Give Me What I Need, Give Me A Reason To Believe

That Boy!

Rhian's POV
"For fucks sake" I mutter picking up the phone by my bed, "hello?"


"That's nice," I mutter not really paying any attention to the mad women screaming down the phone, I rub my eyes slightly and sit up before it actually hits me, "you're fucking what?" I say laughing slightly.

"HE FUCKING PROPSED TO ME!" Niki screams again,

"Niki shut up!" Brian groans in the back ground.

"Aww congratulations girl, I'm so happy for you, that's fucking amazing!" I know she's still probably beaming. I was about to say something but my eyes fell on the clock in front of me "It's 6 fucking 30 Niki why are you ringing me now!" I groan.

"Because I had to tell someone, the fact I've told Brian a million times we're engaged is starting to annoy him. And he's tired!" we both laugh, "trust me after-engagement-sex is amazing!".

"Does this mean we get to have a party?" I ask smiling slightly.

"Oh my god yes a party!" she squeals, I know Brian is probably going to kill me now but to be honest I don't care. "Anyway sorry for waking you but I have to phone Zack and Elizabeth now!" I nod to myself

"Okay Hun congratulations again you deserve this!"

"Thanks doll chat to ya later!" I put the phone down, smiling to myself; they were perfect together that's what you called true love.

Niki's POV
"You can't have an engagement party on a Sunday!" Elizabeth argues with Zack and Matt, as I sit there wrapped up in Brian's arms.

"Shouldn't we be planning?" he asks me quietly, I shrug.

"Let them fight, its good for them!" I smirk kissing his lips lightly.

"Well when else do you suppose we have it?" Matt asks Elizabeth.

"When I don't have to get up early the next day. Rhian you agree yeah?" everyone turns to Rhian who was glued to her phone, "RHIAN!" Elizabeth shouts making her look up.


"You agree yeah?"

"Yeah!" she mutters going back to her phone.

"Oh okay careful to much enthusiasm" I laugh at her. She smiles slightly.

"Why don't you just have it next Friday, my parents are down and they can take Alexia!" Rhian suggests, all of them look at each other

"Who votes next Friday then?" Matt asks, everyone sticks their hands. Thank god for sensible thinking, on Rhian's part.

"Do you think it matters if we want it then or not?" I ask Brian.

"Probably not!" he smirks capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.

"So where do we hold the party?" I literally groan as I hear Matt asks that question, Brian just sighs.

"Why don't you lot plan the party and I'll go fuck Niki upstairs!" he says simply grabbing my waist and chucking me over his shoulder.

"GET OFF!" I scream slaping his ass. No one answers him all of them too busy trying to plan a party.

He throws me down on the bed, climbing on top of me. "No way!" I laugh as he pins my hands above me,

"Way," he nods his lips crash down on mine, both of us fighting for dominance. Like an expert his hands lip up my top pulling both my bra and top off at the same time, as he breaks the kiss I catch the smirk on his face.

"God I love you!" he mutters, I just laugh which turns into a moan as his hands slip across my body.

Rhian's POV
"You sure you have to go?" Jason asks as I walk through the hall.

"Yeah I have to go over some work at the museum!" I mutter searching for my car keys.

"What ya doing tonight?"

"Tonight err," I pause for a few seconds "nothing really!"

"D'ya wanna maybe catch a movie or something?" he sways on his feet slightly.

"I guess so!" I look up and nod notcing how nervous he looked, I flashed a fake smile to settle his nerves.

"Great so maybe I'll pick ya up about 7?"

"Seven!" I say in agreement as I leave Niki's house.

What the fuck was I doing? Seeing a movie with Jason, Jimmy's best mate; excellent one, I don't think I could have planned that one much better. I mentally slap myself for evening considering it. Simple, I just phone Jason up say I'm really busy and snowed in with work, so cant come out tonight. I sounded like some silly girl going on a date. It was just friends. Why was I getting so worked up about it?

As I pulled into my drive way I noticed a familiar car parked on the street, fuck it. I looked to the door step where my parents both sat, my dad fiddling with something and my mum is sorting out some dying plants in the front garden.

"I thought you weren't coming till Wednesday?" I call getting out of my car, they both look up.

"Wow what a welcome party!" my mother mutters walking over to me, this was never good.

"What are you doing here?" I ask letting my parents into the house.

"Where's Alexia?" my mum asks worriedly, she thinks I'm an awful mother.

"What you think I've left her here alone?

"No I you've probably left her in the car or the last place you went!" she glares at me, I sigh.

"She's with Jimmy," I say simply before walking into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I call.

"Yeah please babe!" my dad calls following me and leaving my mum who was about to start a ranting about Jimmy alone in the hall. "So how have," my dad is interrupted though.

"JIMMY!" my mum screams "that boy is not stable, he smokes, he drinks and he," she pauses and takes a deep breath "the drugs and the," she doesn't finish but I know what she was getting at. You see my mum is very religious and to have my daughter out of wedlock nearly killed her. But then she disagreed with abortion, and she hated Jimmy so I really couldn't win what ever I choose to do 5 years ago. I start to boil the kettle as my mum lectures me about Jimmy. She hated him they first met; I knew it wouldn't be a fun week.
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Thanks for reading!
x x x x