if it should stay that way or switch from him to juliet's? any thought?
i really hope you enjoyed this start. :DDD and thanks for those who subscribed already! i love you!