Those 3 words are just nice to hear

Those 3 words are just nice to hear

15 February: Maarten and I are celebrated the fact we are 6 months together.
Well at least I was. I dunno if he knew it tho. Maybe he thought he was here just because it was the day after valentine and we didn’t do anything for it.
But I was thrilled about the fact this day was even more meaningful than some stupid day invented by hallmark to help raising their selling’s on cards.

‘Ok I’ve got something for you too’ I said, after putting the giant leaf from Ikea (a löva) I got from him on my fatboy.
I walked over to my bed to gave him the 6 little boxes to him.
‘How do I open them?’ he asked
‘First box 1, then box 2, etc’ I replied, but before he opened them I opened my mouth again. ‘I think you’re gonna like box 4 and 5 better then the rest but I like box 6 the most’ I said, giving him my best smile and opening my laptop.
In the box 1,2 and 3 there little notes with anecdotes of the past months.
He opened box 4 and found a teacup of Philius and Ferb. When he opened box 5 and finds the ticket to a festival the next week he turned around.
‘I would’ve bought my own ticket, silly’ he said smiling. He leaned in to give me a but-thank-you-anyways-kiss.
I peeked while he opens box 6.
I could tell by his face that he didn’t have any idea what that note meant.
The note said:

‘They’re quotation-marks’ I said. He still looked confused
‘It means I have to say something to you’ I explained ‘something we never said before because you told me that it has to grow’
He smirked
‘Well, go on….’
‘I can’t….. I…. not yet, damn this is making me dead nervous’
A few minutes past in silence
‘I know what you’re gonna say’ he said suddenly
I shivered and thought to myself that he was gonna say it any minute.
But he didn’t

‘I have to go’ he said, after we finished an episode of House MD ‘I’ve got school early tomorrow and I really need that blouse you stole from me earlier’ I sniffed at the checkered blouse that I was now wearing, It smelled like him and that made me smile.
I hugged him and told him that he needed to stay for 15 more minutes. I wasn’t planning to let him go or to give his shirt back if he left sooner. After a few minutes of him trying to take the blouse off (and me holding on to it) I rested my head in his lap. He played a bit with my hair for a bit and gave me little kisses on my cheek. I knew that if I didn’t say it now, I would never do it. But I was to damn scared.
He leaned over to my ear and whispered ‘I love you’.
Those were the 3 words I couldn’t pronounce, the 3 words we never exactly told each other.
I looked up to face him and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek
‘Quite emotional to keep my blouse on, isn’t it?’ he joked while smiling.
I nodded.

As he was at the point to leave my house, I hugged him and said ‘I love you too’
I could swear I saw him blush…

-The End-

(it isn’t a good story (cuz I was on the train while writing it and I only had 30 minutes) but it’s what really happened to me ^^)