Give Me What I Need, Give Me A Reason To Believe

She Loves You

Jimmy's POV
"Rhian please just wake up," I mutter rubbing my thumb across her hand, "please just for me," I'd been sitting here for 10 hours. 10 hours watching her sleep, listening to the constant beeping, no one had disturbed me. By now I figured Zacky, Elizabeth, Matt and Taylor had gone.

"Love, you have to wake up because you don't then," I pause and look at her "You don't and I fucking have no idea what I'm gonna do. I mean the amount of times I've fucked up and you've sorted it out, seriously you don't wake up I'm gonna end up in so much shit," I smile slightly and lean back in the chair.

Flash Back
"MR SULLIVAN STOP IT NOW!" our English teacher screams as Brian and I throw another paper plane at Rhian and Niki. I smirk at Rhian who just roles her eyes and chucks it back, shame that our teacher walked past me at that time.

"WHO WAS THAT?" she screams taking the paper airplane out of her crazily high and frizzy black hair. "MR SULLIVAN?" she looks straight at me.

"Yep!" I smirk back.

"That is it gets out now!" I get up slowly but Rhian speaks up.

"It was me Miss!"

"Miss Atkins?" she looks straight at her, Rhian just nods "Did you think you were saving Mr. Sullivan?"

"I.. I," Rhian stutters and goes quiet.

"Well not only has it not worked but I want you out of my class room too !" she shouts the last bit. Rhian sits there in slightly shock; I don't think she's ever got herself in trouble. "NOW!" the teacher screams making Rhian get up and stare at me worriedly, before following me out of the classroom.

"Oh my god!" Rhian whispers falling against the wall outside the classroom, I just smirk at her.

"I smell hours and hours of detention, red marks on your permanent record, no university will take you!" I mock her, she just hits my arm "come on I'm hungry,"

"I'm not skipping school with you." she mutters staring at me.

"You so are!" Niki smirks appearing out of the room with Brian. "Fast food anyone?" they smirk as I drag Rhian out of the school. Scaring her with the ideas of suspension and detentions for life.

"Okay so maybe you didn't always get me out of trouble!" my laughter is quiet as the continuous beep was still going. My eyes were fixed on her as I remembered everything about her. How we use to talk about everything, how we'd always said we'd be friends forever, how much she loved me, how she could cheer me up, her intelligence, her sarcasm, and her fear of failing. All of it made her amazing personality. She was the first girl I'd loved, the only girl I'd ever said I love you to and meant it.

Flash Back


"What did you get for two a?"

"5093!" I say simply not opening my eyes, Rhian was sitting on the floor her back against the bed, I was lying on the bed, and she had no idea.

"Really," silence "how does that. HEY!" she shouts at me her pen hitting my cheek

"What?" I turn my head, our eyes meet and she has that famous disapproving look she'd mastered when talking to me. "Oh seriously you really believe I James Sullivan do maths homework?" I mock her.

"How stupid of me to think so!" she goes to grab her pen.

"Nope! All we've done is work!" I mutter taking her pen away from her.

"Jimmy!" She whines at me.

"So my turn to choose what we do!" I smirk at her as she gets up walking over to the empty desk to dump her books on, "and I choose," I follow her, my arms wrapping round her waist.

"Does it involve this?" she questions her soft lips pressing against mine, before I kiss her back she moves away, "or does it involve this?" she presses her lips against my neck.

"God I love you," I mutter as she bites down.

"Excuse me?" she pulls back quickly, it takes me a few seconds to realize what I said.

"I-I-" she just looks at me her light blue eyes trying to read my thoughts, did I love her?
She still watches waiting for something to come out of my mouth, apparently my brain isn't connected though.

"I-I said that well I love you!" I mutter she smirks slightly, usually it was the other way round she would mutter something and I'd try to get her to stop being shy. This time the roles had reversed, I knew how it felt to be her.

"I love you too!" Rhian leans up her lips pressing against mine, her hands traveled across my body and round my neck. My hands rested on her hips holding her close to me, she really was amazing. I really did love her.

My eyes flick up as the beeping starts to slow down, I'd watched way to many hospital dramas.

"NURSE!" I scream running out of the room.

"Yes sir?"

