You Better Be Home Soon

I don't even know how this started, I don't know why we started it. We were flat broke, all of us, we were only just able to make ends meet with our jobs so we did the one thing we knew how to do, we stole. This time we pushed it too far, we made a man leave his pregnant wife home while we stole. Only this time he got caught.

A sick chain of events lead to a car accident, Valery died shortly after a little boy was born via an emergency cesearen. Levi Alexander Sanders is the light of eveyones life, the sad part is that this little boy has never seen his father outside of prison. Its not right.

Every time we leave Levi screams the same thing, "You better be home soon." So here I, Zachery Baker sit holding my Godson while he cries begging for his father.

This is my version of what happens after the Seize The Day video clip.