Give Me What I Need, Give Me A Reason To Believe

Chocolate Monster

Rhian's POV
"Niki what do I wear?" I ask her down the phone as I search for my wardrobe,

"Why do you care?" she questions me.

"Don't answer questions with questions!" I mutter she just laughs.

"Rhian its only Jimmy!"

"I know," I sigh and collapse back on the bed.

"I just want him to think I'm getting on with my life,"

"Right, well then," I know she's coming up with a good idea. "Okay Louisa's is quite a posh restaurant; I mean Jimmy will probably wear a suite of some kind but with a bit of randomness to it. So," she pauses again while I have my own mini panic attack, I couldn't do this. It was a stupid idea to start with.

"Right the purple cocktail dress, with the footless tights and the black high heels that I stole last year!"

"You never gave them back!" I mutter searching through the wardrobe.

"Yeah I did, there, oh," she pauses "right here!" she mutters down the phone."I'll send Brian round with them!"

"Thanks Niki,"

"Your very welcome doll, just enjoy tonight, and be nice to Jimmy, he's been amazing with Alexia today!" I smile slightly, I knew he was a good father there was no question about that.

"Yeah I will. See ya later,"


"Well don't you look gorgeous!" Brian smirks as I open the door for him and my shoes.

"Don't start!" Though lets say I wasn’t in the best mood at the moment, what I was planning on doing had just hit me. I didn’t want to go.

"I'm not, I'm deadly serious, Jimmy's gonna have a," but I don’t let him finish the sentence.

"Please don't!" I shut the door as he walks in.

"What's with you?"

"I can't think of Jimmy okay, I'm doing this for Alexia, not for Jimmy he's just her father!"

"Just her father, who the fuck are you trying to fool?" Brian asks handing me the shoes; I shrug "You're obviously not fooling yourself!" he smiles at me.

"I know, but its just Jimmy!" I moan looking at Brian who laughs.

"Do you like him?"

"No!" I mutter walking into the kitchen to sit on the stoles.

"Are you lying to me?"

"No!" I don't look up; I didn’t really know how I felt at the moment.

"Lies!" I carry on staring at my shoe as I slip them on, I didn't like him, he ruined my life before, there was no way I was going to let him in my life. Especially now that my life contained Alexia, I couldn't do that to her. Jimmy was her hero; I couldn't let her see the bad side of her hero.

"Just remember you look gorgeous!" Brian says as he gets up to leave, "enjoy tonight yeah?" I nod giving him a quick hug.

"I'll try to!" he kisses my cheek lightly, "you doing much tonight?" I ask him watching a smile appear on his face.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" he winks I just role my eyes.

"Defiantly not!" he just laughs.

"Nothing like that. Well maybe after but I'm taking her out first!"

"You are?" I question.

"Yep surprise picnic down the beach, all romantic and shit!" Niki was one lucky girl, this man doted on her.

"Mr. Haner I am impressed!" I laugh at him, he shrugs.

"Let's just hope it goes okay!"

"What does?" I ask absentmindedly as we walk out of the house to separate cars.

"Just the question!" he smiles at gets into his car leaving me standing there.

"The question?" I mutter to myself slipping into my car and driving off to Louisa's, ready to meet my death!

"Mummy!" Alexia squeals as I walk through the restaurant. I smile at her as she hops off her chair and runs towards me. This could end badly.

"Careful!" I warn her not really wanting to upset the other customers in the restaurant. She hugs me tightly and then holds my fingers, dragging me to a table where Jimmy sat. He looked up at me, his expression shocked me. He smiled and got up to pull a seat out for me, this wasn't the really Jimmy was it?

"Mummy sits here," Alexia says sitting down on the chair between Jimmy and me.

"You look," Jimmy pauses as if looking for the right word "like a million dollars!" he gives me an honest smile which just makes me melt.

"Mummy you look pretty" Alexia tells me making me turn suddenly.

"Thank you darling, you look beautiful too!" I tell her she smiles broadly.

"Brian said I'm a pretty princess like Zack!" Jimmy smirks and I just laugh, the boys really did take the piss out of each other all the time.

"Well he's right," I pause as Jimmy laughs to himself "About you being a pretty princess!" I add quickly.

"And then Niki said I can be princess of fairies, and Zack is queen!" I roll my eyes, she had to stop insulting Zack in front of Alexia, she'd pick up bad habits. "And daddy taught me how to play chop sticks on piano!" I smile listening as she talked about her interesting day.

