Status: Active

Make Me Better

Chapter 65

"Guess I'll be going." I mumbled into Frank's pillow. He groaned and rolled over, wrapping an arm around my waist. He was hugging me tightly against his chest. I giggled softly as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Stop. That tickles."

"Stay with me." My heart flipped and I couldn't find my self to leave after he was being so darn adorable. "Okay, " I snuggled closer, even though it wasn't possible.

"I really should be going before your mom wakes up."

"She won't know you're here." Just then there was a knock at Frank's door. My eyes widened and I rolled off the bed,

"Where do I hide?" I mouthed to him. He looked around frantically, "Under the bed." He whispered. I rolled under the bed and laid there quietly with my heart hammering wildly.

"Hey, I was just coming to tell that I'm leaving for work early and I'm not sure when I'll be back, ok?" Frank's mom said. I was so glad that she hadn't noticed anything.

"Yeah, alright." Frank responded.

"Don't burn down the house."

"I won't." Frank huffed. The door closed and I stayed put, I almost screamed when Frank's face appeared next to mine, he laughed softly,

"Its only me." He moved out of the way so that I could roll out from under the bed.

"I really should go home, I want to go see my mom today" I said. Frank nodded understandingly. We made out for about 10 minutes before I got the willpower to leave. The walk to my house wasn't very long and I was really surprised when I saw that my mom was home.

"Where have you been?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"At Fra- I was at Lindsey's." I mumbled, " when did you get here?" She looked over at me "Hmm. Maybe about an hour ago. They told me that I was doing great and that being at the hospital wouldn't be much use." I looked around the living room cautiously, " What about Sofia?" I knew that it was stupid question when her face contorted into sadness.

"She had to stay. Her lungs aren't fully developed. She's making progress, which is great. I hope she'll be able to come home soon." I nodded, cursing myself silently.


Later that night, Lindsey and I decided to hang out. We went out to a diner where we bumped into Bob and Mikey. They decided to join us, which was great since I hadn't hung out with the guys in a while.

"I saw Frank earlier and he looked happy. So I'm guessing you two got back together or he got laid, or maybe both." Bob chuckled. I shook my head at him, laughing slightly.

"As for Gerard." Mikey groaned, Lindsey looked up from her menu and looked at Mikey, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"He's being an ass. I think you should talk to him." Mikey said to Lindsey.

"Doesn't he have some other girl to deal with his shit-"

"I don't even think he likes her." Mikey added.

"Well," Lindsey rolled her eyes, "I met someone and I don't have time to worry about Gerard or whoever he's dating." This news surprised everyone, especially me.

"What?" I asked loudly.
"Is it so hard to believe?" She scoffed.

"Why?!" Mikey exclaimed. "You love Gee and Gee loves you, he's just being a bit stupid right now.
Lindsey said she had to use the restroom and and I knew it was only an excuse to get away from this conversation. Like, any typical friend, I followed in suit.

"I didn't meet anyone. " She sighed, "I lied."

"Why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know! It just slipped out. Maybe Mikey will tell him and he'll come to his goddamn senses. "

"You could just talk to Gerard, you know."

"No, I'm just going to let him think I've moved on. I want him to feel as shitty as he made me feel when he told me that he needed time."

"Lindsey, " I started slowly, "I don't think-" She cut me off quickly, "I know, but I don't really care." It was quiet for a moment as we stood there.

"How is this going to work? You aren't really seeing anyone and people will start wondering who this guy is."

"I'll just find someone to pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Oh, god." I shook my head, "You're being crazy."

"I know." She smiled, "Let's go back out there."
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thanks to rachemical, Viva la Bandit!, barakatstranslator c: