Let's Set Ourselves Free

One and Done

Juliet and myself were now standing just outside the apartment building that was the supposed ‘club scene’ I frowned as a flash back reminded of the last party that I took Juliet to, wasn’t one of my brightest moments. I noticed that she hadn’t talked since she got home from work; I figured it was nothing or maybe she had got into it with her co-worker, that flirty one. Now it was sort of starting to worry me, she didn’t even make a noise in the car. I looked over the side of her face and brought her to look at me.

“What’s going on in your head?” I asked her softly and slipped my hand in hers, holding into it.

She looked at me and shook her head, “Nothing. Everything is okay.” The lies just slipped through her painted lips.

“You were never good at lying Jul,” I said and laughed softly, I brought her closer and pressed my lips softly to her forehead. “Just tell me, please.”

“Bren, can you just tell me that everything is going to be okay?” I heard her barely say.

“Of course everything is going to be okay, why wouldn’t it be?” I asked confused, I rested my forehead on top of her head.

“No reason, I guess it’s just my paranoid side getting the best of me.”

I laughed and shook my head, “Ah, Juliet. You’re too much at times. God, I love you.” I said and placed a few kisses on her lips.

I felt her relax and lace her fingers along with mine. She said nothing further and pulled me along as she lead the way to the entrance of the building. In a short elevator ride we were on the right floor and knocking on the right door. I let go of her hand, wrapping my arm her waist bringing her close to my side as the door opened.

“Brenny boy, and his beautiful girlfriend, it’s about time you guys got here. Damn.” My co-worker Zach sort of yelled, opening the door wider. “Enter, enter.” He welcomed.

I shook my head and walked inside with Juliet, I looked around there were more than enough people to have the cops over here. I then felt Juliet’s body being pulled away from me, making my head snap to her kidnapper. I watched as Zach brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

“You know, he talks about you all the fucking time. It’s about time I finally get to meet you. I was starting to think you were just imaginary.” He said and winked her.

“Imaginary, you don’t say.” She said sounding uncomfortable, she looked at me and then back at Zach. “And you are?” She asked kindly.

“I’m shocked Brenny boy; you don’t talk about me at all?” He said and looked at me, giving a small pout. “I’m Zach, the host of this badass party.” He said and let go of her hand finally. “Come, I’ll introduce you to the rest.” He continued wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her along.

I quickly followed due to her arm flying around like mad behind her as she tried to get my hand, I reached out and grabbed it and spun her out of Zach’s hold that didn’t seem to mind or even notice. I continued to walk having Juliet cling to my side. We reached the balcony of the place where there was a small bar set up and people crowded around it. We made our way and stood next to a stool that Zach sat on. We got introduce to some people whose name would be soon forgotten, some of them working at the coffee shop as well but the faces and names were not remembered.

“Let’s get the first round out of the way, alright?!” He yelled over the loud music that was now being played. He brought three shot glasses out and filled them, I didn’t know what it was but the smell was strong.

“Um Zach, she doesn’t drink.” I told him loud enough so he could hear me.

“Sure she does! After this one shot, it’s all downhill from here baby.” He said pushing the shot glass closer to Juliet.

“Come on don’t force her.” I said protectively. “If she doesn’t want to, then just leave her.”

“And how do you know that she doesn’t want to? Come on Juliet, we’ll do the first one together.” He said pulling her closer to him, his arm around her waist.

“Zach!” I glared at him as one of my hands turned into a fist.

“Bro, calm the hell down. Just shut up and stand there, be all cute like you usually are.” He said laughing and raised both of the shot glasses. I watched as Juliet grabbed the glass, looking unsure of what she wanted to do. She brought it to her lips and down the whole thing, she covered her face quickly. “See baby, it isn’t that bad.” He said and filled the next round, as mine remained there.

I would’ve just punched him right there if it wasn’t for Juliet that buried her face in my chest, her hands grabbed onto my sides tightly. She had taken the second shot, I knew she didn’t drink and I don’t think she ever did, so I knew it was going to either hit her hard or get her later. I wrapped my arms around her and watched her closely; she looked up at me after a moment a grin on her lips as she was giggling.

“You should really take one of those,” She laughed, her hands moving to my upper arms.

“I don’t think I would love, how are you feeling?” I asked looking over her face.

“Really good, I think… I don’t know. I’ve never felt this before, it feels… kind of good.” She continued to laugh, pushing her lips onto mine before turning.

“Fuck you Zach,” I said laughing and shook my head.

“Later Brenny boy.” He said smirking widely. He reached out just as Juliet stumbled a little; he grabbed her and brought her close once again as they both started to get into a laughing fit.

It wasn’t long before the both of them were on the same level of wasted, it had only been an hour or so since their first two shots and they managed to get drunk. I stayed at Juliet’s side as she stumbled around along with Zach who held onto whoever was near or the rail of the balcony. I don’t want to say that I’m mad at Juliet for getting like this, but it was different. I guess this is how she felt when I was drunk and puking, maybe not so protective and more on the gross and hated side. We still weren’t the best of friends at that point.

