Give Me What I Need, Give Me A Reason To Believe

it's <3

"When is he bringing her back?" my mum looks at me worriedly.

"Tonight she's been there all weekend" I answer not looking at.

"She's spending the night with him?"

"Yes mum," I answer simply not wanting to discuss this.

"But where does he live now? Darling your daughter shouldn't be living in a cardboard box" I just laugh.

"Jimmy doesn't live in a cardboard box"

"Yeah how is his band doing?" my dad questions.

"BAND!" my mum screams again. Nice one dad.

"Yeah Avenged sevenfold are doing well!" I answer my dad ignoring my mums gasps of shock.

"What kind of band?" she asks finally.

"A metal band!" Its better to be honest.

"Yeah there really good actually" my dad replies taking a sip of the coffee, my dad had always been into music.

"A metal band? You're letting Alexia be exposed to music like that?" my mum asks, she hated me listening to loud music so what was I to expect?

"Yep, she loves iron maiden, metallica, hatebreed ya know oh and she listened to kiss yesterday!" I answer smirking to myself, my mums eyes go wide.

"Darling I really think we need to have a chat!" I was about to say something but my door bell rings. Saved by the bell, or so I thought.

"Guys you can't be here!" I say opening the door to Jason, Matt and Zacky.

"Why not?" they all ask together.

"Darling who's at the door?" Matt's eyes go wide.

"Your mum?" he questions, I just nod knowing I had the whole I hate my life look upon my face.

"Go!" I warn the three of them.

"Did she make cookies?" Zacky asks hopefully, always thinking of food.

"No!" I mutter angrily at Zack.

"What's wrong with your?" Jason doesn't get a chance to finish as my mum appears behind me.

"Who are they?" she asks rudely.

"Friends!" I say simply. My mum's eyes run across them, all three of them showing off their tattooed arms, messy hair, percings and Matt's fuck your morels top really didn't help.

"I hope Alexia isn't exposed to these kind of people!" she glares at them, all three of them look slightly shocked.

"these kind of people!" I say angrily "These kind of people are better for my daughter than anyone else I can think of!" I mutter looking to the guys, "We're going out," I add before grabbing my bag and slamming my own front door.

"So how are you?" Jason smirks at me as we walk down the garden path.

"Don't even bother" anger evident in my voice.

"I thought they weren't coming to Friday?" Matt questions me.

"I thought exactly the same" I mutter angrily, he just laughs and I feel Jason's arm wrap round me hugging me. I smile weakly at him before trying to move away from his grip, I had to stop encouraging him, and it wasn't what either of us wanted or needed.

"Hey babe!" I smile as I answer the door to Alexia with Jimmy standing behind awkwardly; Alexia runs and hugs me tightly. "You okay sweetie?" she just nods and let's go of me.

"I don't want to leave Daddy!" she adds looking straight at him, I just stand there she'd never done this to me before. Jimmy looks at me like a deer in headlights I probably have the same expression.

"Alexia dad has to go though!"

"Why?" she looks at me and then turns to Jimmy.

"Because I have to work tonight!" Jimmy says simply looking at her, I wasn’t sure if that ws the truth or a lie.

"but I miss you!" she says walking towards him, I'd never seen her cry after a weekend with her dad, Jimmy kneels down next to her hugging her tightly.

"Rhian, who was at the door?" I hear my mum call, Jimmy looks straight up.

"Your parents are fucking here?" he says in a state of shock.

"Don't swear in front of her!" I glare at him.

"No one mum, I'll be there in a minute!" I call stepping outside the house and shutting the door. Alexia was still clinging to her father, "hey why don't we go for a walk before Daddy has to go" I say to her running my fingers through her hair, she turns to face me and nods slightly. "Come on then!" I say to her and look at Jimmy.

"I really," he pauses and looks from me to Alexia "I'll come!" he smiles at her, I knew he wouldn't let her down.

"Daddy!" she smiles broadly as he takes her hand in his as they start walking, I watch them for a few seconds, "Come on mum," Alexia calls bringing me back into the reality where we weren't a happy family.

So our walk ended up leading us to the park, a park which pretty much I'd spent a lot of my childhood in. "Remember the stallion swans?" Jimmy mutters to me as Alexia runs around in her own little world. I look at him in pure amazement, it's like he's still living in his childhood.

"You freaking nearly fell in the pond!" I mutter he just laughs.

"Oh and you were so helpful just sitting on the bench laughing at me!" he mocks.

"Jimmy leaves it!" I shout at him as he chases after a giant swan, or what he thought was a giant swan.

"Stupid fucker." Niki mutters as she sits on the grass with Brian's arms wrapped round her waist. I just laugh as Zack joins him in the chase of the "stallion swans". "You'd think at the age of 19 the guys would finally grow up," she adds,

"He's so gonna fall in," I mutter watching my boyfriend launch himself at the duck; I smile as Zack does the same thing and ends up landing on Jimmy.

"Ya know that's not right!" Elizabeth mutters watching her boyfriend lying on top of mine.

"Well you two did pick complete fags to fall in love with!" Niki mocks; both Elizabeth and I stare at her.

"I'm sorry have you not seen your boyfriend!" Elizabeth retaliates; I just laugh and watch Zacky and Jimmy run back. Niki and Elizabeth start bickering as I just stare at Jimmy.

"You such a fool," I mutter as Jimmy jumps on the bench next to me.

"But ya love me" he smirks wrapping his long arms round me.

"Maybe," I laugh kissing him lightly, "maybe a lot!" I add my lips pressing against his as he pushes me onto the bench.

I stare at the bench which was still there. Jimmy and Alexia were playing some kind of game, so I left them to it and walked to the picnic bench. I sat up on the table where I had always sat. My eyes scanned across it until I found what I was looking for, I let my fingers run across names which were engraved on the top. Niki loves her Syn 4eva I smirk well we knew that had stayed true. the hoe Izzy <3 the man whore Zack I just laugh they were so alike, I remember her throwing a fit when Zack wrote that. I stopped as my eyes fall on the third set of names, Revy + Ry its <3

"I cut my finger with the knife when I carved that in," he whispers next to me his hand resting on my shoulder.
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Thanks for reading!
x x x x