"That's awesome sweetie, did you enjoy it?" she nodded.

"I want to play more" she says brightly, I look over to Jimmy waiting for him to actually do some parenting.

"You enjoy playing?" he asks her, she nods excitedly. Jimmy had an excited grin on his face, I knew he wanted her to be involved in music.

"Up to Re-mum?" he says looking at me.

"If you want lessons hunny?" she nods "sorted then," I smile.

"One chocolate monster!" the waitress smiles putting a large chocolate ice cream messy thing in a glass on the table. Jimmy hands Alexia a spoon and takes one himself.

"You sure you don't want any?" he asks me, I shake my head not wanting to indulge in what didn’t look that nice. I think as you grow up you lose your appetite for sticky messy foods.

"No thanks!" I smile as both him and Alexia tuck into a large amount of ice cream and chocolate sauce. "You're a mess" I mutter as Alexia takes her final mouthful.

"I need the bathroom!" she mutters moving off her chair.

"Want me to come?" I ask moving, she shakes her head and daughters off leaving me sitting there awkwardly. I turn back to Jimmy who is holding a spoon in front of my face. "Jimmy I don't want any!"

"Go on, be a daredevil!" he laughs; I sigh and let him feed me. It was good ice cream. "Knew you would!" he smirks putting the spoon down.

"You had a good weekend?" I ask him, he nods.

"Yeah she's been an angel," I nod knowing she always was.

"You know you're more of a mess than her!" I tell him, he shrugs and wipes his face.

"Aren't I always?" he smirks, his knee hits mine under the table making me move back

"Thanks for tonight!" I smile at Jimmy as we walk out of the restaurant Alexia holding onto my hand.

"You got your car?" he asks me, I just nod.

"Mummy," Alexia looks at me sadly.

"What's up?"

"Don't go!" I look at her worriedly she'd never been like this before.

"Why what's wrong babe?"

"I want you to stay!" she whispers holding my hand tightly I look to Jimmy for some advice; but as ever he gives me his blank expression and just stares at his daughter.

"Babe you're spending the weekend end with your dad"

"But I want you at bedtime" she looks at me, it nearly made me cry.

"Well maybe mum could come home with us!" Jimmy says to her kneeling down, I look at him but he's not paying any attention. He takes Alexia's hand and smiles at her "then mum can say goodnight to you" both of them look up to me; I just nod slightly

"Would that be okay?" I ask Alexia who nods and smiles at me. I turn to Jimmy who just ignores me and picks his daughter up. What am I, invisible?

"Night darling!" I kiss her head lightly as I move away from her bed. I shut her door quietly and walk backwards out of the room, "shit" I mutter walking straight into Jimmy.

"Sorry," he mutters moving away from me.

"How long were you standing there?" I question.

"Long enough to hear you sing," he smirks. I sigh and turn away just wanting to get home to bed now.

"I'm going to get going any way," I say stepping away towards the stairs.

"There's a guest room!" Jimmy mutters pointing to a closed door, but that just wanst an option in my eyes.

"No thanks, I'd rather go home Jimmy!" he nods.

"Alright, well I see you soon!" I nod and walk down the stairs, I hear him slowly walk behind me. He opens the door and lets me out, "you know I have coffee" he smiles slightly, I sigh.

"Jimmy I can't do this!" he sighs shaking his head slightly.

"Drink coffee?" he asks but I give him a small fake smile which slowly slips into a more unhappy I cant do this face.

"Be around you when Alexia's there,"

"What?" he looks at me confused.

"You're her hero Jimmy, I just can't see that side of you, and I'm not ruining it for her!" I mutter before walking down the path to my car.

Niki's POV
"Brian that was amazing!" I say placing the glass of champagne down on the sandy beach.

"Anything for you!" my cheeks flush crimson.

"Wow I'm lucky!" I smile leaning into him as his arm goes across my shoulders.

"Other way round. I'm the fucking luckiest guy in the world to have you in my life" I just smile; I didn't really have an answer to that. "You're the only one I love; you're the most important thing in my life Niki. I love you more than you will ever know, and you're always be a part of me." He takes a deep breath moving away from me slightly, "I can't actually imagine living with out you, or being apart from you." He took my hand in his and run his fingers across my tanned skin. "Nicole Baker will you marry me?"
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Thanks for reading!
x x x x