"My girlfriend she's the beeping it's slowing I I have no idea I don’t,"

"Its okay just wait here," she ran into the room pressing a button by Rhian's bed, a doctor followed by a few nurses and then another doctor ran in pushing me out the way.

"Sir please leave!"

"But she's my,"

"I know but we need to work quickly please!" the doctor tells me before a nurse leads out of the room and shuts the door behind me. She was in there all alone.

"JIMMY what's going on?" My sister runs towards me grabbing my arm.

"I, I don't know, it was all madness but the beeping got slower and then quicker and then it," my voice started to shake "Taylor what if I fucking lose her?"

"No we can't think like that!" she wraps her arms round me pulling me closer to her, she was the only family I had left, and I was the only family she had. Even if she hated me for fucking up so many times we seemed to have this unbreakable bound. I know families are meant to be close, and brothers and sisters' fight, but Taylor and I were more friends than family. I'd always rated friends higher than family, but there's always an exception.

"It's been ages we should ask someone?" Taylor looks at everyone who'd gathered outside the room, Niki was leaning into Brian as he stroked her hair; Elizabeth was standing on her own watching Zack play some kind of game with Alexia. Matt had Taylor wrapped up in his arms, Johnny was sitting between Rhian's mum and me; she already tried to kill me. Apparently this was all my fault, as if I didn't know that already.

"Alexia don't do that," she snaps at her granddaughter making me look up, Alexia looks at Zack who just shrugs and carries on teaching her how to punch.

"She needs to learn how to defend herself here!" Niki mutters.

"Well she shouldn't be here; it's not a place for children to grow up!"

"We all grow up here!" Niki snaps at her, she just raises her eyebrows and Brian holds Niki back from punching Rhian's mum.


"Don't shout at my daughter!" I snap at her, Johnny moves towards me scared of what she might do.

"Oh cause you're the perfect one to talk!" she snaps back.

"That is my daughter, not yours, yours is in there, but you don't have the right to tell either of them what to do!"

"And you're not fit too. You spend too much time doing other things and letting other things take up your life" I knew what she was trying to get up.

"There are two women in my life at the moment and they have my undivided attention, my band comes second, Alexia and Rhian are my life and don't you fucking ever try to show that any different!" I growl at her.

"To be honest James," she pauses as if lost for words, I knew that wasn't possible for this women. "Both those girls would do better with out you!"

"You have no fucking idea do you!" Taylor speaks up "Alexia loves her father; he's pretty much her world!"

"Rhian is in there because he's not with her; she needs him as much as he needs her!" Niki says glaring at Rhian's mother who just roles her eyes.

"If you don't believe us ask your daughter because she'll say the same, she loves him for some reason!" Elizabeth adds did she really love me?

"Mr. Sullivan?" a doctor walks out of the room Rhian had been in.

"Yeah?" I stand up to look at him.

"I'm Mrs. Atkins" Rhian's mum stood up but the doctor just looked at her.

"I'm sorry only next of kin" he states firmly.

"But I'm her mother!"

"But he is down as her next of kin I'm sorry," the doctor mutters looking back to me.

"please just fucking tell me is she okay?" the doctor stares at me for a few seconds he puts the stethoscope back round his neck and then takes off the gloves covered in blood chucking them in a bin.

"Mr. Sullivan, Dr Atkins was bleeding internally, we managed to stop that, the cuts on her face and arms are all superficial, nothing major to worry about," he pauses checking his chart, "she's breathing for herself now!" he adds smiling at me.

"Shit is she awake?" I blurt out, as everyone else around waits for his answer.

"Dazed but awake" he smiles at me I literally launch myself at him hugging him tightly. As everyone else lets out sighs of relief, hugging each other, even Johnny hugged Rhian's mum who I think nearly died having to be closer to the little rat.

"Jimmy leave him alone, or at least let the rest of us hug him!" I hear Niki laugh as I let go of the doctor.

"You can go in and see her but please not too much excitement and also," he pauses and looks to Alexia "there are a lot of wires and machines attached to her; it might be a bit much!" I just nod looking to my daughter.

"You go in I'll watch her," Rhian's mum squeezes my shoulder and sitting down.

"But she's your daughter,"

"She loves you."
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Thanks for reading
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