Status: on hold;

We Must Reinvent Love

Prom Night


“Uh, Brendon this is,”

“Don’t introduce that bastard to me again. I remember you both used to be best friends then he left your ass for popularity. You make me sick, you fucked up son of a bitch.” Dani left the room and slammed the door, stomping down the hall way.

Brendon’s shoulders slumped a bit and he sat on the bed not occupied by my backpack.

“So much for meeting her..”

“That’s just Dani, she’s just a little upset because I think her boyfriend cheated on her or something. Don’t take that to heart.”

“I tried though. I came back, didn’t I?” I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. The thing about this boy is that he tries so hard but his ADHD makes him loose his train of thought almost over half the time. He could be calm and serious but he liked to be the outgoing one, which is probably what caught the attention of that douche Skylar.
We remained in our position for a while, just talking about the past and whatnot. Brendon told me he got a new camera and that he still wanted to fill it up to show it to our parents. By parents, since my dad is a terrible bastard, he meant his mom and dad. They’ve been parents to me ever since Brendon moved here.

I think he was 5 and our friendship began when I asked him if I could blow some of his bubbles since he had a red bottle and I liked red. Then, he wanted my bubbles since mine were purple and he liked purple. Now we have a mutual favorite color, blue. No, we didn’t make ends meet because red and blue make purple. Brendon had decided that he wanted to take me to prom (think openly, we were 12) and I would wear a sexy blue dress (yes, still 12) and he would wear a black and white suit with a blue tie to match my dress because apparently blue made my brown eyes pop.

Funny thing about that is that prom is tonight and who didn’t ask me yet? Yeah, Brendon. I nudged his stomach and he blinked, looking down at me.


“You goin’ to prom tonight?”

“Yeah, on two conditions.”

“Alright, lay ‘em on me.”

“One, you go with me. Two…” he went out to the balcony and got his bag, getting out a box of red hair dye and a little container of blue creamy stuff. “You dye you’re hair red.”

“What? Why?”

“Red was the color that made us meet. Its special to me, Anderson.”

“Why the fuck would you keep that in your backpack? Doesn’t bleach get all foamy after a while?”

“Not when its made in 7th hour.” Brendon smile and led me into the bathroom. Will someone please make sure he doesn’t completely burn off all of my hair? I guess he sensed my tension because when I sat down he gave me a kiss on the cheek, a friend kiss, I suppose.

He put the bleach and peroxide in my hair and left it in until it turned a strawberry blonde color. The actual red color was next and he gently applied it, casually commenting on how pretty it was gonna turn out. Eventually, when that was all washed out and done, I could say I had fiery red hair done by my sassy straight friend. Brendon actually did a really good job, he even blow dried it for me. Now straightening, no way, that’s my thing. Not that I didn’t believe in him but I felt like if he did straighten it then it would turn out differently than how I planned. Brendon looked at me in the mirror and smiled, fluffing it with his fingers. It sent shivers down my spine and he raised his eyebrows, going to his backpack again. He came back with his black glasses on. I smiled and reached back to poke his stomach.

Now Brendon was the dork I came to know and love. I didn’t give two fucks and a slut about the ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ Brendon at all.

“Bren, we gotta go if you want to get me a dress in time for prom. It starts at 6.” I looked at the clock and it read 3:43. Not enough time if I want to look absolutely amazing. He nodded and headed outside and down the staircase. I grabbed my purse and checked my wallet, $150 should get me a decent looking dress. I snatched Dani’s car keys and ran after Brendon, jumping over the last three stairs.

“Woah, calm down Speed racer.” I scoffed and pulled Brendon into a headlock.

“Tap out. Tap out!”

“There’s nothing to tap on!” he whined, looking around for some sort of hard surface as we made our way to the gate. He tapped his hand repeatedly on my ass and I glared at him, letting him go.

“Okay, maybe I should’ve waited until we were inside of Dani’s car to do that…” I reached up and opened the gate, letting Brendon go first. I closed it behind us and unlocked the door to Dani’s car.

Brendon stood in front of the driver’s door and I cocked my head to the side.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“Let me drive you.”

Heh, whatever. I’m not gonna pass that up at all. I tossed him the keys and got in the passenger’s seat. After about an hour of driving around, Brendon pulled into the lot of a tiny dress shop called ‘Magic Kingdom’. Probably because the dresses were for the girls with the princess fantasies, but that wasn’t me, no way. I just wanted to wear a blue dress that complimented Brendon’s tie, the perfect dress. It couldn’t be just a skimpy blue dress or a big fluffy one.

Brendon and I walked inside, trying to make it in without a big fuss. But that wasn’t the case.

“Oh hello! How may I help you? Oh, your hair is so gorgeous, who did it for you? Did you know that a blue dress would go absolutely amazing with your skin complexion? Not to mention those beautiful browns you got on ya!” An old lady was at my side with a tape measure, just about to measure me for a custom blue dress.

“We have a dress in mind already! Uh, that one.” Brendon pointed to a strapless blue dress with a blue belt and diamond buckle. It was perfect, how did he know I was eyeing that one?

That physic.

“Oh that one is lovely! Absolutely gorgeous.” She pulled in out from the window and put it up against me. “And its your size! Go try it on, dear.” The lady rushed me into a dressing room and put on some mood music. By mood music, I meant Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid. Wow.

I stepped out in the dress, still in my black and white Converse. Brendon smiled but then quickly turned around. I knew he was blushing, he always did that when he wanted to say something about how I looked. The old lady just smiled and clapped her hands. The music was still playing and she stared at Brendon before pushing him so that he bumped into my chest with his chest.

“You look amazing.” He said quietly.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss the girl!” the lady yelled, right when Sebastian said ‘Kiss the girl’.

Brendon cupped my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. His lips slowly started getting closer to my face and before I knew it, they landed on my cheek. I knew it was too good to be true.