Status: Paused until further notice.

Some Secrets Are Best Kept Hidden


We're going back to school after a week of snow days. The day went by pretty quickly. It was right before sixth period. I walked out the door to see Miah and Lyna kissing. "How could you?" I yelled.

I ran away, crying. I heard Miah yell, "Lyric it's not what it looks like!"

I ran away from the school and everyone else. I ran straight to the cemetery. I sat and cried at my parents' graves, telling them everything. I felt a stir in the and quickly turned around. There was a pale, little girl. Her hair was so blond it looked white. She had on a cute, little, pink dress and ballet flats. "Hello? What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"You need to get away before it's to late."

"What are you talking about?"

"The one closest to you is carrying a secret. One that has been hidden for centuries. You need to get away before you, too, get carried into the chaos." Then she vanished. I heard the sound of running. I looked up to see Isabell and Veronica. The pain came rushing back, and once again I was crying.

They hugged me as I let the tears flow. "Why Ron? Isa tell me, please. Why would he do this to me?" I used our nicknames for one another.

"I'm not sure Ric," said Isabell, "Miah told us what happened. He told us you found him and Lyna kissing. At the same time I yelled 'What' -"

"I slapped him across the face." Veronica said with a grin.

"Anyways, he was upset. He really sounded sincere." The last part was directed toward Veronica.

"Well I wouldn't believe it. Not even if my life depended on it."

"Of course you wouldn't. I doesn't matter though, because Lyric is the one with the decision. He looked really stressed. He asked if we had seen you, and we told him we thought you were with him. That's when the slapping thing happened. After that we couldn't do or say anything else. It was like a dam had broken inside of him. He goes, 'It wasn't at all what it looked like. I had my eyes closed and I was leaning against the wall. I was waiting for Lyric. Then someone kissed me. It took a split second for me to realize it wasn't Lyric. As soon as i went to shove her away, I heard Lyric yell. I tried to tell her but she ran off.' "

"This is when he started crying." Veronica stated matter of factly.

" 'I can't lose her. I love her way to much. She meas the world to me. I don't know what I'll do without her. You have to help me, please.' Then it got hard to understand him. He was completely hysterical."

I sighed. "Do you think I should believe him?"

"He looked like he meant it. Even Veronica has to admit she felt bad once he started crying."

"I don't have to admit anything. I didn't feel the tinniest bit sorry for him. He got what he deserves."

"Well if you feel that way, why did you try to comfort him? If you hate someone you always laugh at their pain. You know you have a soft spot for him. We both do. You know just as much as i do, that he loves Lyric."

"I know..." she sighed, "I just don't think he deserves you, but I know he loves you. I'm jealous actually. The way he looks at you, he constantly wants to be with you, and he says the sweetest things. Really, it's cute. If I believed in love, I'd want someone like that."

I smiled. They were right. I should have listened to him. "If you believed in love, you would have someone like that. Silver is dying to go out with you. He's sweet, cute, and pretty much perfect."

"Then why don't you date him?"

"One, Miah is the only guy out there for, even if our relationship has some major problems. Two, he's too tall for me." We all laughed. I don't know what I'd do without them.

We were joking and giggling in my room when my phone rang. 'Everything you say, Every time we kiss I can't think straight, But I'm okay, And i can't think of anybody else, Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you.' "6 Months" by Hey Monday played. Miah. I answered with a whispered, "Hi."

"Please forgive me. I wasn't kissing her, I swear." He sniffled.

"I know Hun. Isa and Ron told me everything."

"Do you believe me though? I don't want you to not be mad at me, because they to told you not to. I want it to be your decision."

"Of course I believe you."

"Thank God. I love you. More than anything else in the world. Without you I'd be an empty shell going through life."

"I love you, too."

"You might wanna look under your bed. I gotta go. Bye."


I walked towards my bed. "What was that about?" Veronica asked. I ignored her question and looked under my bed. I reached under it and pulled out a box. It was purple with lime green polka dots. Written in blue sharpie it said, 'I love you, baby girl. Forever and always.'

