Status: Completed

Sticks & Spirals

Time Marches On

Hockey season started for the boys, and I was finally back on my feet... well, one foot and two crutches. Any movement still caused pain in my leg, but I sucked it up and went on with my life. I couldn’t let this injury take over my life, and I wasn’t going to let it.
Brent took me on our first ever real date when I was finally allowed out of the house. It was really sweet of him to do something so nice for me. And, I’ll be honest, I thought that our first time alone would be awkward, but it wasn’t at all.
Our past was behind us, and we were living in the present as well as looking into the future.
In November, Brandy completely moved in with Andrew, and as I promised I would, I moved out. I didn’t want to impede on their lives.
I lived with Steeger for a little bit. Brent’s townhome was undergoing some renovations, so I was stuck with the crazy blonde. However, I seemed to see more of Rhyne than Kris himself.
Oh, I guess I should mention that Steeger finally asked her out. And she said yes. Duh, anyone would have noticed that she would have said yes MONTHS ago. He was just too chicken to actually do it.
Brent says it was his teammates that finally pushed him to ask her.
And see? It all worked out.
Once Brent’s townhome was livable again, I moved in with him. It was nice, and definitely a lot more quiet than living with my cousin.
Mr. Seabrook is very kind, in case you all didn’t know that. He always helped me out since I have trouble doing a lot of simple things. I can’t reach up into counters for anything, I can’t climb on the counters to get anything which is what I would normally do. And stairs? Yup, can’t do them. Brent carries me up the stairs at night. I mostly live on the first floor. But it really sucks when the Blackhawks are away. Then I don’t go up the stairs at all since I have no way to get up them.
Traci visits me once in a while, but she has a new student to pass on her knowledge. I wish her well in her life, now understanding that I will not be apart of it as I once was, as I hoped I would be.
And remember that minor kid? Niklas Hjalmarsson? Yeah, he’s apart of the team for good now, and we’ve become good friends. He’s a good kid. I like him. I told Brent he can stay, gaining myself a grin from tall, dark, and handsome.
I still have my nicknames for him. Those sure won’t be going away. I like them. It makes life interesting.
Now it’s December, close to Christmas. My mom is planning on staying with us for the holidays, and I think Brent’s parents is trying to come as well. Where will they sleep? That’s a good question, since there is only one guest room. But we’ll see I suppose.
I’m currently sitting on a chair in front of the counter, glaring up at the cookie mix that is on the top shelf. Brent is at practice, and I really want to make cookies. I’m having a craving.
When you’re stuck at home almost all the time with nothing to do, you get cravings. It sucks.
“You won’t win,” I told the cookie mix. “I won’t let you win.” I think I growled a little bit.
I pushed myself to my feet and hobbled over to the counter. I can sort of put pressure on my leg now, but not for long. I have a severe limp when I try to do it. And I can’t bend my leg. I’ve started on the therapy for it though, to regain the bend in my knee. I literally have to reteach my leg how to bend. It’s hard and it’s painful. I can only get a ten degree bend in it right now.
That’s nothing.
I stretched up on my toes on my good leg, my other one sticking out awkwardly, as I reached for the cookie mix on the top shelf. I’m a fairly good height, but without the ability of getting on the counter to reach stuff, I’ve recently realized that I’m not as tall as I thought I was.
And who knew you used your legs so much? I never realized how much I did with my legs, how much being able to bend my knee I actually relied on.
Until I couldn’t rely on it anymore.
“Stupid...ass...cookies,” I said through my teeth as I reached as tall as I could.
My fingers just grazed the packaging of the cookie mix when I heard the door to the townhome open, and my balance on the very tip of my toes was lost. I stumbled forward, catching hold of myself on the counter top.
Brent rounded the corner, one sexy eyebrow raised as he stared at me. “What on earth are you doing?”
I pouted. “I want cookies.”
A smile crept on his face as he wandered over, grabbing the package without even standing on his toes, and handed it to me.
I made a face. Damn him. “I could have gotten it, you know,” I scoffed.
He only laughed. “Cause you were doing oh so well,” he said sarcastically. I socked him in the arm. “Ow! Ok, I’m sorry.” He was still laughing though.
I eyed him and shuffled away, gathering the bowl to make the cookies in.
See? The teasing never went away. We just don’t get into all out fights anymore about absolutely nothing like we used to.
I actually realize now that all of those fights were just me being pigheaded and stupid.
But I’m not any less pigheaded, that’s for sure, just a little more aware of what he says instead of biting off his head for just a simple comment.
“You just make life more interesting,” he replied as if he read my thoughts, with a quick kiss to my cheek before leaving me to my cookie ways.
I hmphed, but I was grinning, which he didn’t see.
As I continued to make my cookies, Brent joined me in the kitchen and leaned against the counter, eating an apple.
“This is our year for the Cup,” he said out of nowhere.
I glanced over at him. “Really now?”
He nodded. “The Penguins won last season, and now it’s our turn.”
“Nothing like a little unhealthy competition between friends,” I joked, gaining myself a look that I laughed at. “I’m kidding. It’s totally healthy.”
Brent rolled his eyes. “Tell me again why I put up with you?”
“Cause you love me!” I said in a sing song voice.
“I’m pretty sure I don’t.” I heard the humor in his voice, and hid the smile on my lips very well as I turned around quickly and flung a spoonful of cookie dough at him, which landed squarely on his face.
“Jackass,” I said playfully as the cookie dough splatted on his face, and I started laughing.
Brent wiped the cookie dough off his face and ate it. “Mmm, tasty,” he said, just before suddenly wrapping his large arms around me, lifting me off the ground. “But now you’re in trouble!”
“Let me go, you big oaf!” I said, poking at his sides since I can’t kick my legs.
Brent made a goofy sound. He’s pretty ticklish on his sides.
Then I just started tickling him. “Stop it!” he whined and laughed all at the same time.
“Mr. Seabrook, you better put me down, you butthead!” I continued to squirm.
“That’s not a very nice way to ask me.” I gave him a look and his lips twitched into a grin before letting me back on my feet...err...foot. “Can I steal a kiss at least?”
I narrowed my eyes at him and looked him up and down. His hair was messed up, giving him a rougher look than normal. “I suppose,” I said in a bored tone before breaking out into a grin.
Brent winked and pressed his lips to my own. Still, after all this time together, after all the kisses we shared, he was still so gentle and soft, his kisses filled with love. With Daniel, as time went on, his kisses became cruel, along with the person himself.
But I know that Brent Seabrook will never be like that.
Brent wandered away from me and out of the kitchen and left me with my thoughts and the cookies. “I want one when you’re done!” he called behind his back.
“You’ll have to fight me for them!”
He turned and gave me a look as I just grinned cutely at him. “I’ll get one, no worries.”
I laughed. We’ll see, Mr. Seabrook, we’ll see.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think there will only be a few more chapters left! It's kind of sad, but there isn't much else to say about their story together :( I will miss writing this story, but I'm so pleased with how its coming and how its ending!

I hope all my readers continue to read all my other stories. Who should I write about next after Brent Seabrook is done??