Let's Set Ourselves Free

She Smiles

Murderous, blood crying screams could be easily heard from a distances, the weather match the fatal screams. It was dry, hot and sticky the clouds laid overhead covering the blue skies and hiding the sun perfectly. It was humid. Bodies below looking like ants covered the sand of the beach in attempt to escape the disgusting weather. As the bloody screams continued to be filling the area overriding the waves cashing against the shore and cliffs, no one made the move to see what the problem was.

Easing closer to the edge as the screams had dramatically changed to loud gasps and squeals; I ignored the pain in my back, her closed fists repeatedly being punched into my lower back as I held her over my shoulder like she’s nothing but a sack of potatoes. I did not climb this rather height cliff just so we both could climb down heads hung low because we couldn’t just jump.

“I swear if you let me go Brendon, I will… I will…” She stuttered as she pushed herself up a little looking over her shoulder and over the edge. “I will definitely kick your ass.” She threatened, but her soft voice making it not all that threatening.

“Is that so?” I asked I let my eyes go into a roll and finally put her down onto the cliff next to me; I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and looked over the view. My eyes drifted down, our feet inches away from just falling into the ocean. I was now regretting pressuring her into this, my head felt a bit light as I seemed to be falling forward. I was luckily brought back and now sitting on the cliff next to Juliet.

“What’s the big deal Juliet, it’s just a cliff.’ ‘Don’t be a baby and just climb the huge rock.’” She mocked me and shook her head a little, “I should have just let you fall.” I saw the smirk creeping onto her lips.

It’s been a few days since we got back from her mother’s funeral and Juliet’s been okay, like warned she had her moments of tears but I didn’t mind. I stuck by her side and tried to comfort her, the best I could. With much luck the both of us got some time off work so we’ve been trying to do things we wouldn’t normal do and try to escape this horrible world.

“Maybe I should just throw you off the edge,” I said and got to my feet, I grabbed her arms and started to pull her up as she started to fight back, those fatal screams murdering my eardrums again.

“Brendon!” She yelled and groaned, “Let go of me, I don’t want to jump what if I hit the side and crack open my head like an egg.” She whined and looked at me, giving her best puppy eyes. But no one can beat me.

“Well there’s an image for you.” I said wrinkling my nose and let her go, I rested my hands on my hips and looked down at her.

“I’m sorry,” She said and lifted her arms as she reached out for me. I looked at her curiously, raising my eyebrow, obviously noticing my confused state she continued with, “Get over here, please.”

“Are you going to push me off?”


“Are you tricking me?”

Juliet lowered her arms a little and looked at me seriously, I knew she wasn’t kidding. I brought myself down in front her as her arms wrapped around my neck. I scooped her up and placed her onto my lap. With her body cuddled against mine, I looked down at her and placed a few kisses among her head. The heat that surrounded us didn’t seem to be threatening us with ugly stickiness or sweat. I wrapped my arms around her, my fingers brushing along her bare back.

I couldn’t really take my eyes off her as she looked out to the ocean, her eyes slowly closed as my fingers started to lightly scratch her back; she turned her head pressing small kisses against my bare chest. Her hand moved along my arm and stopped on my neck her fingers clutching onto my hair in the back. She pushed my head down to her level, lips connecting with mine.

“You’re hot,” She mumbled against my lips. “I mean… it’s hot.” She added, pulling away slightly.

“Did you just call me hot and then try to correct it?” I asked smirking widely, brushing my nose lightly against hers.

She stared at me as I stared at her blushing cheeks; she didn’t say anything just buried her face in my neck as her hand held onto the back of it. “Yes,” she said faintly.

“Come on,” I said getting up and pulling her up as well.


“Let’s jump.” I said with a soft smile and laced my fingers with hers; yet again she fought as I slowly approached the edge. I looked down and back at her, “We’ll go together.” I nodded.

“How do I know you’ll go with me?” She asked her voice sounding scared as she took baby steps to stand next to me.

“I’ll be holding your hand, I promise. It’s not like I’m just going to disappear from beside you.” I said and looked over her scared face that matched her scared voice.

She pointed her finger and shook it a bit, “You better not disappear Brendon and don’t drown me.” She warned and stood next to me.