"What is that?" Isabell asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I set it on my bed and opened it. There was a picture of us on our first date. Prom. I was wearing a beautiful, light blue dress. Aunt Josie said I ruined it by wearing my ratty, old, black converse. He was wearing a tux. It was kind of funny, 'cause I never thought I'd see him in one. Then there was a picture of us kissing. I remember Veronica sneaked and took it. There was a note. It read:

Baby girl,
You mean the world to me. I'm working really hard on this note because you are that special. Your my sunshine in this darkness. When you're not around I feel alone. I wish we could be together forever. For me good things always come to an end. I don't want that to happen to us. There's a present for you in here. I know your with Veronica and Isabell right now, but come meet me at the tree house. Pretty please? It's really important to me that you do. I love you.
Forever and always,

I looked in the box and there was a charm bracelet. I pulled it out ad showed it to the girls. They read the note. "We're coming with you. I know you wanna have alone time with him, but he's not trying anything while I'm around. I'll hide in the bushes if I have to."

"Of course you will." Since we were in our pajamas, I had to change. This seemed special, so I pulled out a black skirt. It was to short for school but I liked it. I put on a purple cami, and my Invader Zim hoodie. I slipped on some knee high converse and headed for the window. Yes, the window. It was late so there was no way Aunt Josie was gonna let me leave. It wasn't far from the ground anyways. So we climbed out the window and headed for the tree house. Which happened to be in the woods.

Once we got there, they hid. I climbed up the ladder and saw Miah waiting. He stood up and helped me the rest of the way through. "You came alone?" Surprise all over his face.

"Well it seemed like a private matter." Little did he know they were a few feet down, and could hear everything we said. He wrapped his hands around my waist and gave a little twirl. Then he gave me an innocent kiss on the cheek.

"So you read in the note, that I wanted to be with you forever." I nodded. "Well it's true. I know this may seem sudden but," he got down on one knee and took my hand, "Will you marry me, Lyric Alyssa Stixx?" I was speechless. All i could do was stare down at him. "Well?"

I just nodded my head. He slid a beautiful ring on my finger and stood up. Then he kissed me. My arms slid around his neck. His tongue darted into my mouth and my toes curled. I slid my fingers into his hair. My legs lifted and wrapped around his waist. 'Go get your shovel, And we'll dig a deep hole, To bury the castle, Bury the castle.' "Brick By Boring Brick" by Paramore played. Isabell. I ignored it and kept kissing him. 'I'm not your boyfriend baby, I'm not your cute little sex toy, I'm not your lion or your tiger, Won't be your nasty little boy, I'm not your boyfriend baby, I can't grant your every wish, I'm not your knight i shining armor, So I just leave you with this kiss.' "I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby" by 3oh!3 blasted from my phone.

"Damn it! Isabell! Veronica! I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled as Miah set me down. I pulled out my phone and read their texts.

From: Isa
What did you say?!?! We can't hear anymore!!
<|<3 Brandon's Baby<3|>

From: Ron
Why aren't you answering?! If your up there trying to lose your virginity, I'll kill you both!
Rainbow Kisses

I glared at the phone. "They are so impatient."

"Why do you say that?"

"They wanna know what's going on."

"They're down there waiting for you, aren't they?" I nodded sheepishly. "I should have known."

"Hey! I had no say in the matter! You know how they are. They're so controlling. They mother me. Veronica thinks I'm up here trying to lose my virginity. Which I'm not. She knows I want it to be special. I don't want to do it in the tree house, in the middle of the woods. Where's the romance in that?"

He laughed at me. We climbed down the ladder and told the girls they could come out. Miah kissed me one more time before promising that I would see him tomorrow. Then he took off into the darkness. "So I take it you said yes?" Isa raised an eyebrow.

I smiled. "Let us see the ring!" Ron jumped up and down. I stuck my hand out so she could see it. "Do you think it's real?"

"Of course it's real." I said defensively.

"Well you never know. He doesn't look like the type to be able to get a hold of something that expensive. He can't even keep a job."

"She's got a point, Ric." Isa said.

"There's only one way to find out," said Ron, "The glass test." They grinned and we headed back towards my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm pretty sure this is longer than the last chapter. I don't know if I'll be able to make it this long again... It shouldn't be to hard. I got my one comment thanks to emu LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!. Thank you for that. I have only one subscriber so far. *frowns* Hopefully I shall get more. It's only two chapters! All the amazing stuff can't happen yet! Jeez. More comments? Please? I'll be your best frewwwnn. x]
-Brittanii xoxo