Status: on hold;

We Must Reinvent Love

Start All Over?

After my little encounter with Brendon, I decided to head to my locker and head out to lunch. I spun my combination and exchanged my backpack for my black hoodie. My lighter and cigarettes were under my pile of papers so I pulled them out and stuffed them in my back pocket. Carefully, I slid it over my head and walked out into the pouring rain. Something about the Nevada rain made me feel better.

“Anderson?” Footsteps followed me as my Converse emerged foot by foot in the cold water.

“Fuck off, Brendon.” I spat.

He grabbed my arms and pulled me to our little hideout, Hell.
It was the only place we could do stuff without getting caught. Before any of you perverts get excited, I mean we could smoke without getting caught. Brendon held me against the wall, looking at me with sincere eyes. I averted my gaze to his hair sticking on his forehead. His black t-shirt looked practically glued to his body. The dumbass didn’t bring a jacket. Brendon sighed and moved my soaked bangs from my face.

“I’m sorry, okay? I-I’m sorry for being such a douche to you. I’m sorry I forgot you. I’m sorry for not sticking up for you like I used to all throughout our life. I’m just….I’m sorry.” Tears spilled down his cheeks and I was positive it wasn’t the rain because his tears were crystal clear, unlike the foggy colored rain.

“Thanks, but….I don’t know if I can be your friend again. You’re little army hates the living shit out of me.”

“Fuck them. I want to know what you think. Give me a second chance?” he asked, his eyes gleaming of hope and anxiety.

“I don’t know. You have to work your way up to being my friend again. You gotta learn me all over again.”

“I’m willing do to that.” Brendon chuckled and smiled a truly genuine smile that I missed seeing ever since I was 15. We stayed over in Hell and smoked a bit before the big door opened again. We froze and put the cigarettes out, kicking them into the grass. I was the first to walk back into the lunch area and we saw Brendon’s demons. They pointed to me, looked at Brendon, and laughed like crazy.

The tall one stepped up until he was in my face. I snarled and his eyes narrowed.

“Well, why did you bring Brendon out here? Now he’s all wet. Dumb bitch.” I slapped him and went in for a punch but Brendon picked me up by my waist and turned me around, then faced the tall jerk. I quickly turned around and crossed my arms

“Don’t ever call her that.” He growled, snatching the kid’s shirt and pulling him closer.

“Woah, chill B, I was just…”

“Shut up, Skylar. Don’t ever call her a bitch, slut, whore, or any other word you have for girls again. I swear, if you do, hell will break loose.”

A shorter one stepped up until he was next to Skylar.

“Brendon, you hate her.”

“No, I just forgot what kind of person she was.”

“A bitch?”

“No, but your mom is.” Brendon kicked him in the stomach before releasing Skylar. “Now get outta here!” The boys raised their eyebrows but shook their heads and left. Brendon turned to look at me, his face serious and his hands balled into fists. “I’m such a douchebag.”

“No you aren’t…well…you were earlier. And the day before…and the week before as well…and that month before…but that’s not the point. In general, no, you aren’t. You just got caught up in the popularity, the girls, the sports, and the life you created. You’re on top, Brendon. You’re living the life.”

“I’m not living the life without my best friend.” He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back, smiling and moving the hair from his face. Brendon chuckled and threw his arm around my shoulder before leading me over to the track.

“Are we about to take a walk?” He nodded.

“So…tell me about yourself.”

With that, I began talking about myself…from the day I was born.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long!