I nodded my promise and looked down at the water, the peaceful sound of the waves crashing into the cliff we stood on. I took a deep breath to calm myself knowing perfectly well that I was going to be fine, it was just a jump. That’s all. Juliet’s hand gripped tighter around my own, I took as a sign to take that leap into the ocean before any of us decided to back out.

With that leap alone, the worries, the stress and the pain had just disappeared from my body. But hitting the water was another story, I half expected to break my leg or my neck but nothing happened. Juliet’s hand disappeared from mine making me swim to the surface faster. I looked around quickly and sighed in relief seeing her swim to the rocks and climb up on one.

I followed her movements and sat down on the uncomfortable rock next to her, I looked over her checking for any sign of blood or soon to be ugly bruises and I saw nothing. I looked into her eyes that were already looked into my own. I raised my eyebrow looking over this unknowingly stare I was getting from her.

“What?” I asked almost not wanting to know what she was going to say.

“Nothing,” She said lightly and then smiled. “Can we do that again?”

“Seriously?” I asked shocked.

“Yes, I think you just created a daredevil.” She said with a small laugh.

I laughed at my sudden daredevil and again we jumped off the cliff, tried not to cut our feet on the rocks we needed to cross and repeat. By the end of the day we came back with scratches on our legs from crossing the rocks, bruises throughout our bodies from hitting those rocks and we were dead tired from jumping off that huge rock.

It never really reached my mind that the very small apartment that we call home, really did feel like home to me. I didn’t know that it would take a trip back to Juliet’s Aunt’s house and no visit from my parents to say that I really missed this place called home. A day out at the beach was nothing compared to the comfort of this small apartment.

I was lying down in our bed staring up at the ceiling, showered and feeling more tired than I was earlier. My eyes were closing as I tried to wait up for Juliet, my body was losing and the next thing I knew I was fast asleep. When I woke up, I looked around tiredly at the darken apartment and at the lifeless figure sleeping next to me. I covered up more and wrapped my arm around Juliet’s waist causing her to jump a bit, she obviously wasn’t sleeping.

“What are you doing up?” I asked curiously my voice sounding tired.

“I can’t really sleep.” She mumbled.

“Have you been up this whole time?” I asked and rested my forehead on the back of her head; she nodded in response and moved a bit in her spot. “Why?” I continued on with my questions, she shrugged. I sighed deeply, saying nothing further and kept my eyes open no longer feeling sleepy.

I got up from my spot and pulled the blankets off Juliet, she snapped her head towards me with a cute frown. I grabbed her leg and pulled her to my side of the bed and pulled her off. I folded up the blanket and placed it in her arms and turned to the window, I opened it up and stepped out.

“What are you doing?” She asked confused.

“You’ll see,” I said grabbing the blanket from her and then got her hand into my own. I started to walk up the fire escape towards the roof. “We haven’t done this yet.” I said with a smile, I watched as a smile appeared on Juliet’s lips, she shook her head.

Within moments we were sitting on the roof of our apartment building, a blanket around us with my arms wrapped around her waist. Juliet sat in front of me, leaning back against me comfortably as the sky was very slowly starting to change color. I was doing everything I possibly could just to make whatever uncomfortable feeling Juliet was feeling go away. I didn’t know how it felt to lose someone but it made me think more about calling up my parents, hopefully things would turn around.

“Thank you,” I heard her said in a low mumble.

I looked down at her, “For what?” I asked softly and pressed my lips to her cheek.

“Everything,” She started and turned a bit in her spot. She placed her hand on my cheek and looked at me like I was something far more than just a guy who was helping her and the feeling it gave me, I couldn’t explain it. “You don’t know much I appreciate you.” She continued.

Without a second thought my lips were moving against hers still trying to catch up with all those missing kisses. When I couldn’t give her anymore, my breath being almost gone I rested my forehead against hers. Her eyes were closed as she curled more into my hold, “I love you.” She said in one breath.

“I love you too.” I said back and let the fighting smile free because I knew I helped her more than I thought I would. I wouldn’t stop helping her; she didn’t know how much she already helped me.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter took me forever to write, and i dont think its all that good either D:
i saw that a few more people had subscribed so it give me that push to update, and i thank you people.
AND a huge thank you to :ShawnieRiot, for sending a comment hoping for an update, that also pushed me.
i hate having the ideas, its just getting there that ruins it. -___-
but on the bright side, one month until mcr concert and 2 more months until patd concert.