I had nothing but soda and Red Bull, I got hyper but it wasn’t the same with drunken people. Half an hour slipped right on by and I was stuck in the corner of these two non-stop laughing people. I seriously thought that Juliet was going to pass out at one point but she managed to calm down. Zach had gone off to use the restroom, yelling at people to move. I shook my head and smiled lightly.

“Are you having fun?” I heard Juliet asked. I brought my focus back to her, her beautiful brown hues looking glossy and her eyelids looking heavy.

I laughed softly, “Yeah babe, I am.” I said and wrapped my arms around her waist as she leaned against me.

“Fuck, everything is spinning.” I heard her say, I looked down at her oddly not totally use to the fact that she used a curse word. “Make it stop Brendon.” She whispered.

“Just don’t close your eyes and stop drinking.” I said and ran my fingers through her hair.

“Do or don’t?”

“Don’t.” I heard her groan and her grip on me was a little tighter, “You closed your eyes, didn’t you?” I asked with a sigh. “Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?”

“Yeah,” She whispered almost sounding like she was about to cry.

“Paying me back Jul?” I asked and laughed. She didn’t speak at all, only held onto me as tight as she could. “Okay, let’s go.” I added quickly. I walked her into the apartment as Zach was coming out. I pointed to her in way of showing that we were leaving.

“Leaving to get it on!” He yelled and laughed.

I flipped him off and wrapped my arm around Juliet as she cuddled into my side. I shook my head and started to walk towards the door.

“SEE YOU TOMORROW LOVER!” I heard him yell.

“OKAY!!” I yelled back as I walked out of the apartment. I looked down at Juliet who was just looking like she was about to lose it, I picked her up bridal style and carried her until we got the car. I carefully put her in and buckled her up and walked around. I tried to drive carefully not wanting her to puke in the car or at all for that matter.

Once we were parked, I watched as she started to curl up. I sighed deeply knowing what she was feeling, I felt bad for her. Fucking Zach, I would get him back for this. I got out of the car and yet again carried her bridal style into the building, I somehow got to open both doors and get her settled on the bed.

“I’m so sorry Bren,” I heard her say as the tears started to steam down her pale cheeks.

“For what baby?” I asked, I placed myself down next to her and wiped her tears away only to have more replaced the ones I wiped.

She brought her shaky hand up and pointed, I looked over to where she pointed and saw nothing just the living room. I cocked my head to the side a little and looked down at her, she then pointed down to the black sheet that was on the floor which made me start laughing and her only to cry more.

“Awe baby, it’s just a sheet. You don’t have to cry over that.” I said trying to stop myself from laughing so she wouldn’t cry anymore.

“I know, but I keep knocking it down!” She cried and then started to laugh, she covered her face. “I can’t control what I feel Brendon!”

“That’s what happens when you drink.” I chuckled and shrugged a little.

She continue to laugh but it stopped, she sat up quickly and headed for the restroom and that’s where she started to empty her stomach. I got up and followed her in, bringing her hair back and rubbing her back comfortingly as I sat down next to her. Yeah, if I was doing this I definitely loved her more than anything.

A few gross moments passed and she was done now quiet and sort of crying. She cleaned herself up and flashed the toilet and weakly started to brush her teeth. I got up from my spot and waited for her, when she was done I grabbed her hand and led her back to the bed. She got on the bed and laid there, cuddling close to the pillow I slept on. I took off her shoes and tossed them aside, I got one of the over sized shirts she would sleep in, having some trouble putting it over her body and taking her other shirt off, she was sort of fighting seeing that she just wanted to lay down. I tossed her clothes at the hamper once she was fully comfortable.

I sighed deeply and shook my head, I wasn’t this bad… or was I? I frowned and shook the thought out of my head. I changed myself and climbed into bed, covering both us up and brought Juliet closer to me. She buried her face into my neck, her arm hanging over my waist. I ran my fingers through her tangled hair and placed kisses along her face, running my hand along her back slowly.

“I love you Brendon,” She mumbled, her breathing lightly.

“I love you too,” I whispered back, I pushed her hair out of face and looked over it with the light I had. I could only imagine how she was going to feel when she woke up; I smirked and finally closed my eyes. The only good thing about tonight’s turnout was that I got to see Juliet part animal. Would it be mean of me to wish for her to have a hangover so we could just stay in bed all day? I wouldn’t wish that one on her… would I? No.
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an update! yay, yet again i cant back to that place where i was rewriting it and everything, bleh. but at least i got something and hopefully its fucking good.
not dramatic as i thought it would be, but yeah. soon there should be drama, i dunno yet.
i wanted to thank these lovely and awesome people for commenting:
rivals are insane,
reinventheart. thank you guys!! and thanks for whoever subscribed, awesome, awesome.