Status: Paused until further notice.

Some Secrets Are Best Kept Hidden


I'm just your average "emo Kid". I've got the black hair that I flat iron. I wear thick eyeliner and glasses. My clothing is made up of band tees, camisoles, hoodies, and skinny jeans. Every once in awhile I'll throw in a dress or skirt, but that's usually for a special reason. I wear the occasional bow or beanie. I have several pairs of converse. I'm obsessed with Invader Zim and Hello Kitty. I listen to screamo but that's not all I listen to. My favorite colors consist of Purple, black, lime green, red, and blue. I have amazing friends and the world's greatest boyfriend. So long as Lyna doesn't steal him again.

Oh! I never mentioned my name! It's Lyric Alyssa Stixx. I weigh ninety-seven pounds soaking wet. I'm like 5'2 and have really bright green eyes. I love them. I'm sixteen so I can drive. I'm a junior in high school. Life is just great... Sort if, anyways.I'm an only child and my parents are dead. They died when i was seven, in an explosion at the science lab. My parents had been major geeks, but I had loved them with all my heart. Now I live with my Aunt Josie. She's actually pretty cool. On to explaining some people who play a major part in my life.

Isabell Rose Daily. She's one of my best friends. We'll be together until the end, I swear it. She can act like a mother sometimes, which is why I call her my second mommy. She has dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. Weighs a hundred and six pounds and is 5'5.

Isabell's boyfriend is Brandon Jack Gilmore. He's a little taller than her. He has red hair and amazingly bright blue eyes. He has freckles like an Irish guy should. He also has a tattoo of an eagle with an U.S. flag behind it, on his upper left arm. He rarely smile but when he does, she says it's amazing.

Veronica Emily Parkinson. She's one of my best friends ever. She's been through all the drama with me. I've known her my whole life. She weighs a hundred and two pounds and is 5'4. She has bright red hair and bright green eyes. She can be a drama queen but I love her. She can't really be cliched as anything; She's friends with everyone. She's the most amazing singer I've ever heard. She doesn't date because she doesn't believe in love.

Silver Jayden Arik is not willing to give up though. It's kind of cute. If I were her, I'd go for it. He has jet black hair and blue eyes. He's like six foot though, so for me he'd have to shorten. All he wants is to be with is Veronica though.

Miah Stephen Dereks. This is my boyfriend. I love him more than anything else in the whole world. He's short for the average guy, but I like him that way. He's mean to most people but don't let it fool you; He's super sweet to me. I love it when he hold my hand. Or when he sneaks and kisses me, when he thinks no one is looking. If we're around a bunch of people he settles with kissing the top of my head or my cheek. Sweet little gestures like that make me love him more. He's like 5'3 and weighs a hundred and eighteen pounds. He has brown hair and green eyes. Everyday I think I fall more and more in love with him. He's not the brightest crayon in the box. This is his second year as a junior and still has credit recovery.

Lyna Sandra Wong. This is my worst enemy. She is the most skanky girl I know. She's Asian and has a mustache. She's like 5'3 and weighs a hundred and thirty-eight pounds. She's a fatty with no boobs. I've yet to understand why guys date her. Ever my dear Miah has fallen under her spell. Twice! She has nasty brown hair and dull brown eyes. There's nothing pretty about her. So how did she manage to steal Miah from me before? I can only think that sex was on his mind. That's the only thing that would've made him give me up for her. I'm not being self-conceited, just telling the truth here. Ask anyone. They'll tell you that they'd date me before her any day. She tried to tell me that three days before they broke up the first time, that he proposed to her. That's not very likely. He's always said that he's to young to think about that kind of stuff. I wish there was a way to rid the world of her.

They dated once but he broke up with her. Then two days later he asked me out. I was like I guess i could give it a try. She tried to say I was the reason they broke up. That he asked about me all the time. That shows he obviously didn't care for her that much. Then like three weeks later he broke up with me to go out with her. She gave him a freaking blow job the day after they started dating. It didn't even last a week before he broke up with her. Then a week after that he came up to me and was like, 'I know you still like me. Lyna told me'. I got nervous and was like, 'Uh... I have to get my book from Econ'. He goes, 'So is that a yes'? I was like, 'Uh... Maybe'? Then I rushed into Econ. When I came out he was like, 'I'll take that as a yes'. Then before English he gave me a note, which I still have. It goes:

Hey I can tell you want me back by the way you were acting in the hall and yes I will go back out with you just say I LOVE U and i'm yours. but you will tell veronica or whatever to move so i can sit with you in the morning OK well i gotta take this test Love you Lyric! ^_^

That's exactly how he wrote it. He doesn't have very good grammar, I know. Not everyone does though. The best thing was he said he still loved me before I did.That was a year ago. Ever since then we've been together. Lyna said I could have him, that she was done with him. Yet she says she still loves him and she texts him. If she wants to be a skanky, lying whore that's her choice.

I haven't spoken to Miah in awhile and it scares me. She had 'I love him even if he doesn't feel the same' as her status on Facebook. That better not mean my Miah. I would be so angry if they were talking right now. He just texted me! He says she hasn't been trying to get him back. [I sent him a text asking if she had.] I asked her about her status and she said it was about some Athron guy. Who is supposedly her boyfriend now. I don't know if I believe it.
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Woo! The first chapter. Please tell me if you like it. Just leave a comment. That's all I ask. Just one tiny comment to know if it's good so far or not. I'm gonna post another chapter tomorrow. Like I said all I want is one little measly comment. If I get more than that, great! I only really want one though.
-Brittanii xoxo